
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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485 Chs

Chapter no.290 Lust and Love

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[ Author Note: Guys, can I ask for a favour? I have entered a novel by the name of " A Song of Blood and War " in the webnovel contest and I would appreciate it if you gave your power stones to that novel. Come on, help me win this. ]


" Hey, Butterfree! What do say we help you get the pink Butterfree's attention?" Lucario suggested.

"Freee?" it asked hopefully.

"Of course! We'll all help you! Right, guys?" Yellow asked, receiving a nod from everyone else.

Austin suddenly stood up while thinking ' Austin, Stop acting like a bitch and help your buddy get laid.'

Austin exclaimed," I think a good way to impress the pink Butterfree is to show off your String Shot. Why don't you try to maneuver your String Shot into various patterns? Show us what you've got!"

Butterfree nodded its head and unleashed its String Shot attack. It started as just an ordinary String Shot, but Butterfree soon began to move it around and began to form many different designs, ranging from webs to even an image of a Butterfree. The group was surprised at how talented Butterfree was while Austin was proud while he thought.

' If this doesn't get the panties off, I don't know what will.'

Austin chuckled while Pikachu looked at him weirdly.

What was there to laugh at?

"Now try to sprinkle all of your designs with your powder," Yellow suggested.

Butterfree then let loose its powder on all of the String Shot designs it made causing them to sparkle. Austin thought that if ever given the chance, Butterfree would do excellent in Pokemon contests.

"You were amazing, Butterfree!" Yellow praised it. "If you show this to the pink Butterfree, it will no doubt love it!"

The group then left the woods and headed back to the cliff overlooking the ocean. It didn't take them long to see the pink Butterfree again flying around idly amongst the other Butterfree.

" You can do it, Butterfree," Austin encouraged while he clenched his fists, "Just remember what you did in the forest."

Butterfree nodded and flew back towards the pink Butterfree. The pink Butterfree saw it coming once again and turned its head away to show it had no interest whatsoever in Austin's Butterfree.

Butterfree didn't let that upset it, though. It began to shoot its String Shot attack into the sky in different designs. Once it was finished, it sprinkled some of its powder over the String Shot. The result looked very beautiful. It then looked expectantly at the pink Butterfree.

The pink Butterfree studied the artwork for a moment before turning its head away once again. Butterfree's eyes began to water once again.

"Poor Butterfree," Yellow said.

The pink Butterfree then flew away towards the ocean and landed on a small rock just above the water for some peace and quiet. Butterfree looked on sadly, but it soon cried out in alarm once a Tentacruel leaped out of the water and cornered the pink Butterfree.

Goddamnit, why?

Austin questioned as he witnessed the scene.

Butterfree sprang into action and flew as fast as could toward the endangered Pokemon. Yellow was about to call out some commands for Butterfree to use but was stopped by Lucario.

The Tentacruel was too occupied with the pink Butterfree to notice the other one charging straight for it. Butterfree collided with the back of Tentacruel as hard as it could. Tentacruel stood dazed for a moment before shifting its attention to Butterfree.

The butterfly Pokemon gave a glare at the Tentacruel as if telling it to back off.

The Tentacruel did not comply, however, and shot an Acid attack at Butterfree who dodged the attack with ease.

Butterfree then launched a Psychic attack at the Tentacruel. The waves shot through the air and stuck Tentacruel right in the soft portion of its head. The Tentacruel gave a yell of pain before returning underneath the water.

The group grinned broadly once they saw that Butterfree had fended off the Tentacruel. To their surprise, they saw the pink Butterfree shyly fly over to Butterfree.

' Fuck! ' Austin thought before being bitch slapped on the head by Lucario who didn't say anything as he just pointed forward.

It then started to move back and forth in a dance pattern. Butterfree's face lit up and began to join the pink Butterfree in the dance.

"Well, would you look at that," Yellow smiled when she saw the two Butterfree dancing together?

"I guess your Butterfree finally got the other's attention by helping it out in its time of need," Lucario told Austin with a glare.

Austin looked down before smiling.

Butterfree didn't need to see this overly obsessed side of him. He needed to be strong and respect his buddy's decision.

"Yeah, good for you, Butterfree!" Austin shouted happily to it.

Butterfree turned to Austin and raised its hand into the air as a sign of acknowledgment. The two then flew back higher into the air to join the rest of the Butterfree flying around in the air. All of the Butterfree must have found their mates because they all began to chirp happily. It almost seemed like Butterfree was singing a song

" Chuuu," Pikachu said. It felt so relaxed right now.

"That must be their love call," Austin commented as the group listened to all the Butterfree singing.

"It's so pretty," Yellow smiled.

Yellow built up the courage to tap on Austin's shoulders and asked," Would you like to dance ?"

" You know a man is normally supposed to ask the lady."

Austin's answer caused Yellow to fluster a little before Lucario kicked him forward.

"Um, would you like to dance, Yellow?" he asked.

Yellow was delighted. She was finally going to get to dance with her crush. She blushed heavily as she took his hand.

"I'd love to, Ash," she replied.

Remembering how his father and mother used to practice their slow dance for his brother's wedding. Austin tried to mimic those moves.

Yellow blushed even harder once she felt Austin's hand against her back. They then began to move slowly back and forth. Austin was moving a lot more awkwardly than Yellow was, however.

"Eheheheh, I guess I'm not a very good dancer," Austin said in an embarrassed tone.

"You're doing fine, Ash. Just follow my lead," Yellow told him while smiling.

Yellow then began to lead him which was a challenge due to the height difference but their movements to the song the Butterfree were singing were beautiful causing many of the others to start dancing.

Bulbasaur's outstretched vines danced alongside the awkwardly smiling Chansey.

Wartortle and Ninjask were having the time of their lives.

Charmeleon and Scizor looked at each before agreeing to just dance alone.

Fearow also tried to join the loner's group before Scizor's claw slapped him in Pidgeot's direction who puffed her chest out while outstretching her wing.

" I bet I could dance better than you," Fearow exclaimed causing Scizor and Charmeleon to facepalm.

Lucario enjoyed the ambiance before he felt a tap on his shoulder he turned to see Dragonair looking at him.

" Can I help you with something?"

" Would you like to dance ?" Dragonair asked in an elegant tone causing Luacrio to reply," You don't have arms."

Lucario's words pierced through Dragonair's heart.

Thinking for a second, Lucario replied," I do have an idea of how we can dance."

" you do."

Dragonair's words were cut off as Lucario grabbed the dragon by the neck before saying with a smirk," Let's dance."

" Yes, daddy." Dragonair whispered out but not enough for Lucario to hear it.

"Okay, Ash. Now one, two, three, step. One, two three, step," Yellow guided.

It took Austin a few tries, but soon enough he was starting to get the hang of the movements he and Yellow were making. He had never danced like this with a girl before even on Earth.

Yellow herself was extremely happy at the moment. She had always wanted to share a dance with Austin like this before. Yellow was resisting the urge to lay her head on Austin's chest as that might make Ash a little uncomfortable since he was already nervous enough. Austin may not be the best dancer in the world, but that didn't matter to Yellow at all. He could have been the worst dancer, and Yellow still would not have cared because it was with him, her crush.

The Butterfree continued to sing while the four danced below. Pikachu, not having a partner at the moment, found a bottle of ketchup in the backpack and began to dance with it instead. The bottle was a little heavy for the rodent which caused it to stumble a lot as it mimicked the humans' movements while Chu Chu laughed at him before coming to him to his said and offering herself as a dance partner.

After a few minutes, the Butterfree stopped singing and the group stopped dancing. The men and Pokemon bowed while the ladies curtseyed. The dance may have been a little impromptu but still enjoyable.

"Thank you for the dance, Ash," Yellow said while blushing heavily.

"Eheheheheh, it was no problem," Austin answered while rubbing the back of his neck. He was red as well.


The group of trainers stood in front of two Butterfree, as the sun began to dip below the horizon.

"So I guess you want to go start a family of your own now, don't you?" Austin asked his Butterfree, who answered with a soft "Freeee." Yellow, wore a cheerful smile on her face.

"Then this is where we part ways, I guess," Austin said, his voice heavy with emotion. Butterfree looked up at Austin with sadness in its eyes. Austin knelt, placing a hand on the pink Butterfree's head. "This is a very special Butterfree. I want you to take really good care of it for me."

As Austin stood up, he felt a tear roll down his cheek. "Goodbye, Butterfree," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. Yellow stepped forward, her smile never wavering. "I'm sure your babies will be beautiful," Lucario added its farewell, wishing the Butterfree the best of luck.

With a flutter of its wings, the pink Butterfree took to the air, waiting for its mate to join it. "Freee?" Butterfree asked, looking up at Austin one last time. "Just go," Austin replied, his voice firm but filled with sadness. Pikachu, stepped forward to shake hands with Butterfree. "Pikachu!" it exclaimed, telling Butterfree that it knew it could achieve its dreams.

As Butterfree took to the air, Austin watched, his thoughts turning to all the adventures he had shared with this special Pokemon. He remembered the day he first captured it as a Caterpie, the battles they had fought and won together. He would miss Butterfree, but he knew this was what it truly wanted: to start a family of its own.

"Hey, Ash. Butterfree is almost out of sight," Yellow said, breaking Austin from his thoughts. With a final goodbye, Austin ran to the edge of the cliff, his feet thudding against the ground with each step. "Take care, Butterfree! Good luck, buddy!" he shouted, his voice ringing out over the sound of the wind and the waves crashing against the shore below.

Butterfree heard its trainer's voice and looked back again to see Austin

"I'll always remember you! Thank you for everything! Goodbye, Butterfree!" Austin yelled.

Hearing Austin's words, Butterfree had a few tears in his eyes as he gazed upon his human and his family suddenly, Butterfree froze as he spotted a silhouette of Raticate in the background. The smile caused Butterfree to blink in shock. But as quickly as it appeared, the shadow was gone. Butterfree couldn't shake off the feeling of unease as it looked over at its friends. Fearow, Clefable, and Charmeleon looked at Butterfree with disappointment and anger.

They had pledged to carry out revenge for their fallen sister, Raticate.

But now, Butterfree was throwing away their promise for the sake of starting a family.

"Are you coming?" The pink Butterfree asked, breaking Butterfree out of its thoughts. "What if I want to stay?" Butterfree asked, "Would you stay with me?"

Seeing the two Butterfrees talking everyone frowned before their worries were laid to rest as the duo flew off.

Austin looked down as he was saddened, yet at the same time relieved.

Maybe his departure was for the best.

Suddenly a psychic aura snatched Austin's hat out of his head causing everyone to look up as their stood, Butterfree wearing a hat.

" B, Butterfree! What are you doing she's leaving ?!"

Austin shouted out.

Butterfree in response weaved a string web into the words.

" I am staying."

Reading that, Austin couldn't control his emotions as he broke down in tears while falling to his knees.

Many of the pokemon started to cry with Yellow patting Austin's back.

Butterfree smiled as he looked back at the leaving Butterfrees while thinking.

" I am sorry; I lust for you but I love my family"

Feeling a pat on his back, Butterfree turned to see Fearow, Scizor, and Charmeleon looking at him with angry expressions.

" You think you can come back after making us cry," Charmeleon shouted out while Fearow and Scizor agreed, causing Butterfree to immediately regret his decision.

Maybe I should have gone with her.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Tastier than Magikarp and less dangerous than virtually all other water pokemon, Goldeen has become a staple of the diet of most seafaring peoples. They have short lifespans and lay many eggs, so they can replenish their population, despite being a major food source across many regions of the Pokemon world.

This is not, however, to say that fishing them is a safe or easy task. A Goldern's horn can break through a fishing net or rod, and some have even sunk fishing boats with well-placed attacks. Although not especially mobile on land, there have been stories of Goldeen, once placed in the boat, jumping overboard: like all water pokemon, they can breathe air as well as water. For this reason, most fishermen bring pokemon such as Bellsprout to kill them before they can escape.

Interestingly, although they normally dine on insects and plants, when ships sink and their crews drown Goldeen is not above scavenging human flesh.