

Cursed by the Gods to end a war, hunted by the people who started it. * After being found guilty on the charges for practicing witchcraft, Yima was sentenced to life and in three years time she was to be executed. The ship that was transporting new prisoners to Osi was attacked by the notorious kuozwa, the pirate king's private ship. After agreeing to marry the pirate king's son in exchange for a chance to enroll at the only magic school, Ngula, Yima doesn't expect any more trouble to come her way, but it does.

Shibawrites2 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


[I'm still a believer but I don't know why

I've never been a natural

All I do is try, try, try] 

 "Who undressed me?" She asked softly.

 "Please don't tell me you are the one who undressed me." She added, a little embarrassed.

 "I had to." He said dismissing the matter. All the embarrassment was gone, she was furious.

 "You could've taken me to a Naka." A healer was the best person for the whole job that was taking care of her. 

 He spared a glance at her face before refocusing. "I did, you should be thankful that I'm even attending to you."

 "I didn't ask for this. Anyone other than you is better."

 "You wouldn't have afforded a Naka."

 "What do you mean?" It didn't make any sense. "The school provides free medical care for its students." He laughed mockingly at her statement.

 "For someone who hates being called stupid, you really are stupid." 

 She ignored the snarky comment.

 "Why are you helping me?" She asked instead.

 "I already answered that."

 "That still doesn't explain why you wouldn't ask someone else to undress me." He had no right.

 "Like who?" He stopped what he was doing and glared at her. 

 "Kai or Darsheill." His jaw clenched. There was an uncomfortable silence as he continued to glare at her.

 "From now on you'll be under the care of those two." He stormed out before she could even say perfectly fine with me.



 It started like a prick of a needle, hesitant but also determined. It later developed into a thousand pricking sensations. 

 She could feel her muscles relax and straighten, the tight skin going loose again. 

 Her body was no longer numb.

 At that moment she didn't care about anything except feeling numb again.

 "Hunter!" She screamed, the only response she got was an echo of her cries. 

 She continued screaming his name hoping he wasn't like her and would easily forgive her and come back. 

 She could hear her stitches open, the feeling of tiny wires against rough raw skin making her want to pull her own heart out to end the misery.

  When she heard and felt her bone break, she desperately yelled out please and it worked, just like the magic words you say to an enchanted door.

 The pain ceased, she was numb again.

 "Pathetic." Hunter sneered as soon as he walked in.

 Yima turned her head away from him and closed her eyes.

 Who was she trying to fool, she wasn't as tough as she liked to make others think. No matter how much she wanted to get her revenge on him, she knew deep down that she didn't have the guts to do to him and the other leaders what they had mercilessly done to her. 

 There was a silence unlike any other she had experienced with him as he closed the distance between us, it felt suffocating.

  Her hands lost their numbness when tears started streaming down her face. He knew that she was crying even though she was facing away from him and didn't make a sound. She didn't know how to feel about that.

 He got closer.

 As he reached out to her, her right hand brushed against his. She moved away instantly because he seemed to be frozen and couldn't move his hand away.

 He cleared his throat, "I'm almost done with the healing," he stopped mid sentence probably hoping that she would say something to which she did not, so he continued, "after lunch you should always come straight to me, I need to continue the healing procedure, this time I'll focus on your inner body." That didn't sound right.

 Thankfully this little interactive took her attention off her lines, for now. He wasn't lying when he said he was almost done because she slowly started to feel different parts of her body.

 "Do you feel it?." He asked but something about the way he said it didn't sound like he was talking about her body losing the numbness.

 "Feel what?" She questioned as she sat down and faced him. 

 It felt good to be free again, her body was still aching but it was better than before. 

 She took a glance at his window and it was still pitch black. 

 She felt what he was asking about a few seconds later. Faster than a yonio attack, a surge of electricity ran through her body leaving her shaken. 

 "Oh." Was her only response.

 His eyes drifted from her eyes to her chest in a slow, unhurried way, like he had all day.