
Poison Master: The Estranged Heiress

Trapped within the damaged walls of her mansion located in Yuchang City, Princess Cheng found herself confined alongside her grandmother, a fallen figure within the royal circle. The elder royal was placed under house arrest, accused of involvement in promoting illicit markets and fostering corruption within the realm. Xuan Cheng, residing in poverty alongside her grandmother and two aged attendants, was compelled to mature prematurely due to these circumstances. Motivated by a fierce will to escape poverty and make sure that no one could mistreat her, Xuan Cheng committed herself to learning a variety of trades and skills in order to support herself. Xuan Cheng was gifted with the ability to heal herself in addition to her grandfather's Seven Cultivation and grandmother's Jade Eyes. She immerses herself in her grandfather's collection of books and risks everything to cultivate fearlessly on her own. At night, she would go out and battle evil cultivators who would frequently obstruct her travel plans. She founded "Duyi Pharmacy" in order to aid the underprivileged and give back to the Almighty in the form of charitable donations. Xuan Cheng is a lone cultivator of Qi who exceeded the Tian Limit. In a world where the Evil Lord had eradicated factions and groups of cultivators, Xuan Cheng encountered someone akin to her: Prince Zhao Ming, the sole individual wielding demonic Qi across the entire Diqiu realm. They both had weaknesses that affected each other, but their unspoken love made them each other's pillars of strength. Betrayal by people they trusted brought them closer, forcing them to rely on each other even more. However, fate kept testing them with many challenges and trials.

PEARL_WANG · Fantasy
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173 Chs

Secret leaked and the will shall reveal

"What a carriage? How can it be possible?" With his mouth open in shock, Crown Prince Wu got up from his throne. Staring at the eunuch before him, he smiled playfully.

"Yes, Your Majesty, he had dismissed all his servants," a eunuch of lower rank reported, his eyes bulging out, "Officer Pei and Eunuch Su were the only ones present. I was on the roof fixing it at the time, so I saw it."

"I swear on my late mother, His Highness was carrying a young woman, her crimson robe and dazzling headwear were clearly visible," he added, he was expecting something after delivering a piece of shocking news. Even if it assured him that he might be useful in future and that Crown Prince will remember him, it was enough.

"It might be his concubine," Crown Prince Wu mumbled, "But I had already taken care of the ones sent by the Imperial Noble Consort, did he get a new one?" he wondered out loud. He knew his brother well, according to him, Zhao Ming stays far away from women as he finds them disgusting regardless of their status.

It wasn't his fault, after all, the women of the palace had tried to get rid of him with their schemes, and he nearly lost his life in the power struggle between the empress and the imperial noble consort.

Then, as he grew up, young women, be it of noble status or lower status, they all lurked around him, attempting to grab opportunity to seduce him and if he wouldn't fall for their tricks, they would have back plans to frame him, saying that he molests them.

In short, women were one of the many reasons that Zhao Ming often stayed at the border, and whenever he would come back to the Capital, he would spend time alone in the imperial garden or rather stay at his secret adobe.

"No, Your Majesty, I checked it afterward, a mere concubine cannot have such a luxurious robe. He even tried to cover her with a blanket." The eunuch tried to provoke him.

Crown Prince Wu understood his intention, he hinted at his head eunuch Tu to give some reward to the lowly rank eunuch. Handing a pouch of silver coins, the head eunuch Lu warned, "Do not let anyone else know about this."

The eunuch excitedly nodded and bowed, saying, "Long Live Crown Prince Wu," before backing away and moving backward.

"Tu, what are your thoughts on this? Who could the woman be that my brother was holding in his arms?" The possibility was raised by Crown Prince Wu, "As far as I know him, he did not even flinch from his seat when Princess Ting of the second rank was drowning in front of his eyes."

"That eunuch cannot dare to give you false information, I know him well. He is greedy but cautious," Head Eunuch Tu confirmed.

"I guess I should make a trip to the Palace of Dignity, my brother must not know that I am back," he glanced at his Head Eunuch with a mischievous smile.

"How come he is not here? Where did he go at this hour?" Crown Prince Wu asked pretending to be furious as he questioned Eunuch Su.

"His Highness didn't tell me, I don't know when he will be back. I will let your majesty know once he returns," Eunuch Su trembled as he replied.

Zhao Ming had instructed him to dismiss the maids and other servants many hours ago. More than a day and a night had passed when he called him back and asked him to arrange a carriage.

Only when the carriage arrived did he realize he was holding Princess Xuan Cheng. He was shocked to see the princess in the imperial palace, but what really shocked him was how exhausted she appeared to be, even when she was unconscious, and the blood stains on her clothing made him pale.

The Crown Prince deliberately applied pressure by saying, "My brother hardly goes out; I wonder what made him move his lazy butt." Zhao Ming's staff, however, had their lips pursed, much to his amazement.

The huge carriage stopped in front of the kitchen's back door. Xuan Cheng was supposed to be taken inside as secretively as possible and it was the only entrance that opened in a quiet alley.

The two burly guards standing at the entrance exchanged glances in the dim-light, it was their first time seeing a carriage in the alley. It was strange since hours go by when they hardly see a man.

Huan jumped off first and turned to the back door, striding towards them without looking around. "Manager Huan? How come you are here so late?" they asked as the jolt of astonishment struck them,

"Shsh….Go and bring Mama Li and Eunuch Jiu immediately," she commanded in a whispery voice. They nodded and hurriedly went inside.

Huan then turned back to the carriage and said standing straight, "Prince Ming, I beg you to kindly leave before they arrive. It will be hard to shut people's mouths if anyone sees you inside. Mama Li will ask endless questions that would be hard for me to answer." Her tone carried pleas and request though her words were sounding offensive.

"I understand," Zhao Ming responded as he jumped off the carriage and walked away without sparing a look at Huan. Officer Pei who acted as the coachman was completely shocked and couldn't restrain himself, "You are so ungrateful. His Highness helped you so much and you talked in such an improper manner!"

"Don't speak when you don't know the full story! Zip up your tongue just like a good coachman or I will cane you to death," Huan scanned her surroundings and then got closer to him, growling at him as if meant every word that escaped her lips.

Huan was already disturbed because of Princess Cheng's unconsciousness, she nearly escaped death as they passed the checking of the imperial gate. It was true that Zhao Ming played an important role but comparing to what Xuan Cheng had done, it was nothing.

"Huan? Is Princess Cheng inside? What happened?" Eunuch Jiu questioned as he marched towards the carriage along with Mama Li.

"She fainted from exhaustion and vomited blood. I shall explain everything later, please get her inside first and call the physician from Duyi," she replied in a tone of urgency.


"Did you do your job well?" Sitting in his secret adobe, Zhao Ming questioned, pressing his index finger on the sharp pointy edgy thumb ring.

"She was safely escorted inside," Officer Pei informed, confusion plastered on his face. He could have waited for an explanation but curiosity kills the cat, "Is this Princess Cheng the one I am guessing she is?"

"What are you guessing her to be? I am not a psychic; I don't know your mind!" Zhao Ming scolded him as he raised his pupils to look at him. "The mansion belongs to the mysterious imperial princess who settled in the capital a few days ago. And I have never seen this princess before, from what I see. She is totally the same wealthy princess," Officer Pei explained excitedly.

"What is the story behind the wealthy princess you are referring to?" Zhao Ming straightened his back and leaned back on the chair.

"Didn't you hear about it? I remember telling you, maybe." Officer Pei tried to remember but failed, and then again even if he did, he had to tell him again.

"A few days ago, a princess entered the capital city with so much wealth that people still talk about her. Many of them wanted to visit her palace, but they couldn't as her doors were always locked, only servants going in and out occasionally. Since it is traditionally believed that one should not visit an unwelcomed place, some shameless neighbours still try to sneak in. However, they were caught and thrown out," Officer Pei reported every detail.

"The ministers and nobles are tired of sending her invitations, she doesn't accept any of them. I am shocked, how come you don't know? It was even discussed in the imperial court. The officials are scratching their heads on how to enter her mansion. But since the emperor is not interested they are at a loss." he continued.

'There were already rumors about Heavenly Jade Princess for being filthy rich despite her miserable condition. Who could have guessed that it was because of Princess Cheng? On top of that, she is the poison master, the one owning many medicinal monopolies.' Zhao Ming chuckled inwardly as he laughed at the irony.

"Officer Pei, make sure that nobody troubles Princess Cheng, just to let you know, she is the granddaughter of the late Heavenly Jade Princess. Didn't you say that an elderly woman gave you her will? Show it to me…" Zhao Ming commanded with a faint smile.

"Oh...…right…..I did see her in front of Princess Cheng's palace. Umm…what did that arrogant maid call her….? Yes, it was Mama Li," Officer Pei banged his fist on his palm after picturing the whole scene in his mind.

"Go now…I had you put it away because I was too engrossed in other work. It's time to see what it holds and why Mama Li wanted to pass it to the Grand Empress Dowager instead of giving it to the Xuan Clan," Zhao Ming's lips twisted.

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