

Join Nicole on her journey, one of self-discovery, across the Kalos (and other) regions. Follow as she lives life to the beat of her own drum, and maybe enjoy all the love she has along the way. /* Will be Harem (Check aux chapter). There isn't a futanari tag, but be included for a long time. I’m more of a story writer than a smut writer. Combination of anime, game, romhacks, and a dash of au rulebending. Will not strive to make pokémon too serious, I guess. No perma-death and all that jazz. Will be lemons, but they will be sparse at the beginning because I’m not great at writing them and will mainly focusing on storyline there. Chapter every week at 8:00 AM MST (UTC -7) I don't own anything except my OC(s). Please don't sue me. */

RunningOnJava · Video Games
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75 Chs


Hello everyone.

It's been difficult these last several weeks as I had argued with myself many a time over whether to do this, but I've made my decision. As of this chapter, PokéLove will be going on an indefinite hiatus. I can't go into many specifics, but life events have changed my trajectory and I will no longer have the time I used to have to write, or even look at my accounts anymore.

It was truly a pleasure writing for everyone, and I did not make this decision easily. However, I thought it best to at least give some modicum of closure.

However, I still believe in some small mote of hope that I will once again find the time to write again which is why I'm putting this on hiatus, but I also know it's fruitless hope as the only time in my foreseeable future that would be open enough is years ahead.

So, for what may be the last time, thanks for reading!