
Poisoned Truth

A girl pampered like a doll living in a beautiful and classic doll house along with her pampering parents and her trusted companion. A perfect family, don't you think ? But what if she is given the most bitter drink by her parents, would she drink it or spit it out? Horror and Darkness can't be washed away completely but maybe there is an alternative solution to it. Would the girl find the truth of it all or would remain just a lost cause? What is Truth ; Poison or Bitter? If curious, then you are welcome to the read the story to find out.

Nandita_Sahu_7583 · Teen
Not enough ratings
58 Chs


She felt herself losing into the darkness but her heart still fought against it, then she felt the urge to pray, so she started praying to God, whispering," God, I need your help, I am trying to fight this, but I feel the power within isn't enough to defeat this, please help me, empower me with courage and hope to escape from his deathly grip.

I know what I did was wrong, whatever the reason might be, I should have chosen love over hate, stillness over anger, hope over hopelessness. But I plead for one chance to redeem my actions. Please grant me one chance, GOD."

Just at the right moment like a shooting star, something out of the sky was rushing towards them, within instant the ball of fire crushed Kali overpowering him, its immense blinding orange aura made her close her eyes and when she opened her eyes, she found herself laying upon the bench but what surprised her is Tapish upon her stomach, tapping his cute paws on her belly. Hrida realizes, " Oh that was you, Tapish, who saved me in my dream with the help of God's assistance but I have a lot of questions in my mind."

Hrida embraces him with tears glistening in her eyes and cheers with an emotional yet booming voice," You don't know, Tapish, how grateful I feel right now, seeing you next to me. I thought I lost you, I thought you didn't want to come back anymore. I am sorry, Tapish, I shouldn't have written to keep you with them. I was being a coward again but I just didn't want Kali's shadow to fall upon you. I was wrong, I wouldn't be able to protect you if you were far away from me. So, I will protect us both and we will face him together.

Oh, yes! How are you, you look better but are you really fine? And who were you with, did you meet that police officer? You know, I made another friend named 'Soma', someday if possible I will introduce you to him." He replied with only 'meows' at every question she threw at him, which she understood though. Hrida cuddles Tapish against her cheek and suddenly starts pouring out everything after she goes on a mission, she explains her fear and nightmare that she saw this early morning.

The sun rose steadily hovering high in the sky, clear blue skies, fluffy clouds spread in the pattern of wings wide over the sky, the golden rays falling upon the roof, train tracks, and the rays peeking over the figure through the roof made their faces glow in bright aura, their smiles enhanced, eyes twinkling like golden diamonds, her hair and his fur shines like silk threads.

  In Shashi's home,

At morning 7'o clock, he had already worn his uniform, and ate ' Dahi-bara aloo dum' ( Odia Breakfast), which is soaking vadas (fried flour balls) in light dahi (yogurt) water served with AlooDum (potato curry) and Ghuguni (pea curry) to it.

And now, he is currently standing at the bus stop with tensed brows and a deep frown on his lips, which stupefied his classmates because the goofy boy appeared sad for the first time in school, 2 subject periods, were already over but he didn't crack a single joke till now or even talked with anyone. During the third period, even the subject teacher asked him in a concerned tone," Do you have a fever or are you seriously ill or did something happen to you ?"

Shashi shook his head 'no' and simply replied with a neutral tone, " No, sir, I am fine. I am just feeling a little low today and nothing else." Shashi closed his eyes and laid his head down on the desk, someone poked his head interrupting his rest, he peeked from his eyelashes, went round and his goofy expression returned.

He exclaims in low whispers," Hrida! You, here, How, When, This…Are you real ?", to which Hrida replies in an obvious tone, " Do I look like a ghost? Then, why wouldn't I be visible and seem real, Shashiii? You are calling me a ghost, are you…Is this some kind of inside joke?"

Shashi defends his statement and explains to her in an energetic tone," I am just happy that you are here. I missed my game partner a lot. You know I can't live without Tapish and 24/7, he stays with you, so I need you to make him stay."

  Hrida agrees with a convinced tone," I agree. Tapish is after all my brother, no one can resist him, and everyone wants his company. Don't worry; I am not offended at all because I too can't live without Tapish… and you as well, Shashii ji (calling name in an honorific way)."

Shashi cackles in laughter but when he looks front, she is gone and his classmates are staring at him funnily, he shrugs off. His goofy demeanor returned and his friends dragged him into their usual conversation about videogames, subjects, etc. and then his ear caught Hrida's name being mentioned from a nearby seat where a group of girls was discussing Hrida.

A few of them were expressing their concern and the rest of the girls expressed pithiness towards Hrida's matter and then muttered in a mocking tone," Hrida's parents sound so shady and vicious villains but Hrida is not innocent as well, she is dark-hearted like them. I heard about her on the news channel that she ran away like a mouse, pfft. Hrida is a pretty fake doll meant to be plaything only, use and throw, she was always just a pretentious girl but I never expected she would be a coward and all fake from head to toe. How cheap !"

Shashi voiced out in a clear loud tone," Hrida isn't like that !" His voice echoed in the classroom, not because of the walls but the reason being new boy who sat silently in his seat just behind them in the middle row.

Shashi inspects with inquisitive eyes for many reasons; First thing, he is unfamiliar, second thing- how does he know Hrida, third- Who is he that pretends like as if he is close to Hrida.

Shashi throws arrows of the question at him in a curious tone," How do you know, Hrida? Have you met? Is she here? Are you her relative or..? And why are you acting as if she is your friend? ohhh, you might have seen the news.

Hmm. Still, how do you know about her character? Speak."

The new boy was annoyed at his constant questioning session; he remained silent for a moment then spoke in a neutral tone," I know her because I heard about her from my cousin brother, Lakshman bhaiya, who is currently handling her case privately."

Shashi is convinced by his explanation, his friendly smile re-appears and he introduces himself with a smiley face," I am Shashi Acharya, a quite old student of this school, and my family settled here since 1st grade as we transferred from my hometown Cuttack in Odisha state to here, Pune. And, sorry for being so defensive you stated her in such a way like you have met her in person and Hrida is my best friend, so I had to enquire. And you, my friend, what about you ?"

Soma realizes as soon he introduces himself, that he is the same person about whom Hrida talked about like a lot. Shashi sits next to him, and then Soma advises in a calm tone, " Do not disturb me! I don't like carelessness during my study time." Soma mumbles in his head while looking at him with annoyance, " I want to be Hrida's friend and not yours."

Soma unconsciously mumbles out loud in a curious tone," What is so unique about that Hrida chose you as her best friend, such a charmer guy, which I clearly don't accept but I will believe in her words." This was audible to Shashi, he feels happy and his brain repeats the part where he indirectly stated that Hrida visualizes him as a unique person, he feels glad and tries to befriend Soma while ignoring the fact that ' How does he know what Hrida thinks about him' but Shashi being oblivious didn't heed attention to that.

Shashi helps Soma in adjusting to his new class and promises with an assured tone," I will give you a tour of the best places that I know of in this city. You will love it." Soma unwillingly agrees to go along with his plan to make him spill out information about Hrida in detail.

At the police station,

Dhansi ji and Kritak sent a request personally and by official letter method as well for a meeting with senior and head officers regarding the relocation of the abnormal criminals to isolated confinement situated at a distance from the secluded Aare ware beach, at a good distance from the city.

The request is accepted immediately because of the urgency of the matter right now, the sub-assistant inspectors, assistant inspectors, inspectors, Additional Director General of police, and a few police officers gathered at the Director General's conference hall, their expressions colored in serious facial expression, concerned eyes, frowns set on their face in reaction to the ongoing matter in the city.

One of the inspectors expressed their concern," In our area, there has been some weird incident these days as well. Like 2-5 cases were twisted and complicated, and our few police staff had noticed sighted their physical features morph into dark being like creatures, which is difficult to digest, sir."

Then another inspector agreed while narrating the same experience and incident happening in their region as well. Slowly, regional inspectors of this city shared the same story which evoked tensed brows on the Director of General's face and he asked them to propose any suggestions, plans, or ideas to handle this matter delicately while keeping civilian safety in mind.

Some inspectors and assistant inspectors suggested exiling them which isn't a valid choice in this matter, others suggested that the criminals be subjected to punishments till they reveal the mastermind behind them because they look like members of some secret dark organization but it is denied because those criminals seem to be immune to these treatments.

A small amount of them suggested that they be kept under supervision and provided therapeutic treatment and psychological therapy treatment to fix their conscience and reveal the name behind this matter.

The Director of General voiced out his opinion on the suggestion and offered," The suggestion is a valid and considerable option but it is time-consuming and unsafe. After Mr. Vidyut and Lakshman's incident, we should be careful and delicate in this matter. So, I have to keep this suggestion out in this case. Does anyone have any other suggestion?"

Lakshman attended the meeting as well alongside Soma's mother, Dhansi ji, and Kritak, he represented their department's thoughts in a confident tone," Director sir,  I want to present a doable and safe decision for now till this matter is solved. I suggest on behalf of my department that the abnormal criminals be transferred to solitary confined prison houses and our advantage, we do have such a building located upon the Arabian Sea at a safe distance from a secluded beach named Aare Ware Beach and this beach is at good far-distance from the city. 

The building is refurbished to ensure security and a large army of trained jailers is sent along with criminals. Proper security equipment, carriages of food, water, and other necessities need to be delivered to the location along with them.

The officers will update information and the situation inside the cell daily regularly and their activities and actions will be noted and observed to pinpoint their weaknesses. They will be confined at the place till the mastermind behind this is not caught. And most importantly, the civilians will be at a safe distance from those unpredictable criminals. That's all we wanted to suggest to you, sir. "

The Director of General asks for opinions regarding this suggestion and after hearing their responses, and thinking about it for 5-10 minutes, he declares his decision with a neutral tone, " I accept the proposal of suggestion your department offered along with the agreement of the police officers present here. I allow and command you to work on this proposal immediately after the closure of this meeting and I need regular updates regarding the matter's progress and the proposal's working progress as well.

In the need of urgency of this matter, I will inform the Maharashtrian provincial police departments so that they are aware and cautious and build up protection if the matter slips out of hand. The civilian's safety is in our hands and we need to behave responsibly and dutiful towards our people, so better start the process quickly. I hope I am clear to all of you."

The scene shifts to those three girls who are kept isolated under the surveillance of trained officers and provided with regular meetings with therapists till they help the girls realize their committed crimes and be able to fix their cynical belief systems but they will not escape from the punishment that they ought to endure due to their sinful acts.

At Vidyut's house,

Lakshman visits Mr.Vidyut's house, he is welcomed in with a sad smile plastered on Vidyut ji's family members, he is taken to his room, where he witnesses Vidyut ji's state, he is clothed with plain and comfortable loose clothes contrasts his pale and unmoving body, the medical equipment is the only evidence of him being alive otherwise he looked like a living corpse, which invoked guilt in his heart.

He sat near him and he didn't speak a word until he observed his wife and 19-year-old daughter's face painted with solemn looks hidden deep in their eyes, meanwhile, the nurse performing her duties towards the patient. Vidyut Ji's family masked their pain with a hopeful façade but the hopelessness and faint lines of real hope are visible through the same eyes. 

Lakshman wishes in his mind with a wistful tone," I could have saved him if I had sent him too along with Dhansi ji and Kritak when the danger lurked around the corner in that room. But I was engrossed in the matter to the extent of risking our lives because of my stubbornness.

I wish Vidyut ji, I could have protected you from their grip but I couldn't unfortunately. I am sorry, Vidyut ji. I have disappointed many people recently till now but not anymore, I would protect you, Hrida, and civilians from those lingering hands."

Vidyut ji's wife thanks him with a grateful tone," Mr. Lakshman, I am really grateful to you that you saved him despite you being near to fatal injuries. And please, don't blame yourself, a police officer's life is full of risks and responsibilities. And you and others were performing their duties which is understandable but your sir would have been a little careful then he might have survived fine just like you.

I am grateful that you saved him in time otherwise it would have been too late to be even alive. I am confident that he will wake up soon…He has to, otherwise…otherwise..sniff sniff."

Lakshman consoles them with his encouraging and comforting words to help them remain optimistic about his health.

On the other side, 

Hrida calls Shashi with one hand on the phone while munching a few biscuits that she bought at the platform, she also feeds Tapish with the other hand. Hrida confesses with an apologetic tone,  " Shashiiii.. I am sorry, I really am sorry. I am well aware that last time, I was inconsiderate towards your concern for me.

I also felt bad when you argued against me and I missed you more when I was upset because I didn't want you to be on the radar of that shadow master. The Shadow King! He is the same who is for sure behind all this mess, I have even sensed him many times, Shashi, and the feelings were not good, obviously.Hmmm.hm."

Shashi also confesses in a sentimental voice," You don't need to say sorry, I am sorry. I should have understood that you didn't want to be put in another family like yours. I am your best friend, but still, I couldn't think from your perspective like how are you feeling, what are you dealing with right now, and numerous things that might be running through your mind. Hmm.Hmm. Shadow king ?.... Oh you mean the Kaliyuga story's protagonist ' Kali', which you told me about, I remember it clearly.

Wait, you have sensed him. Hrida! Please be careful and also take care of Tapish though I know you would even if I don't say. Ohhhh..Hridaaa..I forgot to tell you. There is a newcomer in our class, his name is Soma Kanani, who won the hearts of teachers on his first day of school, he is like that topper guy in typical movies, you know; Quiet, good-hearted, brilliant IQ and the protagonist with whom bright and cheerful girl falls in love with. Tchhh..

Hrida teases him with a playful voice," Are you jealous or afraid that he might charm the girls of our class leaving you with no one to admire you? Is that the case, Mr. Moon ?.... I can't believe you are jealous of a boy who has the same qualities as you except with a distinct personality. I think you don't need to be jealous because he is a good guy and compatible with your personality.

And yeah, he might be similar to the Topper stereotype but everyone is different at the core, so my point is that the bright girl will fall in love with whom she is meant to and if I had been her place then I would have chosen someone who can handle my crazy and wild side, who can accompany me in videogames, who would even play dollhouse just because I am fond of that activity, someone who never leaves my side and remain my best friend forever."

Shashi is stunned by her broad explanation and meaningful statements, his face flustered red for some unknown reason but a question arises in his mind, he asks her," How do you know about Soma  ?"

She narrated the whole story of how she met Soma and Soma's family without keeping any secret from him. Shashi felt touched by her honesty, she never told him lies and always been honest because she trusted him and Shashi felt heaviness in his heart.

After the phone call ends, Shashi is in deep thought," Why Soma didn't tell me that he had met with Hrida, and if he did meet, then where? Maybe Lakshman bhaiya being his elder cousin brother,  Soma didn't tell me because…..Wait, for what reason he didn't tell the truth? why, why, Why? Only one solution I have to clear my doubt that is by smartly making him expel the truth out today afternoon."

In the afternoon time, Lakshman visits the special home where Nimit (the teen thief) is being taken care of under the surveillance and supervision of a special team of officers and therapists.

The evening sets, Shashi finally meets Soma at Soma's house, they play games, and enjoy their fun time, then Shashi asks in between their conversation with an intentionally innocent tone," You are my friend, so I must be honest, so I actually am in contact with Hrida and we converse time to time to update about each other's day and then I told her that there is a newcomer in our class, who has the hearts of our teachers already by his brilliant topper mind.

Hrida didn't agree with my opinion and told me that he might be pretentious and asked me to stay away from you And when I mentioned your name, she said that the name is so old school and she doesn't even like book lovers since she is not big fan of books, so yeah, I defended you, of course, you are my friend now. "

Soma instantly objects," You might have misheard or misguided her tone intonation, she would never say something like that about me, especially her books, she loves books, and she likes old-school things. I am sure you are mistaken about her statement. I know her."

Shashi comments with a playful tone," How do you know that she loves books or not when you haven't even met her in person? And how are you so confident that she didn't say those words, justify? Say! "

Soma spoke without thinking twice," Because  I met her at the station when we arrived here, we talked about many topics, she and I had many similarities and she even considers me as a friend and she even shared things about you with fondness which annoyed me a little bit. But that's not the matter, I know that you are lying. I trust her and am familiar with her personality. Okay, Shashi !"

Shashi simply nods and mutters in a warm tone," Soma, I am glad that you defended her even after my intentional accusations to make you spill the truth, which I did. We three will be great friends together, you know. And yes, I also felt irritation when you talked about how close you are to Hrida. Let's just ignore and be good friends and help Hrida free from this cobweb of that shadow master."

Shashi and Soma shared their memories related to childhood, Hrida, and school and they had a great time. Later, Lakshman noticed Shashi in his home after coming back from a walk as he was still not allowed to return to his work. He was a bit surprised by his presence, and suddenly he made up an excuse to drive him back to his home and took him to a park near Shashi's house. 

Lakshman asks him," Shashi, I didn't know that Soma joined the same school as you but that's not important right now. Now, take out your phone, call Hrida, and ask her to meet you on the same street where you met her last time. Do it, it is for her own safety." 

Shashi's face is dense in confusion whether to do it or not and then he informs with a vulnerable tone," She won't come because she doesn't want to until she finds her way to the truth of her life. As her best friend, I am torn about whether I should betray her trust and save her or support her and risk her life, either way, she is going to be hurt. But I will choose minimal hurt over critical damage with no regret. Okay bhaiya, I will be cold-hearted for once for only her. I am ready even If I never wanted to be at the crossroads where I have to choose between her friendship and her.