
Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction Post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter no.15 Item?!

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As dawn broke, a sleep-deprived Austin carefully made his way along the path outlined on the map.

The soft light of early morning filtered through the trees, casting a gentle glow over the landscape. He walked slowly, holding his bike by the handlebars, mindful of any noises that might alert Team Rocket or disturb any potentially aggressive Pokémon.

"Pika," Pikachu squeaked softly from its perch on the bike, where it sat alongside Rattata. Vee, now transformed into Vaporeon, was cleverly concealed within a thermos to save space. Above them, Spearow circled, keeping a vigilant eye on the surroundings.

The forest was mostly quiet, an advantage of traveling so early when most Pokémon were still asleep.

Everyone was on high alert; after all, this was dangerous territory. Austin paused to consult the map again, verifying their location.

"We're here. So, let's start looking around; this is the place where the treasure is supposed to be," Austin instructed, as he leaned against the base of a tree to rest for a few minutes. His mind wandered to the map, pondering its origins.

Suddenly, he was snapped out of his reverie by a sharp cry from above.


"Did you find something, Spearow?"

Spearow extended his wing, pointing towards the grass.

Austin followed the direction indicated and noticed an unusual sight—a patch of soil in the shape of a half square where the grass refused to grow. It looked distinctly unnatural, a clear sign that something was buried underneath.

"Everyone, come here! Spearow might have found the treasure," Austin called out, his fatigue momentarily forgotten in the rush of discovery.

The team set to work on the curious patch of ground.

Vee used Water Gun to soften the earth, spraying it until the soil was saturated and easier to dig through. Austin and his Pokémon then began the laborious task of digging, their hands and paws working in unison. Mud splattered and clung to their clothes and fur as they scooped and clawed at the damp earth. Dirt smeared their faces, and the physical effort required left them all breathless.

After several minutes of intense digging, their efforts were rewarded with a metallic clang.

They had hit something solid.

The object was partially buried in the ground, resembling the air supply drops Austin had seen in movies and video games—a large, metal crate with reinforced corners and a sealed lid, meant to withstand the impact of a drop.

Getting the crate out required a coordinated effort.

Austin, alongside Pikachu, Rattata, and Vee, grappled with the heavy object, their bodies straining under its weight.

Although small, Spearow contributed by attaching a strap to the crate and pulling upward as it flew, adding just enough lift to help the others maneuver the crate out of the hole.

Once the crate was finally on solid ground, everyone collapsed around it, exhausted and covered in mud and sweat.

They rested for a moment, taking deep breaths of the fresh forest air, which seemed even sweeter after their exertion. Austin pulled out some snacks from his backpack, and they all shared a much-needed meal.

As Vee directed a strong stream of water at the front of the crate, the mud washed away, revealing faded lettering that read "Northern Front Battle Items." Austin paused, a berry half-eaten in his hand, as he read the inscription.

A spark of excitement lit up his eyes.

"Let's open this puppy up," he declared, his fatigue vanishing as adrenaline surged through him. Grabbing a nearby stick, he wedged it into the crate's edge. The wood, aged and weakened by time, broke easily under the leverage, revealing its contents to the eager group.

The inside of the old crate was a sorry state: filled with dirt, water had seeped in over the years, creating a sludgy mess that had decayed its contents.

Austin began to empty the crate, his nose wrinkling at the stench of rot and rust.

One by one, he pulled out the items.

Expired potions, their labels peeling and contents spoiled, were set aside with a grimace. Bands or cloths—so deteriorated it was impossible to determine their original use or form—were gently washed by Vee's Water Gun, though it did little to salvage them. A few old rusted Pokéballs and a rusted dagger were also revealed.

As Austin sifted through the remnants of the crate, his hand closed around something unexpected. He held it up, mud-caked and obscured, until Vee's Water Gun streamed over it, revealing its true form. In his hands lay a sharp, elongated claw, slightly curved, with a smooth, shiny, beige surface.

"No way," Austin muttered under his breath, his eyes widening in recognition.

Quickly, Austin placed the item in front of Rattata, who gingerly picked it up with her mouth.


In an instant, Rattata vanished from sight. The only evidence of her departure was the gust of wind she left in her wake, which tousled Austin's spiky hair and caused Pikachu and Vee's ears to flap wildly. Spearow, flying above, struggled to maintain balance as its feathers were ruffled by the sudden turbulence.


Everyone turned sharply as Rattata abruptly stopped, her body slamming into the trunk of a tree with a soft thump. She stood there, slightly dazed but unharmed, the claw still securely held in her mouth.

Vee, Spearow, and Pikachu stared in awe at the display of incredible speed. Austin chuckled as Rattata's performance had confirmed his suspicion—the item was indeed a Quick Claw, a rare and valuable tool that significantly boosts the speed of the Pokémon holding it.


Caterpie was perched melancholically on a leaf, nibbling away with little enthusiasm. As he gazed up at the sky, a wistful sigh escaped him.

Maybe one day, I'll get to fly, he thought, dreaming of evolving into a Butterfree and fluttering through the forest canopy.

Just then, the underbrush rustled, snapping him back to reality. Peering around, he spotted a human—Nobunaga—scanning the area with an intensity that seemed almost comical. "Come on, where are you? Caterpie!"

Surprised to hear his own species being summoned so fervently, Caterpie couldn't help but respond. He shuffled out of the bush, waving a tiny limb as if to say, Over here!

Nobunaga whirled around, his face lighting up with a broad smile upon spotting the tiny bug Pokémon. "There you are!"

Caterpie, flattered and a bit flustered by the attention, managed a small dance by wiggling happily. Just as he was basking in the moment of recognition, it happened.


With a swift motion, Nobunaga threw his Pokéball against Caterpie's face. The bug Pokémon was engulfed in a flash of red light, sucked into the Pokéball in an unexpectedly swift capture. The ball wiggled once... twice... and then clicked shut.

From inside the Pokéball, one might imagine Caterpie's muffled thoughts.

Well, that escalated quickly! Didn't even get to finish my leaf.

Nobunaga, holding the Pokéball, chuckled to himself.

"Well, Austin was right about a Caterpie in this place."

With Caterpie now securely in his Pokéball, Nobunaga made the difficult decision to leave his cabin behind. The looming threat of Team Rocket returning made staying there untenable. He contemplated a return, perhaps in a few months, once the danger had passed. For now, the pressing need to keep financially afloat meant more battles, more challenges.

As he approached the outskirts of Viridian City, his path was suddenly blocked by two police officers and a Meowth.

"Hello there, kid, my name is Officer James, and this is Officer Jessie."

"Don't forget Meowth."

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, we've received reports of some trainers releasing invasive species into the Viridian Forest and were wondering if you've seen or caught this Pokémon," Officer James explained, showing Nobunaga a picture of an Eevee.

Nobunaga sighed heavily.

"Did you?" Jessie pressed, grabbing Nobunaga's shoulders with a startling intensity.

"No, I just realized I could have caught an Eevee rather than a Caterpie."


The trio quickly lost interest in him and moved on, allowing Nobunaga to continue his walk to the Pokémon Center.

As he walked, his gaze fell upon the Pokéball containing Caterpie. A deeper realization dawned on him; the rare Pokémon that Team Rocket had been so desperate to capture was Austin's Eevee. Holding Caterpie's Pokéball gently against his forehead, Nobunaga felt a surge of emotion for his friend out there, possibly still in danger.

Maybe today was the day I met someone destined for danger, or fame, or perhaps someone who'll be remembered as just another name. But to me, you'll always be that kind, intelligent boy who saved me and helped me, even though you didn't have to. Don't worry, I'll make sure you're safe; I'll make sure to keep my mouth shut, my friend. These people are dangerous; they'll come after you. I am not strong; there isn't much I can do to protect you, but I can pray. And I will pray, my friend. I'll pray with all my heart that you'll be safe.


Author's Note:

Okay, a quick note: Nobunaga now has Ash Ketchum's Caterpie in his team.

1- In the anime, Samurai Boy or Nobunaga was a one-episode character, but in this fanfic, I've significantly expanded his character and actions.

How did I do?

2- Regarding the "Northern Front Battle Items" air supply drop: It's quite clear what this entails alongside the map. Nobunaga's map was originally given to soldiers to indicate where supply drops would be deployed, and the crate was essentially meant to equip soldiers with items like choice bands (which were the destroyed cloths Austin pulled out), potions, and a quick claw to aid in the northern front of the war, now present-day Viridian Forest. Obviously, Austin will try to gather more information about the war, and don't worry, I won't go into too much detail unless you want me to.

What did you think about this chapter, from the ruthless introduction of Sird to Austin acquiring a quick claw?


Thank you for your support and for enjoying my work.