Aussie dropped into the Pokémon world without so much as a ‘how do you do’ into the body of some orphan kid. Let’s see how Gideon tries to pull a life together in a world with more danger and less friendly people than the anime ever showcased. I don’t own Pokémon or the cover picture
With a hoodie and a bandanna made from an old scarf I found covering my face, I was finally ready to get started on my little endeavour for the night I slowly make my way over to the alley where the window I need to get into the building was…with my little fanny pack filled with all I need….that 20 bucks I got from mugging that guy came in pretty handy…I'm also dragging my cart filled with two litre bottles of petrol
Meowth and slowpoke are out following me as I don't want the light from their release to draw attention…I released them just before dark hit and had them wait under the tarp….
I get to the alley and see the coast is clear, I walk over and check the metal dumpster on the opposite side of the alley and see it's still pretty much empty..
I turn around and whisper quietly to slowpoke
"Alright buddy, just like we planned, remember, do it slowly and quietly…"
Slowpoke nods but doesn't reply, I made it very clear to both Pokémon that quiet was the name of the game, no replies, only head nods and shakes unless absolutely required…
The dumpster glimmers slowly in a pink radiance that barely lights up the alley, as it slowly floats about an inch off the ground, crosses the distance and lands silently under the window I need to get into ..
I pull on some rubber gloves I purchased a few days ago….but big for a child's hand but I'll make it work, I don't know if fingerprints are thing here, I'm not taking chances though
The window was pretty high up and I needed the boost, I slowly walked over and grabbed a plastic crate that I planted here over the week and stacked it next to the dumpster before climbing up with steady and silent steps..
I reach for the window to find it's still unlocked as I slowly push it open, it squeaked a tad, but it was probably louder to me being as focused and in the moment as I was…
And after it was opened, I turned back and nodded to meowth, who proceeded to lightly jump up onto the dumpster and than leapt through the window with practiced grace, not making even a peep as he landed..
I peek over to see meowth scoping the place out before he turns back to me and nods..
I then heave my self up and squeeze through the window with only a little bit of space to manoeuvre as it's a very thin window..
I managed to wiggle through to hang off the inside of the window before I dropped, making barely a sound…
Slowly bottles of petrol float through the window as I catch them as the start to fall, that goes on till all 25 bottles are secured inside….this place was going to burn, these will make damn sure of that…
And finally slowpoke floats up to the window letting off faint pink energy as he attempts to get through the tiny window….key word tried…he got stuck half way with his legs hanging out in the alley…he's a chonka chonk, that's for sure, but he definitely earns his meals with how hard he trains…
I knew this would happen so I pulled out his balled and called him back….i then released him back on the floor….ok so far so good, we're in with no one seeing us…
We then move to the exit door to the bathroom, and luckily it was one of the shitty door locks that can be opened with a simple turn of the handle from the inside, slowly, oh so slowly i open the door, the click of the lock disengaging felt like a goddamn bomb went off in the silence of the room…But it was more to do with me being very tense most likely…
I opened the door just a bit more and unzipped my fanny pack….god I hate wearing this thing, it looks ridiculous, but what's even worse is how useful it is…I pull out some pre torn stretches of duct tape and layer them over the inner door locks to stop them from engaging when the door shuts….I place 3 bits of tape just to be sure…just incase we need a quick get away
I bought the tape a few days ago with some other nicknacks to help out with tonight, all stored in my….Fanny pack
Checking to make sure it was working by slowly closing and opening the door a few times, I was satisfied it would hold just fine…
With that me and my two mons slinked into the dark store moving through the isles not making a whisper of sound as we beelined straight for the back office door…
I was ready to ask meowth to break the door knob off with a quick iron tail while slowpoke held it tight so it made minimum noise….but stopped myself…before going that route I thought I would check to see if it was open first….and Lo and behold it opens….why would they not lock everything? Were they just that confident in the shutters out the front or was I wrong and there really isn't anything valuable here?….well to late to turn back now…
I slowly open the door, which thankfully didn't make an iota of noise and quickly poked my head inside to see what was in there…
It was a typical back room, woodgrain panels halfway up the walls with a greyish paint finishing the rest that wasn't covered in before mentioned panels, there were a few shelves around a couple of small desks and one big disk in the middle with a little bit of paperwork sitting on top..
But what caught my eye was a jail house style steel bar door that seemed to lead downstairs….bingo….
That door would be a problem back in my old world, as I don't know how to lock pick or have any real skills that could get that door open…but here…all your problems can be solved with a single word…..pokemon…
I knew for a fact meowth could smash through that thing with an iron tail or two…but before I order that, I jerked my head to the side to give the order to follow and quietly led slowpoke and meowth back to the bathroom..
As we arrived i started speaking in whispers about what comes next..
"Did you guys see that steel bar door?"
Two affirmative nods
"Alright here's what we're doing….you two are gonna stat boost in here, it lets out a little too much light for us to safely do it in there without possibly alerting anything downstairs….now, when we get back in there, I want you two to coordinate and hammer down that door from each side with iron tail…"
Two more nods….They both look very serious…I've told them that a bad fuck up could mean the death of us all….this is a bigger gamble than I would normally be willing to make…but I'm going to make it anyways…
"Aright, with that covered… the second that gate is down you two have to rush down stairs as fast as you can, and kill whoever or whatever is down there…human or Pokémon….no battles cries, no taunting…just put everything you have into ending whatever is standing between us and whatever it is they hide down there…I suspect one, maybe two mightyena, so as I, said rush them with everything you have….slowpoke, you follow meowths lead, whoever he attacks is your target, and remember no psychic moves, they will be dark types so it won't work….and if there is a human, it's your job to lock him up so he can't possibly call out any more help…"
Two more serious nods
"And if for whatever reason there is more than 3 mightyena down there, you abort right away and make noise as you retreat, I'll meet you at the window with pokeballs ready for a quick get away…"
The two don't need to nod anymore as they understand it's game time….meowth starts to glow a pale white as his muscles start to expand with work up , and slowpoke let's off a faint pink hue as he tilts his head to the side, stacking up amnesia, to be honest it took me a few training sessions to learn he had the move, meowth shows signs of change from his stat booster, but slowpoke just tilts his head and glows a little…why I didn't realise sooner was because he glows from time to time pretty often, he uses his psychic powers to scratch places he can't reach…so…yeah
With my Pokémon stacked and ready we head back to the room, the two take positions and look to me…and I give them the nod…
Both dash at speeds that would put animals from my earth to shame as the both land a rotation enhanced iron tail on each side of the door…
And before the door has even hit the other side of the wall from being blasted off it's hinges my Pokémon were already rushing down stairs to engage whatever it is that was down there…and it turned out there was something down there, as I heard a *THUNK* *CRACK!* followed by a very pained dog like yelping…
What followed were maybe the most stressful 4 minutes of either of my lives as I heard fierce combat rumble the ground I stood on with flashes of what looked like fire appearing in the darkness downstairs…..i was regretting sending my guys down there….thinking what had I done….i couldn't even help, I would just be a liability down there….I heard the dog like growls and yelping dyeing down…
There was a minute of silence….I was basically heartbroken I thought I sent my best friends to their deaths….
Suddenly there were light steps as I look down the shadowed stairs to see meowth covered in burn marks and blood….not his blood by the looks of it…he seems a little tired but basically fine as I bend down and hug him, and he starts to purr as silently as he could….I can't believe how stupid of a risk this was….
Before long slowpoke floats up the stairs covered in some burn marks and blood as well, but equally as uninjured…heal pulse must have played a big role down there
I turn to give him a quick hug as well, to which he responded by leaning into the hug with that stupid look still on his face…
I spent maybe 20 seconds hugging them before i get my head back into the game and realise we still got shit to do…
So I make my way down stairs and what I find shocks me…it's dark, but my eyes have adjusted so I can see well enough….I see 3 dead mightyena and what looks like 4 dead poochyena….i wanted to ask why they didn't run, but I was to late for that now and we were on the clock
Some have their heads crushed, some have been torn to shreds, but all of that have one thing in common, they were all lifeless corpses now….
Pulling out of my shock, my paranoia flares a little, I turn to my Pokémon and tell them..
"Double tap guys, go around and crush all their heads, make sure they're dead…"
Slowpoke starts wondering around with a glowing tail as his starts thwapping everyone of the defeated dogs…but I ignore that I favour of pulling out my torch from my fanny pack and start looking around….I can see decently , but I didn't want to miss anything..
And I almost instantly spot something…a table with what looked like pounds of whatever drug they have been pushing lately, I know the drugs in this world are pretty similar to my old one, but they have some different ones here because of Pokémon apparently..
I didn't know what was in those white packages with packing tape wrapped around them but they were coming with me…not that I wanted to use them or anything, and I wouldn't even be able to sell them in Viridian, but they could be useful for something one day…they had to be worth a fortune….luckily I spotted about 6 black canvas bags near the table…
I swing my torch around to find a large metal storage case…like a wardrobe made out of metal…I approached it and opened it…it had no lock and….I had hit the jackpot!!
On one shelf rows of pokeballs and great balls, at least least 20 of each, all of them clearly empty..
Another row, stacks of thick CD looking discs covered in thicker see through plastic….TM's!!! And there are like 15 of em!!
And finally on the last row….cash….lots and lots of cash….there had to be over 150k stacked there!!, fuck yes!!!
But before I started celebrating I realised I was still on a time crunch and run over to grab the canvas bags as I started using my whole arms to sweep everything into the bags as fast as I could..I turn around to speak to my Pokémon…
"Slowpoke, run upstairs and grab 5 bottles of petrol and be quick about it, and don't spill any"
Slowpoke has already squelched all the dogs heads, I did hear a dogs yelp a second ago but i ignored it in my excitement…slowpoke floats up the stairs at a hurried pace
I finally fill 2 bags with TMs, pokeballs and cash before strolling over in measured but excited steps as I fill 4 more bags full of drugs of which I don't know the name of…
Slowpoke returns pretty fast with the petrol and sets it down and waits…that's when I hear a weak….."chooop"
I freeze for a second before turning around in panic thinking someone's already here and I'm done for, only to notice a small cage I seemed to have missed before..
Meowth stands in front of me as I slowly approach the cage and flash the torch inside to see a small grey humanoid with 3 ridges protruding from his head….
He looked all skin and bones, even worse than when I first found meowth, he looked basically dead…but his eyes….they burned with hope and vengeance…hopefully not against me, or he's going to be burning down here with the other corpses…
This guy looked like a prisoner, locked in a small cage and not fed for god knows how long, not that I could claim to be a softhearted individual as I literally just had my Pokémon massacre an entire pack of other Pokémon… but seeing him caged like that just felt off
But the look in his eyes….I saw him look past me…the vengeance in his eyes was focused on the now dead pack of mightyena….he turned to meowth and all I saw was gratitude..
Well I'm pretty flush with cash now, and a machamp would be a pretty good addition…
"Hey buddy, I know this is a bit sudden, but i don't have a lot of time, would you like to join us?"
He didn't even take a moment to think before ramming himself up against the small cage front with tears in his eyes and nodding his head as hard as he could with a "CHOOP!"
"Alright buddy hold still"
I take out of of the pokeballs from my inner jacket and un shrink it before tapping it on his head before sucking him in with a faint red light…no wiggle, just caught…
Before suddenly letting himself back out and taking a few kicks at the mightyena corpses and turning around to a small desk he opens and pulls out another pokeball and holds it up to me….
I somehow knew exactly what he wanted
"This is your friend and you want him to come with us?"
A very hard and fast nod followed…
Well I guess I'm up to 4 Pokémon now, I'll figure out whatever it is when I get home… for now I got to get out of here…
"Alright buddy I'll bring them with us, but for now jump back in your ball, we gotta get out of here and we got a long run ahead of us, and you look ready to keel over…so rest up for now"
I put away the new ball in my inner pocket and return machop without much trouble before taking the petrol bottles and I was about to start spreading it when I remembered I nearly forgot a key detail…
I reached into my fanny pack and pulled out can of purple spray pain before walking up to the grey cinderblock wall and spraying 'IT'S MY CANDY NOW, COME TAKE IT IF YOU CAN!'
I knew from rumours there was a crazy guy 'the candyman' who was part of the toxic arboks who did shit like this, attacked rival gangs and left this mark, I don't know if they will buy it but it was worth a shot…
I drop the can of spray pain before starting to douse the corpses in petrol before moving upstairs to start filling the store with the rest of the combustible liquid…
It took maybe 5 minutes because we were rushing a bit, but we covered everything….good thing these goons don't specialise in water types aye?
And after I squeezed all the canvas bags through the little window, I climbed up myself before recalling my mons while hanging outside the window, and releasing them again before I packed everything on the cart…I pulled out a Molotov I made up before stopping myself lighting it..
I pull out a pokeball and hit the release, a dull white light shines and a machop who looks like a good breeze would bowl him over appeared…
"Hey mate, I thought it might be therapeutic for you to throw this….make sure you get it through the window…."
I light the rag at the end of the bottle and hand it to him…he takes a second before he understands what was happening. after taking careful aim, and an underarm toss, the bottle perfectly went through the window and with a quick *SMASH* and a big *WOOOOF* it was done, it sounded like someone lighting a BIG bom fire….
Machop just smiles as he watches the flames rise from the window, I just pat his head before returning him and started pulling my cart at a decent pace, leaving the scene of the crime…