Storm lead the way out of town. Lucy and Barb were only a few steps behind me as we were walking out of the busted walls. Barb-"Shouldn't we stay here in the town, its safer than in the wild right?" B-"No, this town is full of food for pokemon. Although an army of them may not attack, but I promise tonight this town will be swarming with pokemon eating on the dead. Most likely, by tomorrow morning there will only be blood stains that remain of the victims of the town. We need to get away before it gets dark. We will setup camp after we put some miles between us."
The rest of the evening was really quiet. I had Storm kill off whatever pokemon that were in the area. I never thought of trying but asked him if he was able to store things in the space. Surprisingly he was able to store stuff as well. I guess since we are both reincarnated from Earth, MFVO must of hooked us up. I regret not trying this earlier as we passed on a lot of stuff. Now I may just turn him into a thief with his ability to disappear in the shadows.
A few hours had passed already and getting dark. We had moved a good way from the road to avoid any attention and I honestly felt safer in the woods than along the road. We got the camp setup and I had Storm bring an Ekan over. Storm had killed it while we were setting up the camp. We made small talk while I cooked it over the fire. The ladies were nervous about being in the woods, but I couldn't blame them considering what they went through the past 24 hours.
Lucy-"What are you plans after getting us to the Celadin?" B-"Not sure, sell some pokecores and gather some information on area. I'm not from this area and just happened to be coming through when I saw the smoke from the outpost. I got there when the pokemon were already leaving the outpost. We waited for a while then made our way in the town and killed off the remaining pokemon." Barb-"Me and Lucy went to college in Vermillion city at the pokecollege and became scientist since the pay is amazing. We aren't from this island, we grew up on a small island that you could take a 4-hour boat ride to. We haven't been home since the pokemon changed since water travel is very expensive and dangerous." B-"What are your plans when you get back to Celadin?" Lucy-"We are planning on reporting everything and getting help. We will most likely be sent to another outpost or to a research center. Our company is just about everywhere doing research on the new pokemon." B-"Here you guys go, eat up." Barb-"Thanks, will we be okay out here?" B-"Yeah we will be more than safe, you guys already met Storm, but I have a few more special pokemon I'll pull out later to make sure nothing gets near us." Lucy-"Can I ask how old you are Bash? You look kind of young." B-"Well I'm 16, I will be 17 in a few months." Barb-"OMG you are so young, I thought you may be 20 or around there. You're really built for someone so young." B-"hahaha thanks, your built really nice too. How old are you guys." Barb turned beat red when I said that. Both Lucy and Barb were attractive, I guess that was one of the reasons I agreed to helping them out. To be honest, now that I'm thinking about it. All the people ladies I have seen so far have been attractive. Even the old ladies back in the town had nice figures, they just had a few wrinkles, grey hair and the old lady voice. Barb-"I'm 26 and Lucy is 28."
We continued the small talk for another hour or so before I wanted to get some sleep. I walked out of the camp area and let Duke and Achiles loose. B-[alright guys, go have fun. If any pokemon get close, try and capture them if they fit the criteria but if not kill them. Storm can send stuff in the space so no need to worry about it. Be safe.] After that, they left and I went back into the camp and got inside my tent. I took out some wipes and cleaned myself up a little bit.
All sorts of thoughts were going through my mind at the moment. I need to capture a bunch of swimming pokemon and well just pokemon in general it seems. I could make a small army of pokemon. Well I guess I will talk with Delia tomorrow after getting to town. Closing my eyes I started to fall asleep. Suddenly I sensed Lucy and Barb walking toward my tent. Once they got close to my tent they stopped. I was hoping they would come on in. After a minute of them standing outside I finally gave up and said B-"you guys can come on in." Lucy and Barb both sucked in a bunch of air as they believed they didn't think I knew they were out there. Lucy came in first followed by Barb. They were both in their pajamas, Both of where wearing similar pajamas button up shirt and shorts that barely covered their big asses. B-[MFVO, thank you for sending me to this world] B-"are you guys okay?" Barb-"honestly we are a bit nervous and want to know if we can sleep with you in here." B-"It's fine, this mattress is big enough for everyone. As long as you guys don't mind." Lucy walked right over and laid next to me. Lucy-"Thanks Bash." B-"No problem." Barb came to my other side and laid down on the other side of me. Both of them grabbed an arm of mine and sandwiched my arms between their racks. Lucy grabbed my hand with both of hers and held my hand between her legs. Barb just held my arm with one hand and put her other hand on my stomach. At this point the third tent in our camp got pitched. Barb-"Thanks for taking care of us and getting us out safely." With that she kissed me on my cheek and as I thought she was done she grabbed my ear lobe with her lips and nibbled on my ear. The hand that was on my stomach moved down to my boxers and grabbed on the main tent pole.
MFV0-"Well guys have a great weekend. Don't forget to leave reviews. Yeah your author knows its only 20 something chapters but who cares. The people who leave comments but no reviews will end up being STD's in the story. Some will be from human/human skinship…. Some will be from human/pokemon (for the bad reviews) lmao… have a great weekend