

The electric current rushed up and into Wu Di, his hair rose once again as he was shocked by electricity, then his body began convulsing.

"Try and keep still," I said and Wu Di grit his teeth and calmed down.

Seeing him stabilize, I increased the heat under the pot, causing the turbine to spiral faster and generate even more electricity. Creating an even more powerful surge that caused the inscription to manifest from the ground to the space above Wu Di.

The symbols shot into Wu Di, one by one, and as if they had a mind of their own, they began assaulting the very plague that was killing him. 

As I was using my divine sense to check up on what was happening within Wu Di's body, I noticed the inscriptions doing magnificent work.

The symbols became too small for regular eyes to see and then merged with his blood, then they began collecting the Emrodite Plague, then surprising it with the aid of the electric current.

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