

Cursed by the Gods to end a war, hunted by the people who started it. * After being found guilty on the charges for practicing witchcraft, Yima was sentenced to life and in three years time she was to be executed. The ship that was transporting new prisoners to Osi was attacked by the notorious kuozwa, the pirate king's private ship. After agreeing to marry the pirate king's son in exchange for a chance to enroll at the only magic school, Ngula, Yima doesn't expect any more trouble to come her way, but it does.

Shibawrites2 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

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Her screams got louder and louder. The pain from her previous wounds rushed in, crippling her. Every slight movement that she made caused her loose skin to rub against her clothes. The worst part was that she couldn't stop herself from moving.

 Her eyes were barely able to open. 

 Her body began shaking uncontrollably. She shouted for someone to make it stop, to make the pain go away.

  Her throat was sore and her voice broken, all she could do was whisper. 

 Her surroundings became blurry, her heartbeat the only sound she could hear. She felt it even before it made contact with her body but she was now too weak to move and try to dodge Zelda's strikes.

  She stood there, motionless. Unable to utter out a sound, but dying on the inside. She felt her body hit the ground hard. She collapsed before the owner of the fancy shoes approaching her was at arm's length. 


  Yima opened my eyes, the sight of a floor crowding her vision. She was laying on a bed face down with no idea how she even got here.

 She tried getting up and leaving whatever room she was placed in but failed, her body was numb from the  neck down. 

 All she could notice as she rotated her eyes around was that she was stuck on a stranger's bed shirtless.

 Her heart beats gained speed as her mind came up with various situations that she might have found herself in. Most of which weren't pleasant.

 Cocking her head to the left after only being met with a dresser and table at her right, she

caught sight of a figure.

 It was easy to tell that it was a boy, she couldn't see his face but he seemed so familiar. He was making his way towards the bed.

 "Don't take another step closer." She said, her voice barely audible. Who knew what would happen if he got anywhere near her, especially since she couldn't defend herself in this state.

 He stopped walking for a second before continuing. 

 "Did you not hear me?" She questioned.

 He was now at arms length, he smelled like he was just from taking a bath, which was probably true considering the fact that he was dressed in what seemed to be his sleeping clothes.

 "Shut up." He casually said as he took a seat next to her. 

 Yima sighed, "what more do you want from me?".

"The first thing I want you to do is shut up and let me do my job." He sat down and glared at her, obviously irritated.


 "I need your help, the Ashin tournament is in a few months and I've lost my most important student, we can't win without him and sadly, he won't be able to participate in the tournament," Yima didn't like where things were going, "I need you to help me prove Lilith guilty for the damaging of Neon's arms." 

 Yima's eyes widened. 

 "Lilith would never do such a thing." 

 "Neon also wants to be Leandre's Ashin, she knew she didn't have a chance so she destroyed his most prized possession, his arms." 

 Yima zoned out.

 "He was the one holding the team together, he can't do that now all because of Lilith." 

 "She's not the one responsible." Yima stared at the night sky through Hunter's small window and she stared at the past painfully, knowing she could never change it. 

 "She already got punished, I can't blame someone else." 

 Yima was disgusted with herself, she hadn't realized how much her actions affected everyone. A whole house has lost hope, Lilith was punished for her sins, Hunter will die from guilt once he finds out the truth.

 "You're sick." She sneered loudly at herself, Hunter thought she was talking to 

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