
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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485 Chs

Chapter no.149 Light Orb

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It was a strange sight to behold; Austin, "the ten-year-old trainer," all bandaged up and tied to a wheelchair, was the sole human in the entire center as Pidgeot had pushed Austin's wheelchair to a cliff nearby, a place where he could call out all of his Pokémon without disturbing the natural ambiance of the Pokémon center. At the same time, he was not breaking any of the Nurse's rules, since he was barely a kilometer away.

So that was how Austin found himself staring at the Pokémon who were a part of his team. Pikachu was standing on the ground, with Charmander just beside him, wagging his tail now and then. Next was Bulbasaur, uncomfortable with the tail flame that drew too close for comfort at times. Fearow and Pidgeot, the two avians, stood on the ground, their sharp eyes staring hard at the new Pokémon that had an abrupt dance-off with Squirtle. Clefairy and Butterfree were hugging their trainer's legs as Squirtle was dancing with the new addition to the team, Nincada.

Austin continued to stare at the dance-off, as this was the first time he had seen a twerking Nincada. All his old Pokémon were curiously looking at the dancing Nincada. Meanwhile, Austin asked Pikachu, "Where is Raticate?"

Pikachu shook his head and gestured that he didn't know; he had been knocked out when they last saw her. A bad feeling arose in Austin's gut as he ignored it for the time being.

"For those of you who do not know what happened…" Austin began softly, "the ship was attacked by… a strange psychic Pokémon."

"I'm sure that 'psychic' is a pretty… inadequate way of describing one such as myself."

Austin's face turned late pale with shock, as every single eye on the cliff looked upwards. There, floating in the sky without a care in the world, was the strange psychic Pokémon who had attacked the SS. Anne, Mewtwo. Almost instantly, Pidgeot and Fearow appeared right above, their appendages glowing a bright blue, and Pikachu looked anxious, his cheeks sparking and ready for anything this… strong Pokémon might throw at them. All the others got ready to attack as they were ready to battle and protect their trainer at any cost. The strange humanoid Pokémon suddenly drifted down to the ground.

"Do you usually get so antagonistic towards anyone who interrupts your speeches, Ash Ketchum?" Mewtwo's voice held a teasing note.

"What do you want?" Austin gnashed his teeth. 'He wondered if the King Dragonite would listen to his summons without deciding to kill him this time.'

"The king is dead," Mewtwo said in a proud tone, and Austin felt his heart sink.

'Fuck?! Okay, think, think, think.'

Panic rose inside Austin's mind as Mewtwo snorted.

"Relax. I'm not an expert but you look fairly fragile to me."

"And who's to blame for that?" Austin thought sardonically.

"I'm here to make small conversation, Ash Ketchum. Or if I may be direct, to thank you for your contribution."

"What—what are you talking about?" Austin replied in confusion.

"You gave me a gift I haven't ever received. A challenger with power as great as my own. I must admit, even my creator hasn't gifted me with something this… enjoyable."

Austin's eyes widened as he realized the difference between the Mewtwo he knew from the anime and the Mewtwo in front of him. He didn't even want to know how this monster's mind worked.

Mewtwo felt amused.

"I do not like to be in anyone's debt, Ash Ketchum. So I have brought you a present."

Mewtwo floated a small yellow orb with electricity discharging from within it towards Austin.

"I read through the mind of your starter, he doesn't seem to want to evolve."

At Mewtwo's words, Austin turned to Pikachu who looked down ashamed.

He didn't want to evolve just yet; maybe it was for his ego or maybe it was fear, but Pikachu wanted to become the strongest of his kin just by being a Pikachu.

Austin just smiled as he rubbed his starter's head.

Pikachu needed to know that he respected his decision.

"This item was found after my partner foolishly tried to capture the Avian King of Thunder."

"Zapdos." Austin accidentally said.

"Exactly, the scientists at headquarters tried to find out what this item was but to no avail, so I stole it out of interest. You want to know what I found?"

Austin looked at the Orb and then at Mewtwo. "What?"

"That only the Pikachu species has an affinity for this item and no other electric type."

Suddenly it clicked in Austin's head. 'Light orb.'

"Light Orb, huh... that's a good name. You seem to know what that item is, as a matter of fact, you also knew me... but how?" Austin began to sweat like crazy at Mewtwo's words.

"But every time I look into your mind, it almost seems alien as it is a web of something that I can't even perceive with my current power, you are getting more and more interesting, Ash Ketchum."

Austin sighed in relief as he realized that his mind was protected.

He didn't want to know how it would affect a being from this reality to know that in an alternative world their world is a children's video game.

"Why did you attack the ship?" Austin curiously asked.

"Out of curiosity, I guess."

"But no one quarreled with you."

Mewtwo tilted his head in curiosity. "An ant does not quarrel with a boot."

Austin sighed as he realized that this Mewtwo was even more egotistical than the one in the anime. "Why are you with Team Rocket then?"

"That is an interesting question but you don't care about any of it."

Mewtwo drifted closer to Austin, who felt an incredible urge to try running away. Almost instantly, every single Pokémon close enough to Austin sprang towards Mewtwo, ready to kill a potent threat to their trainer—And then froze in mid-air.

"That was dramatic."

Mewtwo looked up at the Pokémon floating all around him, trapped inside the locks of his design. They would hear, they could see, they could feel, but they couldn't move. No matter how hard they tried. And every single Pokémon began to wail in absolute and utter agony.

"STOP IT!" Austin screamed, getting out of his wheelchair, losing his coordination, and falling on the hard ground as he crawled over towards Mewtwo. "Please… don't hurt them. Hurt me if you want, but not them."


[Author Note:

Next chapter, I'll reveal Raticate's fate. Her deal with Mewtwo. So, theorize to the best because hints were practically thrown at the wall in this and the last chapter. Thank you for enjoying my work and for your ongoing support. Have a blessed rest of the day, and please share your thoughts in the comments!