
Chapter no.26 Yellow's First Battle

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"So without further ado, are you ready to begin the tournament?" Hennessy asked, his voice ringing with excitement as he looked at Yellow expectantly.

Yellow, feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement, nodded her head, her eyes shining with determination. "I'm ready," she said, her voice filled with confidence.

"Wonderful!" Hennessy exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with delight. "In that case, please follow me to the battle hall where you will face your first opponent. There will be ten other trainers participating in this tournament. It will be played out like a standard tournament. Each trainer will face one other opponent. The winner gets to move on to the next round while the loser is out. This goes on until only two trainers are left. The winner gets to move up to the next rank. Do you understand?"

Yellow nodded, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. She couldn't wait to begin her journey to becoming a higher-ranked trainer.

Hennessy led the group to the battle hall, which was a very large room with a deep red carpet spanning across the whole room. Unlike the rest of the Battle Chateau, the room was rather bare, with only the various pictures that lined the walls serving as decorations. Austin assumed that it was because of the intense Pokémon battles that took place in this room, and the staff didn't want to risk anything being broken.

"Madam," Hennessy said, turning to Yellow. "You will be part of the first tier, so you will be battling first in our single battle. Your opponent will be a boy by the name of Joshua. Good luck with your match."

"Do we stay here to watch her battle?" Brock asked, his voice filled with concern.

"Of course, sir," Hennessy answered, giving a bow. He then turned and left the room.

Yellow could feel her hands beginning to shake, and she nervously fiddled with them. Austin noticed this and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Yellow," he said, his voice filled with encouragement. "Just stay calm and have trust in your Pokémon, and you'll do great."

Brock nodded in agreement, and Yellow gave a small smile, feeling grateful for the support of her friends. "Thanks, guys!" she said, her voice filled with gratitude.

"I think that must be your opponent, Yellow," Brock said, pointing to the other end of the room.

Austin and Yellow turned, and sure enough, a young boy around their age was walking into the room. He had short, neatly combed brown hair, and a determined look on his face. He didn't look prepared to lose.

"Go get 'em, Yellow," Austin said, giving her a friendly pat on the back. He, Brock, and Pikachu then went to the edge of the room to watch the battle.

The judge, dressed in a crisp white shirt and black pants, stood in the center of the room. "This is an official match of the Battle Chateau tournament," he announced in a loud, clear voice. "The match shall be one-on-one. Whoever wins shall advance further in the tournament. Whoever loses shall be eliminated. Before the match begins, may the beau bow and the dame curtsey to one another."

Yellow smiled at the boy opposite of her and did a light curtsey. The boy gave a smile back and bowed as the judge raised his flags and declared the start of the match.

"This match between Yellow and Joshua will now start! There will be no time limit! Begin!" he yelled, his voice echoing throughout the spacious battle hall.

Yellow took a deep breath and exhaled, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. She was determined to win this match and move on to the next round. She reached for her Pokeball and called out to her Pokémon.

"Dody, come on out!" she yelled, throwing the Pokeball towards the center of the room.

The Pokeball opened with a flash of light and out came Doduo, the two-headed bird Pokémon. It let out a triumphant cry, its two heads bobbing up and down in excitement.

On the other side of the room, Joshua also reached for his Pokeball.

"Tyrogue, I choose you!" he yelled, tossing the Pokeball into the air.

With a burst of light, Tyrogue appeared, its compact and muscular body tensed and ready for battle. Tyrogue was a Fighting-type Pokémon, known for its speed and power.

Yellow's heart raced as she looked across the room at her opponent. "Be careful of its strength, Dody," she called out to her Pokémon.

Doduo nodded in response, its two heads focused on Tyrogue.

The sound of shuffling feet filled the room as both Pokémon took their positions, ready to battle. The room was eerily quiet as everyone held their breath, waiting for the first move.

"Tyrogue! Use Mach Punch! Go!"

Yellow watched in amazement as the small, muscular Pokemon leaped forward with incredible speed, its fist glowing with energy.

"Yellow, say a command!" Austin exclaimed.

"Oh, uh, right! Dody, dodge it!" she called out, but it was too late. Tyrogue's fist connected with Doduo with a loud crack, sending it flying backwards. The sound echoed throughout the large battle hall, the only decorations being the various pictures that aligned on the wall.

"Dody! Are you okay?!" Yellow asked, rushing over to her fallen Pokemon.

Doduo slowly rose to its feet, but it was obvious that it was in pain. Yellow could see the determination in its eyes, however, and knew that it was ready to continue the battle.

"That's great, Tyrogue," Joshua said with a smile. "Now use High Jump Kick!"

Tyrogue leaped into the air, its body glowing with energy as it prepared to deliver a powerful kick.

"Dodge it, Dody!" Yellow called out desperately.

Doduo tried to leap out of the way, but Tyrogue was too quick. It connected with a devastating High Jump Kick, sending Doduo crashing to the ground.

Yellow's heart sank as she watched her Pokemon struggle to get back to its feet. She could see that it was badly hurt and knew that it was unlikely to last much longer in the battle.

"Finish this off with Rapid Spin, Tyrogue!" Joshua commanded.

Tyrogue began to spin rapidly, its body becoming a blur as it closed in on Doduo.

"Try a quick attack, Dody!" Yellow called out frantically.

Doduo took a deep breath, gathering energy for its Quick Attack, but Tyrogue was too fast. It collided with Doduo, sending it flying backwards and crashing to the ground with a thud.

Doduo lay there, unmoving, as the judge declared, "Doduo is unable to battle! The winner is Joshua! Yellow has been eliminated from today's tournament!"

Yellow looked to the ground, her eyes filled with tears. She had lost her first battle in the tournament and never even managed to land a hit. "Good job, Dody," she whispered as she returned Doduo to its Pokeball.

She was disappointed in herself for letting her pokemon get hurt.

If only she was a better trainer than Dody's efforts would've been payed off.

If only she had given a different command.

Why did she think that it would be an easy win ?

As Yellow tried to make her way out of the Battle Hall, Austin and Brock could see the pain and sadness etched on her face. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she tried to escape the reality of the loss. Austin and Brock shared a concerned look, knowing all too well the weight of defeat.

"Brock, do you think I should go talk to her?" Austin asked, breaking the silence.

"I think it would be best," Brock replied. "She's known you for a long time, and your words might carry more weight with her."

However, as they approached Yellow, she quickly put on a brave face and turned to them with a forced smile. "Guys, let's go to the market and get what we need. I'm just feeling a bit tired, so I think I'll go to the Pokemon Center and get my Pokemon healed."

Her words were a stark contrast to the pain they had just witnessed, but Austin and Brock could see that she was trying to be strong.

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