
Poison black

Maève is a sentinel, an overtrained supernatural. She is the best. At 19, she finds herself protecting the shapeshifting king's son, Gabriel Daine. If she thinks at first that this is going to be an easy mission, she sticks her finger in her eye. Between passion, and nervous breakdown, the girl will have to learn to navigate on waters more than disturbed.

DaoisttiYSJD · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 1

Maeve was peacefully finishing her training for the day, sweat plastering her long black hair tied in a braid at the back of her neck, when Roge, her mentor and guardian came running in, holding in his hand a letter sealed with a black wax seal.

- Maeve, a letter just arrived from the Grand Council for you!

She raised her head and smiled: finally a new mission! She had been bored to death in this base for two weeks, and she needed some action. And the order was coming from the grand council , no less ! Impressive , but for Maeve , it was just a way to be rewarded for her 14 years of training and all her succesfull missions . She had been five when her parents , high graded sentries , had been murdered and the others sentries had took her in , promising that if she worked hard enough , she could even surpass her parents and get revenge . So she'd started her training 7 years before all the other trainees , and gained her code name pretty easily : Maeve meant toxic , poisonous , and she was exactly like a deathly poison on a battlefield : fast and lethal , none of her opponent ever escaped alive . So , Breaking the wax seal , she oppened the letter and started reading :

Dear Poison Black ,

We hope this letter finds you well , and ready for a new mission . Starting one week from now on , you will be assigned as Gabriel Daine's bodyguard for an undetermined period .

Don't disappoint us .

She growned :

- No . This can't be right . A BODYGUARD ? Really ?

Roge stayed silent , waiting for her to finish letting out her anger .

- I am the first ever to be lieutenant at 19 ! I am worth much more than a stupid fucking bodyguard !

Her violet eyes started glowing , as if she were about to shift in her black panther form . Fearing she throw a tantrum and go rampage , Roge put his hand on her arm , reassuring her :

- I know its upstetting , and that you feel like your talents are being wasted , but Lysander Daine himself required the best for his son , and it appeared that you are the best , Maeve .

She swallowed her frustration , and asked :

- I cannot refuse it , can I ?

he grinned

- So you accept , Poison Black ?

She grinned back , her purple eyes glowing with the power of the panther :

- Ok , I'll do , I'll be this little prince Bodyguard .

Far away from there , as he was pouring himself a glass of wine, Gabriel Daine felt shivers going down his spine. Shrugging his shoulder , he tried to make them disappear, but nothing worked : the shivers were telling him that something was about to change his life forever and that he wouldn't be able to escape it , no matter how hard he would try . So when a page came in , telling him that his father , the future king , wanted to see him , he knew whatever was waiting for him was about to come his way.