
Poison Master: The Estranged Heiress

Trapped within the damaged walls of her mansion located in Yuchang City, Princess Cheng found herself confined alongside her grandmother, a fallen figure within the royal circle. The elder royal was placed under house arrest, accused of involvement in promoting illicit markets and fostering corruption within the realm. Xuan Cheng, residing in poverty alongside her grandmother and two aged attendants, was compelled to mature prematurely due to these circumstances. Motivated by a fierce will to escape poverty and make sure that no one could mistreat her, Xuan Cheng committed herself to learning a variety of trades and skills in order to support herself. Xuan Cheng was gifted with the ability to heal herself in addition to her grandfather's Seven Cultivation and grandmother's Jade Eyes. She immerses herself in her grandfather's collection of books and risks everything to cultivate fearlessly on her own. At night, she would go out and battle evil cultivators who would frequently obstruct her travel plans. She founded "Duyi Pharmacy" in order to aid the underprivileged and give back to the Almighty in the form of charitable donations. Xuan Cheng is a lone cultivator of Qi who exceeded the Tian Limit. In a world where the Evil Lord had eradicated factions and groups of cultivators, Xuan Cheng encountered someone akin to her: Prince Zhao Ming, the sole individual wielding demonic Qi across the entire Diqiu realm. They both had weaknesses that affected each other, but their unspoken love made them each other's pillars of strength. Betrayal by people they trusted brought them closer, forcing them to rely on each other even more. However, fate kept testing them with many challenges and trials.

PEARL_WANG · Fantasy
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173 Chs

Connecting the dots

"Brother Ming, I heard you came to the Palace of Benevolence yesterday," Prince Wu asked as soon as he met him in the garden strolling around leisurely.

"It must be that Jing who told you that right?" he asked turning to Prince Wu enraged.

"Why did you not come inside? we all were there, we could have a union?" he asked, his eyebrows twisted.

"I wanted to but I remembered that Father had assigned me some work," he said, making an excuse.

"Father? Assigned you to work? Well, that's more than a miracle...if it was some real work," Prince Wu nudged him teasingly.

"Yeah, you are right.You know it was just a formality," he replied, sitting still, frowning over something that neither the servants standing afar nor his brother could comprehend.

"Father passed another problem to me, it's more exhausting after becoming the Crown Prince," he rubbed his thighs and hinted at him, seeking his hand to pull him out of the pile of mess, the emperor had been burdening him.

"Good...you can warm up, it will be more difficult when you beco-," he nodded continuously and spoke, putting his cup down.

However, Crown Prince Zhao Wu cupped his mouth to make him stop speaking further, he glared at him furiously, checked his surroundings, and then slowly opened his lips to whisper.

"You will make me lose my head someday!"

Zhao Ming nodded, and raised his hand, admitting defeat and surrendering to his brother, Prince Wu slowly let him go and leaned back, still being cautious.

"Anyway, I shouldn't be troubling you since you are already taking care of the Poison Master search," he spoke in a low tone, his eyes tearing up.

Before Zhao Ming could speak anything, a page ran in and reported, "Your Highness...Your Majesty...Head Eunuch Su is back and is seeking an audience."

"What? Just because he ran an errand outside, he thinks he is a stranger to Imperial Palace?" Prince Wu tried to brush off the grief and chuckled, hiding his pain.

"Send him here!" Zhao Ming glanced at his brother feigning his laugh and commanded.

A moment later, Eunuch Su nearly ran, taking small steps, trying to keep his composure, he entered the garden and bowed his head in courtesy, "I pay my courtesy to Your Highness and Your Majesty."

"How was your journey, Su?" Crown Prince Wu asked, acting excited to know how a mere eunuch's journey was, the servants sneaked a glance at each other, appreciating how humble and sweet the crown prince was.

"It's an honour for me to have His Majesty's concern, everything went well," he replied, smiling from ear to ear, the air of joy was yet to mingle with that of the gloominess of Imperial Palace.

"Did you see our Grandaunt Shu? How is she?" Prince Wu asked excited to know, he was too young when she left but he remembered her smiling face when she helped him out when he accidentally broke a ceramic pot at his grandmother, Empress Dowager's palace.

"I did, from a distance, twice, when we were about to leave, she was sleeping at that time, so I didn't get to greet her in person," he reported.

"Sleeping?" Prince Wu asked curiously.

Prince Ming had been silently hearing everything, he was supposed to get the report and interrogate, but it wasn't a loss if his already busy brother helped him.

"Yes, the old maid serving her, Mama Li had informed me that she had taken soothing tonic and thus she shouldn't be disturbed.

Even when I saw her from afar the first time, she didn't look in good shape, she was..." he stopped, hesitating whether he should speak or not.

"What? Speak freely!" Prince Wu frowned and asked him to continue.

"She was like a child, being stubborn and throwing tantrums, it appeared to me that she didn't want to have medicines or food," he blurted out with no filter.

"How dare you!" Prince Wu became angry, and he referred to Heavenly Jade Princess in that manner, his head would be rolling if Grand Empress Dowager heard him.

Eunuch Su knew he spoke too bluntly and hurried to slap his lips and fell on his knees, looking like a poor pet who begged for his master's mercy.

Fortunately, the servants couldn't hear their inaudible talks, because Prince Wu had lowered his voice while questioning. They could only imagine and guess, stealing glances at the scene where their supervisor was being scolded.

"If you didn't meet her directly, then how did you announce the imperial decree? don't tell me you handed the scroll to some steward or that Mama Li?" Prince Wu asked after a sudden realisation hit him.

"Yes- No! No! No!" Eunuch Su nodded his head absent-mindedly and upon realizing he shook his head like a duck drying its head.

"What yes or no? Stay on one side!" Prince Wu was outraged.

"Your Majesty, let me explain," Eunuch Su pleaded referring to the Crown Prince, but his eyes were looking at his direct master, Prince Ming, who remained silent all this while, and appeared to be lost somewhere else.

As Zhao Ming noticed Eunuch Su kneeling and pleading, he finally moved his statue-like body and turned to his brother, and exchanged a nod, agreeing to accept his request.

"Princess Cheng received the decree and sent it to Her Majesty through Mama Li.

It was still highly suspicious why we couldn't meet Her Majesty, so we asked around, I heard a lot of things, it's doubtful how many said the same things.

They said...that Her Majesty would have died three days before we arrived but Princess Cheng gave her some antidote medicine. Not only, she didn't lose her life, her complexion was better than before.

Ever since that incident, Princess Cheng forbade servants and maids to serve her other than a few old ones, even physicians and people from Duke Ying's household weren't allowed.

In case, her condition worsens, so we were only allowed to see her from afar.

When I saw Her Majesty, I could not insist on meeting her forcefully." Eunuch tried to keep his explanation detailed and short.

Zhao Ming and Prince Wu looked at each other puzzled, they understood everything except one key point.

Prince Wu turned to the eunuch and asked on his brother's behalf, "Who is this princess, out of nowhere?

Except for Duke Ying and Prime Minister, nobody can visit her, and as far as I know, there is no princess in their households," he questioned.

"She is the daughter that was left under Her Majesty's care by Prime Minister Xuan, she wasn't registered even when she was three, so Grand Prince Consort requested and registered her name and title.

Not many people know about her because it was all paperwork, she wasn't granted an allowance or land. She had been living with Her Majesty and apparently has never had her mansion," Eunuch Su spoke in a sympathetic tone, making the princes further suspicious and curious.

"Su, it's very rare for you to feel bad for someone, you say, how pitiful is she, getting our eunuch Su on her side?" Prince Wu scoffed.

"Your Majesty, she is indeed pitiful, she is past the age of twenty and isn't married yet, she is the one who takes care of her grandmother all alone.

Not having any support from her father, I heard maids talking that she had last seen her father when she was eight, who didn't even look at her and returned to the capital city with the coffin.

Not only she hasn't met her mother, she hasn't received any letters or gifts on occasions when even daughters with grandchildren get something at least from their maiden house," he spoke up on her behalf.

"However, she is pitiful but not pathetic," he added.

"Why would you say so?" Prince Ming finally grew interested and asked.

"Your Highness asked me to find the source of their income, and that's why you had me personally go there," he remembered and spoke.

Zhao Ming's eyebrows curved and he nodded, sipping the last drop of his flower tea.

"It has to do something with her!" he stated determined.

"Didn't you say she never stepped out of the manor?" Prince Wu grew more interested in knowing about this person, Princess Cheng.

"Apparently, she hasn't, but she is in charge of the mansion, I didn't expect her to be loaded with precious pieces of jewellery and wearing top-grade silk.

The way she carries herself, her calmness and her composure surpass many third-rank princesses.

In short, she is living a better life financially than Princess Lan," he commented.

"Does that mean you have no solid evidence of her source of income?" Prince Ming asked, disappointed in his explanation.

"Your Highness asked me to only look for Her Majesty's source of income. And that is most likely, Her Highness Princess Cheng," he spoke out bluntly, yet in a low voice.

"And what is Princess Cheng's source of income?" Prince Ming scoffed.

"Maybe embroidery or painting?" he responded, unsure of his statement.

"What do you mean about that?" Prince Wu asked, corners of his lips twisted.

"The maids and eunuchs there told me that Her Highness is extremely talented, especially in embroidery and paintings.

I even have a sample that Maid Huan gifted me when I asked about it," he explained himself, feeling extremely nervous.

"Show us then!" Prine Ming demanded.

Head Eunuch Su got up and retreated to bring the samples he got as a gift.

As soon as he left, Prince Wu turned to his brother and asked, "What are your thought?"

"Thoughts about what?" Prince Ming asked, not wanting to understand what his brother meant, he wished he didn't know him at all.

"This out of the blue princess Cheng...from what we heard about her she is seemingly not a simple person, that's unlike the situation she is in.

Not met her parents and never stepped out of the mansion, but she does an experienced person, if she is really behind the source of finance, then she is more than mysterious...

She is suspicious like our aunt, Princess Liu, don't you think so?

I know why Father has been ignoring this, but don't you think we should investigate?" Prince Wu furrowed his brows and spoke in a very serious manner, it appeared he was in his Crown Prince mode.

"She is...but I am planning to put her case on hold..." Prince Ming replied, his eyes zoning out as if he was again lost in pondering about something.

However, the words of Eunuch Su repeated in his mind.

(Princess Cheng gave her some antidote medicine.)


(Princess Cheng forbade servants and maids.)


(Even physicians and people from Duke Ying's household weren't allowed.)


'What was that?' Prince Ming asked himself, astonished. He shook his head and blinked several times, to get rid of his thoughts.

'I must have lost my mind in search of this poison master...what am I thinking?' he assured himself.

Just then, Eunuch Su ran in the same manner as he did, with several junior eunuchs.

"Keep it here!" he ordered them in his pitchy, authoritative voice. He motioned for them to hold the scroll and unroll it.

It was a painting of birds mourning in the deadly shower at night, both the princes were jolted, It was a new style of painting, and they had never seen such a piece before.

The colours used were different and complicated each other in a way as if they were part of each other or had always been one. Fine strokes and vague background mingled as if it were a piece of true nature.

It looked like it was never made, but it always existed, just like the mountains, seas, and clouds, the sun and the galactic sky.

"A miracle it is...are you sure she made this?" Prince Wu's jaw dropped. It was a priceless treasure yet it was gifted away to a lowly servant as a gift by a maid, it didn't make any logic to him or anyone.

"Did you steal it?" Prince Ming asked, equally astonished, and the painting seemingly sympathised with him, as if he could relate to it. As if the painting understood him better than he himself did.

The painting was crying just like his heart did, silently and quietly, all alone. It was as if death were right in front of him to take his beloved, and he was helplessly letting go.

The sky above the birds on the trees symbolised prayer, hopes and expectations that the artist is having from the Almighty, for a peaceful life after the beloved's death.

Seeking blessings and powers through the hidden sun in the scenery to live the day that will await the artist after death. It was full of laments of death and a cry for power to live on.

Just a glance at it, Prince Ming could feel every bit of the painting, it was just too much of a coincidence, that the artist and he felt the same way in a strange manner.

However, it was no surprise that Princess Cheng felt the same since her grandmother was near the day of the funeral when fate decided.

"No, Your Highness, if I stole it, I would never show it to you," Eunuch Su trembled hearing that from his masters.

"Then how did you get it from that maid? That means she must have stolen it..." Prince Wu accused.

"Your Majesty, I was doubtful too, so I asked Her Highness Princess Cheng as to why she would give these to me, and she replied, that she made this painting the night we stayed at her mansion.

It was heavily raining, so she painted it just to pass the sleepless night, and when she looked at the painting again in the morning, it was an eyesore for her.

Polluting her eyesight, and thus she gave it to me, she even told me I can burn it if I don't like it," he hurried to explain. It was as if he were climbing a mountain, too risky to fall down and too high to give up, he would lose his life in any case.

"Eyesore? her own painting?" Prince Ming smirked as he shifted his eyes to his servant, Eunuch Su.

"Su? What is this box?" Prince Wu asked curiously as he noticed a delicate blue carved box in front of him.

"Your Majesty, allow me to explain..." He sought permission from his masters, and they both nodded, agreeing.

"This box is a present that all the eunuchs and I received from Her Highness Princess Cheng when we were about to leave.

At first, we thought, it was a piece of artwork by some artisan, however, we were wrong. Their guards told us that we were lucky to have seen it, touched it and received it.

Upon asking why it was so, he told us that all the boxes were handmade by Princess Cheng and they are as strong and beautiful as they look.

And I even tried it, let me demonstrate," Eunuch Su narrated.

He took the box and threw it against the tree trunk, Prince Wu widened his eyes as if it would fall off. The box looked extremely delicate, and he was afraid that it would break.

However, the box hit the trunk and fell to the ground, Prince Wu hurried to see the box, followed by Eunuch Su and found a deep mark on the tree. The box had no sign of scratch.

"Amazing! It's a miracle.... indeed, are you sure it's crafted by Princess Cheng herself, and they didn't lie?

You know exaggerating her talent just so she can be highlighted...

or else why would she gift you, people, with so precious items..." Prince Wu spoke directly pointing at the wounded spot of servants, because it was true, they did not deserve it.

"It must be because she was excited to get freedom and prestige that no one can have for four generations, that she gifted us with a priceless item...however, it's not the treasure Your Majesty," Eunuch Su's face dulled down and he picked up the box.

He opened it and displayed it to the two princes as Zhao Ming came closer to them, "This box contains medicines, tonics, and antidotes that are often needed when a person is travelling.

I thought it was already enough since precious medicines are rarely found in a servant's possessions, it was enough to be our treasure box.

But an incident opened my eyes," he said.

"What incident?" Prince Ming questioned.

"On our way back, Eunuch San was bitten by a river snake. The escort said he would die since it had no cure. Lying all blue, Eunuch San was indeed at the gate of hell.

Until I was reminded of the box, I opened it and went through the note where it was penned down in a very simple and easy format; what medicine to use when and how?

There was this thing: The Water Pill

See, it's written here.

'In case of poisonous stings and venoms bites or intake of toxic substances, use seven pills from this bottle, mix it in warm water and give it to the sick person.'

I did as it said even though everyone was against it, and it worked.

Eunuch San recovered in a few hours, it was as if the venom was never inside of him," he explained briefly. His trauma could be seen through his eyes and speech.

"I see now why you are taking her side and speaking on her behalf...with such priceless treasure, even I might have sold myself if I were you.

What about embroidery?" Prince Wu asked.

"Here, this handkerchief, belonged to Miss Huan, but she gave it to me since I liked it," he revealed, showing a piece of embroidered cloth, and a floral corner border.

"Wahh...it seems petals of this flower have come alive..." Prince Wu complimented.

He wanted to feel it but was interrupted by Prince Ming, "Okay, Su, leave now, come to me after dinner, I have something to ask," he said, dismissing him.

Prince Wu was embarrassed; he took his hand back and stretched his fingers to brush off the awkwardness. It would be shameful for a master to steal a servant's gift.

'Is my guess, right?' Zhao Ming realised and thought to himself.

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