
Poisoned Truth

A girl pampered like a doll living in a beautiful and classic doll house along with her pampering parents and her trusted companion. A perfect family, don't you think ? But what if she is given the most bitter drink by her parents, would she drink it or spit it out? Horror and Darkness can't be washed away completely but maybe there is an alternative solution to it. Would the girl find the truth of it all or would remain just a lost cause? What is Truth ; Poison or Bitter? If curious, then you are welcome to the read the story to find out.

Nandita_Sahu_7583 · Teen
Not enough ratings
58 Chs


Tapish didn't hear her last statement this time and stealthily escaped from the temple by rushing down the stairs onto the silent road, he ran and ran. The crickets orchestrating a tune that screams urgency of the situation, he ran and ran until he came to a stop near the familiar market. He tried to locate that smell, his noise tingled and his whiskers straightened up, he followed the strong sense of smell of that person near the market.

He arrived at a garden, he tried to locate more but he couldn't sense him anymore, then he recognized two familiar faces and pranced near their feet, letting out a soft and demanding 'meow' voice to catch their attention. However, they didn't pay attention at first but then the older one tried to shoo him away but then the younger one suggested," Dhansi sir, I think this cat is asking for food. Let me give him some biscuits. Here. Enjoy! " Saying that he threw a few biscuits on the sidewalk. 

Both of them returned to the police station, he followed their footsteps but the constable standing at the entrance shooed him out of the police station, Tapish purred in annoyance directed to the constable. A melancholic 'meow' is voiced out from Tapish's mouth when Hrida's face pops up in his vision. He hurried onto the streets when he was reminded of the fact that those hunter pup-pets were after Hrida.

Meanwhile, Hrida trailed their every movement through her eyes, eventually, those girls were climbing upstairs towards the temple, panic rose in her bones, sweat dripping down her temple, and her head throbbed against her skull like a police siren. She patted her both cheeks and muttered constantly, " Focus, focus.....

Hrida hung her backpack on her shoulder, kept her mouth shut, and walked in silent steps. She saw them enter and she hid behind a pillar, then as they stepped forward, she knew she had to slip as fast as a squirrel. 

Hrida had successfully placed one foot out of the gate, then she raised another foot but then someone grabbed her arms from behind and tied her hands with rough vine-like roots. 

Then she felt a violent push on her back resulting in her stumbling and rolling down the stairs, she felt her head hit hard on the stony stairs but fortunately, she rolled sideways and fell on her face, dirt, grass, and dried soil particles filled her mouth while her body roared in agony. She dared to stand up but someone pinned her body against the ground. 

  Hrida lets out a loud growl, " Get off me, heavy burdens of the earth." She heard an annoying laughter sound and heard that same voice of  Ambar speaking in a dominating tone, " Ambar, the leader of this group wants to let you know that you will be given the honor to be our new human PU-PET, girl. And our pet looks pretty as well, so we can show off her to others."

Disha and Drishya agreed by nodding their heads, Disha asked for permission through her eyes Ambar, to which she just snickered in response, Disha bent down on the ground and smacked her head for fun.

Hrida hissed," Ouch! " They cackled enjoying her suffering and worsening her torture, Drishya grabbed her hair and twisted violently forcing out a slow sobbing, which turned into chants by calling out ' Lord Hanuman' with an intense pleading tone, they covered their mouth to stop her, which encouraged her to chant in higher tone even after their futile efforts to silence her voice.

Hrida encountered a strong wave of goosebumps traveling from toe to head. Her pain alleviated and an immense source of strength took over her nerves that she stood up causing Ambar to roll down on the ground, which gave her a taste of her own medicine.

Hrida's eyes were dazzling with hope and resilience; those girls' faces appeared to be scared for a second followed by them scampering distant from her. Ambar didn't waver an inch at all and faced her in the eye but her eyes couldn't handle the blinding light radiating from her eyes, in actual reality, she was just glaring at Ambar with a courageous spark twinkling in her eyes.

Hrida liberated her hands out of the vine and knotted them tight around Ambar's torso with hands kept straight against her thigh. Hrida then shifted her glare at those two stiff stone-hearted girls and hisses," Take your braided stupid leader and scoot away from my sight and…."

Hrida pauses and nears her, pointing her finger while reminding her with an authoritative tone,  " Don't ever do your disgusting act towards  any animal/ human otherwise someday you might become someone's pup-pet."

Hrida shrugged off the dirt from her clothes and gestured them to go already, Disha and Drishya dragged their leader along with them into the deep forest, she exhaled out a heavy breath and sat down on the stony stair and wept because she wanted to.

Her tears didn't stop nor did she want to stop herself from letting go of her pain.  She slowly stepped downstairs and walked onto the road with street lights lined up by the trees giving her a sense of safety. Hrida is searching for a spot for her alone to stay because she doesn't want to risk getting caught by the police officers. She already misses Tapish's presence and now, no one was there to care for her because she sent them away for their own well-being.

On Tapish's side :

Tapish rummaged through every street corner and felt thirsty but he resisted the urge to take a break for even drinking water from somewhere. At some point, he wandered aimlessly, the reason being his stomach grumbling loudly in hunger, but he ignored his hunger and kept running around the streets.

Suddenly, his nose grasped the smell of familiar mixed scents coming from a nearby familiar environment, when he followed the scent and stopped, his piercing eyes went round in surprise.

He was staring at a big house standing straight opposite to him, he looked up and saw that same police officer whom Hrida had attacked, and then Shashi also came into his view through his wide squared window. He haphazardly crossed the road ignoring Hrida's glare in his head. He jumped on the roof and climbed all his way to the window effortlessly. He sat on the opened window and peeked a glimpse of the situation inside the room, he saw that the police officer and Shashi were having some conversation related to Hrida as Tapish heard Hrida's name being mentioned.

Shashi speaks in a concerned tone," Will she be fine, Lakshman sir? Right now you said that there have been lot many weird and abnormal cases coming lately and it is somehow linked to Hrida which means she is in the danger zone.

I told you what I could but you haven't even found her, she is wandering out there alone in… God knows…what type of circumstances. Wait didn't you mention that you have sent Hrida's phone for recovery? But I don't think her phone is of any use, to be honest."

Lakshman assumes with an uncertain tone," You are right, the phone may or may not be useful to find her but I think it might be useful to you. After all, you are her best friend, and you might wish for memories of you together. From the photos, I remember! I found it weird when we didn't get any photo albums or a single-family photograph at their house, though. Do you know the reason?"

Shashi replies with a sad sigh," Hrida used to complain about that to me whenever we used to take photos and she used to feel sad when she saw that I had sweet photo memories of several growth stages but she didn't have none. I find it absolutely weird and whenever I used to ask her why she didn't she asked her parents, she used to tell me that she had asked her parents once and their reply was that ' photos are flashy and unnecessary and they preferred to see a person in person rather than these photos. 

Memories make you feel nostalgic and low and she doesn't her pretty doll ( Hrida) to look sullen as dolls always look radiant and lively. Most importantly, dolls don't take photos or have any memories.' Yes, this was her parents' answer and I was really confused about their complex way of indicating that Hrida was just a doll to them.

She didn't deserve this at all, nobody deserves such behavior. Every child, even you wants to look into your past younger version from baby to adult, right? Then why did they steal her memories and photos from her life? Seriously, why? 

I wanted to compensate for the memories that she couldn't experience so;  I happily became her memory which she can look back on whenever she wants to. I am usually the one to take a lot of photos to save our memories. I have quite several photos and videos of me, Hrida, Tapish, and Mom. I love it. "

Lakshman expresses with a sympathetic tone," I had an idea by introspecting her parents that she had kind of controlling childhood and was quite limited to inside of her house most often. But-"

Shashi corrects him politely," Sorry to interrupt you, Bhaiya. But, she was not limited to her parents as you think because she is good at sneaking away as you might have already known by now. We three of us roamed many places but along with my mom, but yes, we couldn't go far much because she cared about her parents too much although they used to treat her weirdly. I always teased her that her parents behaved like royal strict parents. She used to..used to tickle me whenever I  tried to joke about her parents, unique I know she is, that's why I love her.. I mean, I am fond of her."

  Lakshman chuckles," You are really talkative and quirky, I like your spirit. I am glad she has you in her life. As I was saying I didn't know that she had lived her life in such a way that she might be regretting every moment that she spent with her parents. I just hope that she is safe until we find her."

Lakshman felt like someone was watching them. His eyes darted around and his gaze stopped at the window. He noticed a black cat which ignited something in his brain as he remembered that those criminals mentioned the cat was black and had charming eyes and this cat looked similar to that cat. Shashi stopped talking when he noticed he was staring somewhere, he trailed his gaze and his jaw dropped and a large wide smile appeared on his face and instantly rushed and scooped him in his arms and twirled in circles.

He exclaims with a happy tone," Tapish, how did you find me? Oh! Wrong question, my bad. Where is Hrida? Did she too come along with you? Say yaar ( Friend) Don't answer, just tell me, why are you here when you should be with her, she would be alone without you. She-"

Lakshman stopped his ramble for a moment and noticed a piece of paper hanging partially under his teeth. He gestured for the cat to give him the paper, which Tapish instantly understood and placed the paper on his extended palm.

Lakshman read the message and as he read his expression turned serious and rigid while Shashi complained to Tapish," It's not fair, Tapish. You usually don't give in easily to anyone's orders and now you immediately obeyed his order although you did the right thing. But whenever  I used to ask for something, you used to agree after a lot of convincing. Hmmph. Leave it. Tell me, is Hrida fine? 

I really miss her a lot and when she needed me, I behaved like an idiot and got upset at her and now she isn't talking at all although I know that it's been days so I guess the phone is dead right now. I just hope she finds a charging source soon as she needs that phone. Ohhhh, sorry buddy, I didn't ask about you at all. How are you, buddy? Your injury seems to have healed better than before, good. Buddy, I wish we could again live life normally better than in past times. Hope..so."

Tapish purrs softly, creeps in closer to Shashi, and licks his hand expressing his feelings. Shashi gathers him in his arms and whispers softly to the air," I am going to do something, that does not comply with Hrida's plan and she will be hurt, I know but I don't regret revealing her plan because I prefer her safe and anger rather than her being hurt and okay with our secret vow.

I-I wish that she find her way soon but I can't afford her to be hurt after hearing and knowing all the facts going on in our city and her being out there alone. I won't let even Hrida risk her life for just a risky promise. Hrida, I will tolerate your anger and even punishment but I can't tolerate the view of you being in the grasp of that evil shadow master. That's why I am sorry, Hrida, I hope you forgive me someday when you discover the truth."