
Poisoned Truth

A girl pampered like a doll living in a beautiful and classic doll house along with her pampering parents and her trusted companion. A perfect family, don't you think ? But what if she is given the most bitter drink by her parents, would she drink it or spit it out? Horror and Darkness can't be washed away completely but maybe there is an alternative solution to it. Would the girl find the truth of it all or would remain just a lost cause? What is Truth ; Poison or Bitter? If curious, then you are welcome to the read the story to find out.

Nandita_Sahu_7583 · Teen
Not enough ratings
58 Chs


At the Police station,  they are having a serious discussion about the rapid rise in the number of weird cases recently. In Lakshman's cabin, they all were looking through separate case files, while Kritak was doing something on the computer, typing fast on the keyboard, the loud button-tapping sounds were the only sound in the room.

  Lakshman was reading Nimit's case profile, he read his background and history of activities, he was amazed that he had a clean chit, not even small indiscipline activities, as for his background, he belonged to a rich family but his parents disowned him for an irrelevant reason and left him to the streets.

But one thing bothered Lakshman about Nimit's case; how did he precisely commit his crime and escape if it had not been for Hrida then we might have been late to catch him. A teenager who had a clean and well-behaved background, how can he alone do all this? This is all that shadow master's work, he has some manipulative powers over people's minds.

Lakshman remarks," Kimaya ji, I didn't find anything disturbing criminal background rather he has a well-behaved history, which is strange how he enacted his crime like an experienced criminal. This doesn't look like he has done on his own, rather it looks like someone has made him do that."

Kimaya( Soma's mom) responds with a thoughtful gaze," But Lakshman sir, even if someone brainwashed his brain to enact such a crime still how did he do with ease like as if he is experienced, isn't that strange? Whoever it is, he is something dangerous if he can make an innocent well-mannered teenager go to such an extent.

I studied Vanya's case details, Vanya was married at the age of 24, and she is also a working woman, interestingly, this couple's relationship was stable and healthy. But within the recent few months of the current year, he suddenly had anger issues and aggressive behaviors, at first, they thought it was an emotional outburst or tension, etc.

But after some time, his aggressive outbursts increased and he even once almost hit her wife. And the market day, he completely loses control over simple things and attempts to murder her. This is clearly psychotic aggressive man symptoms but the interesting thing is, Vanya's husband never liked violence, he used to be the calmest person and he loved her wife, he even supported her in her difficult times, according to neighbors, their families, and his colleagues. This is just like feeling burned while standing on ice.

And, like your case, Lakshman sir, this criminal had also a well-behaved history. Hmmm. Something tells me these cases have a pattern, which we need to figure out. Okay, Dhansi ji, now, your turn, tell us, what did you find?"

Dhansi ji notifies with a slow-paced tone," Well, Kimaya Mam, I was studying Ojas's case folder, he is at the age of 21, and he is studying at a renowned university because of his scholarship. According to his history, his profile indicates him being a scholar and a talented student. He has achieved many achievements in his life, he is good at studies, and he has talent in various categories of creativity.

But he seems to have no friends, his professors told me that he had friends but it has been a few months that he has been sitting alone and having a gloomy face every day, they talked with him then he revealed that his classmates and ex-friends were bullying him mentally for his winnings, talent and non-existent show-off behavior.

After that, the professors for the sake of the bright student, discussed with his batch mates but later they started disturbing him even more by spreading rumors about him, making comments, constantly poking him every time, and behaving nicely in the presence of the professors or staff members.

He was isolated and even disqualified from many competitions because he was accused of sabotaging others' performances and many other things but this boy didn't let it affect his studies although he started behaving ill and creepy according to the same professors, they were observing his weird and strange mannerism during the classes, and eventually, he got suspended because of trivial invalid reason reported by an obnoxious powerful student.

His neighbors informed me that he has been drinking lately for quite several weeks, they have heard glass smashing noises, and creepy loud laughter which scared their kids and even the adults. One of the neighbors noticed blood on his hand and a broken glass bottle in the other hand, then later it was found that he smashed the head of the student because of whom he got suspended.

Strangely, the injured student didn't file a complaint and a few days after that one of the kids while standing on the balcony saw a girl covered in a shawl and a black cat with her, then Ojas came out running while laughing like a maniac, the kid screamed, the neighbors were shocked to see the inside of his house such a chaotic and messy state and he too looked abnormal, so they reported us.

But sir and mam, wasn't he the same, a well-disciplined student then how his behavior suddenly changed like a 360-degree turn. I think Kimaya mam is right, all these cases seem to have a pattern I guess.  Good-profile people are the chosen target ones to be turned into a dangerous case ultimately. Now, Kritak, it is your turn, please go ahead."

Kritak summarizes with his quirky tone," My case is a bunch of nutcases indeed, three nutcrackers who love to crack animals literally, quite a dark humor, isn't it? Three girls named Ambar, Disha, and Drishya, whose names are beautiful but whose activities aren't.

Surprisingly, these three girls used to be part of an animal activist group and have rescued a lot of animals in the past, they had even volunteered for a campaign named ' How to treat animals' where they showcased beautifully ' the way and process of how to treat with animals' and the audience being inspired they relayed the message to different areas, gradually they were honored with prize and certificate for their kind efforts.

This is like a huge blow to my mind, seriously, this is like the climax scene where the Protector morphs into Predator. The strange events happened to them just a few months ago when this trio gang left their home suddenly without informing their families and started living on their own, living near that jungle surrounding the ' Parvati Hill' temple, but somehow they were out of money instead they used to buy expensive items according to their gang.

And, you won't believe they have killed nearly 30 animals, not just some normal murder, painful torturous death and we have even witnessed it once with our own eyes. And the question about money sources is that they had been stealing money from their own families.  It is the same story, a sweet fruit gone poisonous.

Ohhhh... I forgot to mention that a call came from Ela's father, I received the call, and he asked me whether he was calling at  a police station, then eventually he asked me to file a complaint against a black cat, and then the call got abrupted out of the blue, I dialed the same number, the phone rang but no one receive the call, so, I sent two police officers with permission of Kimaya Mam and they might arrive anytime soon-"

Two police officers entered with gloomy expressions and slowly neared them and delivered the information," Sir and mam, we went to check whether they are in some trouble, then we got there we faced terrible sight, their… their daughter Ela laid blue and lifeless in the garden due to snake bite, and Ela's parents were locked inside their home when I released them.

They were behaving similarly to those abnormal criminals, their heads were bleeding, and instead of weeping they were cackling with uneasy smiles. And, when we asked them why and how were they locked, they simply stated " That pretty little doll's evil cat drove Ela to death. Our innocent daughter followed that black cat and got bit by a black snake, we want to punish that cat, bring us to him.'

So, we called the hospital and they properly took care of Ela's dead body. And as for them, we have sent them to an isolated jail cell because they look unstable and I was going to inform you that they were planning to send a pretty little doll to their daughter so that she is not alone, so we brought them so that they are unable to commit any crime but the actual decision will be yours, sir and mam. We just.....did what was right at that moment."

They were speechless again and these days have been drastically unpredictable, so, some of them are unable to process their motion. However, Kimaya and Kritak were in control of their emotions but Dhansi ji and Lakshman were lost in their emotion.

Kimaya mam appreciates in a neutral tone," Good work. You did right, but next time, it would be better to inform us on the spot, I hope you understand. However, you did the correct thing and now you can go. And, yes, gather facts and details about their background and history, then submit it to Kritak and Dhansi ji. Now, you may go back to your duty."

Kimaya then shakes Lakshman out of his stupor, " Lakshman sir! Lakshman sirrr…let's revert to our discussion. So, sir, what now? Wait! Didn't you mention CCTV cameras are installed in the isolated confinement cell over the Arabian Sea far from the city, what happened to that? Any updates?"

Lakshman stills his emotion and diverts his focus to Kimaya ji, he collects his thoughts for a few minutes, then speaks with certainty, " I believe that they also need to be transferred to the same isolated confinement, and about Ela, I don't know what to say.

But one thing, did you remark? Ela's parents had also mentioned the same: a girl with a black cat and all the twisted mind criminals had also mentioned a girl with a black cat and they all identified that girl as a pretty little doll, isn't that too much to be just a coincidence?

A few hours ago, didn't you check the CCTV footage, where Hrida is clearly visible in the video, she has a black cat and Hrida is the girl who has met each and every abnormal criminal until now and somehow she is directly/indirectly involved in this case and we haven't still find her, for which I am afraid that she might fall into danger at some point. So, we have to find Hrida soon, and about CCTVs installed at the isolated special confinement building, Kritak will explain about it, because this idea was his. So, Kritak, elaborate."

Kritak elaborates simply, " Thank you, sir. The CCTVs are impactful tools when utilized properly. See, fitting in cameras there is no big deal but if the criminals are aware of it, then they might try to sabotage it, so we need to be sneaky and sharp-minded.

So, I suggested that cameras be positioned on the ceiling in such a way that it is camouflaged with ceiling color, but the position of the cameras will be different in each jail cell so that we can capture from every angle and even if one finds the camera in a cell but they can't find in other cells because there is no pattern.

The cameras are also fixated on the corridor of the jail chamber, outside the building, inside the rooms of each jailer, and on each floor as well. And if you ask me about the camera size being obvious to remain hidden, then there is no worry, because these are special mini hidden wireless cameras and these were installed before they even reached there. And, the recorded footage is automatically sent to our computer and we can also see the live recording. Shall we? "

Kimaya ( Soma's mom) praises with an impressed tone," Truly efficient! Kritak, great job, you efficiently used your tech knowledge with your witty brain. Good, now we can keep an eye on them on their slightest movements. Good to have you here in our police station. Of course, play the CCTV live footage."

Dhansi ji pats his back and compliments him in a proud tone," Well done, officer Kritak. Keep up!" Lakshman smiles and claps for him for his good work. Kritak becomes cheerful because of their appreciative comments showering upon him.

  He opens the CCTV camera application on the computer, scrolls through the application, and finally plays the live recording; The video looks normal although abnormal criminals are doing their usual weird behaviors, 10 minutes already passed but everything is still normal, which is a good sign. Then, Lakshman asked Kritak to play the past 2-3 days' recordings, they looked through the recording in fast forward but overall it was normal.

But, in the last recording, something weird caught their attention, Dhansi ji asked Kritak to reduce the speed and set it to a slower speed.  It was midnight time, and the prisoners who were eating their meal suddenly stopped and stood up and slowly neared the left wall. Not only one prisoner but all of them were neared to the left wall, then they connected their left hands to the wall, their physical forms slowly morphed into dark forms but still they had partial human features.

Kritak exclaims in an astonished tone," Oh God! Is this real, I mean, that day when we visited the the first and last time into the jail chamber, those prisoners transformed but not completely into inhumane form. They literally looked like shadow puppets, ohohoh….This is creepy, I am feeling shivers. Sir, see that the wall color has transitioned into pitch black." They witnessed the lamps flickering like they were afraid of shadows, the brightness reduced to a dim light.

On the other side, Hrida spent the remaining money on buying a water packet, 2-3 biscuit packets, and chip packets ranging from the price of Rs.10- Rs.20. Hrida sat over stone rested on a vast playground, unzipped her backpack, took out biscuit packet, peeled the wrapper and ate while pouring water into wide-mouthed bottle cap for Tapish to drink. Hrida is relieved now as she clears the evidence from the temple.

Again, they roam aimlessly on the streets but now she is no more scared, she feels that she has become brave enough to face the unknown after all the things she has undergone. Hrida observed the surroundings around her, the smell of breakfast food items being sold at the stall, the cool breeze making the leaves wave, people's chatter and footstep sounds, and the shop banners glistening due to sunlight.

She noticed these things for the first time because all this time, she was only skipping fast and didn't pause to look around and reflect on what she was doing, where is she, what would she do next, what will be her future, etc. Her thoughts burst like a bubble when she heard a loud horn sound, she looked around and discovered that everything was moving forward except her.

She feels like someone is climbing upon her, she looks down and finds Tapish standing on his two paws while leaning his other two paws near her knee, Hrida gestures with her eyes 'What is it, Tapish? '.

Tapish withdrew from her and started running, then halted and turned back and then let out a whiny ' meow'. Hrida chuckles, " I got your message, Tapish Bhaiya (Elder brother). Please, lead me. I will follow you."

Tapish on the front, Hrida behind him, running along the sidewalk, Tapish reduces his sprinting speed seeing Hrida pant heavily, at last after running for 20 minutes, Tapish's running comes to a pause. Hrida also stopped and relaxed for a few seconds, and then, her eyes darted in the direction of Tapish who was climbing the stairs leading to a huge temple with open verandahs, she followed Tapish into the temple.

She is in awe at the beauty of the temple which is clearly evident in its symbolic patterns carved on the walls, figures carved on the entrance of the temple, and the beautiful large pillars inscribed with ancient language letters.

Hrida felt safe and peaceful as soon she stepped upon the temple ground, the temple was not tightly crowded, which was a bonus for her, the bell chimes, the aroma of incense sticks, the bright sparkling 'Diyas' ( A small oil lamp made from clay) decorated before different God and Goddesses, the idols of Gods and Goddesses were covered with pretty jewels, traditional bright sparkly color dresses,  accessories while Priests standing at respective God and Goddesses' chamber were doing Aarti (A Hindu ritual performed in Indian homes and temples to express love and gratitude )and were also chanting mantras.

A few people gathered before God was singing Bhajan in chorus, this type of environment she had experienced once when she was quite small but then her parents stopped praying. But Hrida was interested in these activities, that's why she asked Shashi's mom to tell her more about these things and it's been a long time since she experienced the same atmosphere as now. Hrida joins them, observes them, and gets immersed in this activity.

  The people, footsteps disappear gradually as the evening is painted in pink and bluish shades, the noisy breeze flapping the temple's flag forming waves, the bell slightly swinging in the air because of a strong breeze.

Hrida tried to cover herself with a shredded shawl but the warmth couldn't remain still on her body, she rubbed her feet to melt the coldness in her feet, upon hearing a meow her eyes jumped from her feet to Tapish who was innocently staring at her with a curious gaze, Hrida chuckles," What happened, Tapish? Why are you looking at me like that? Hmm?

Tapish didn't give any response and simply curled around her feet in a circle form, and her feet didn't feel the breeze anymore, they felt warm now. Hrida becomes teary and chuckles," Tapishhh…How can someone so cute and adorable as you are? My sweet brother…awww.Hehe.." Hrida changes her sitting position, she bends her knees, and covers her lower portion with the shawl.

She sweeps Tapish against her torso, wraps her arms around him, and whispers with a relaxed smile on her lips," Even though your fur protects you, still, the breeze is more chilly right now, you too need warmth, so relax within my arms."

After 2-3 hours, she heard a loud noise, and her eyes opened to God's idol, she again heard a crying sound and when she concentrated on the noise, she knew that it was a baby's crying sound, She unwrapped the shawl from her knees and wrapped the shawl over sleepy Tapish and laid him on the floor. She stood up and stealthily pranced forward till she sighted a couple, hid behind a pillar, and peeked at them.

She keenly observed the couple, who wore luxurious clothes with arrogant looks on their faces, a 17-19-year-old-looking girl joined them and complained loudly with an arrogant tone," Dad, Mom, why are we still here?

It's so cold and patchy here; my clothes are being ruined right now, just leave my useless mental baby brother on the floor, and let's go to some restaurant and celebrate getting rid of our not-so-special baby boy. Tchh…" They agreed and carelessly placed the baby boy wrapped in a polythene bag on the floor and smirked at each other, their face became grim when their gaze fell on that small baby boy.

They started talking and their conversation was audible to her ear because the air was silent, hearing their chaotic mindset, she felt pity for them for their shallow thoughts. Hrida scowls lightly, " How can they just abandon their own child just because he is a special child, instead, they should pamper him with extra care and love.

Seriously, are all parents the same? They think of their child as an item that needs to be perfect and profitable…Aughhhh..No, Shashi's mom and Soma's mom are not like my parents, so, maybe,  caring parents exist but God, why don't children like us are not gifted with loving parents who would see us as human and not some item."

She could hear that baby crying continuously and they were mocking him, she wanted to go to that baby but they were still there and she didn't want to expose herself in front of them but she couldn't wait here helplessly hearing his cry.

She tried to think of something quick and fast to scare them away, then it hit her, she mimicked growling cat noise loudly, the girl screamed and hastily ran downstairs while her parents followed behind her, a giggle escaped her mouth watching their clumsy steps. After they were gone, she neared the baby while peeking a glance downstairs to ensure they were gone.

The baby boy was barely covered in clothes, his beautiful hazel eyes, small cute hands, and beautiful tan skin made her squeal with aww but then, she remembered he was crying. She took him out of the polythene bag and carefully took him in her arms and went inside the God's chamber, sat down, and rocked him in his arms like she used to do when Tapish was a small kitten.

But the baby boy didn't stop crying, so she started humming a random sweet tone, his cries gradually stopped, and he stared at Hrida innocently and suddenly smiled making her smile, she felt like she had never seen a more beautiful sight than his smile.  She was lost in the baby's beautiful smile, a 'meow' sound brought her attention to Tapish, who was curiously gawking at the baby, he leaned near his face, and the baby boy giggled on noticing Tapish, he stepped back funnily, Hrida giggles at this sight.

Hrida utters out with a gentle tone, " Tapish, this is a special baby boy, he was left abandoned by his own parents outside on the cold floor. Look he is barely covered, he will catch a cold if we don't wrap him with any fabric. Wait….we have a shawl, right, we can cover him with our shawl, let me cover him, first, and then we will think about the next step."

She delicately wrapped him with her shawl, the cold breeze hitting her skin making her shiver but she ignored it as she was busy admiring the baby asleep in her arms, while Tapish hunched on her shoulder innocently gazing at the baby.

A memory pops in her brain, that of Ela, with whom she spent short beautiful moments and the horrific memory didn't skip either, which made her realize that the baby is not safe with her and she can't provide him the clothes, food and most importantly they wander through dangerous and unpredictable situations, which isn't safe at all.

Hrida made up her mind and took the hard decision, let out a long sigh and walked out of the chamber, exited the temple, and was on the street again, the chilly breeze harshly hitting their skin, she protected the baby from the breeze and Tapish curled around her shoulder.

Hrida didn't know the way and she didn't have any phone to track the place, at a far distance, she discovered a few college students who were enjoying their ice-creams. She arranged her hair, adjusted her dress, and neared them, asking them to lend their phone for a moment, one of them lent his phone to her, and she immediately looked for an orphanage near her.

Thankfully, she found an orphanage location near the temple, she memorized the landmarks and gave back the phone after 3-5 minutes.

Hrida instantly rushed carrying the baby tightly and safely against her torso, her whole body was cold, and she was shivering, Tapish was slightly shaking as well but Hrida couldn't offer them ( Baby and Tapish) warmth simultaneously, she didn't stop and continued running, her throat was completely dry, she started coughing, still she didn't pause for a second, noticing the landmarks while going through the road. Finally, she was at the door of the orphanage and the lights were off, so she pressed the bell button repeatedly.

A lady opens the door, she is astonished by noticing their horrible state, she immediately takes them inside and offers a dress for Hrida to change and asks her to freshen up and also freshen up her cat, Hrida thanks the lady for her kind gesture.

Hrida forwards the baby into the lady's arms and asks her to take care of him and she promises her that she will explain everything after she gets changed. The lady took care of that baby while Tapish and Hrida got freshened up and Hrida changed into a warm dress.