
Chapter Thirty One: Resolve

Disclaimer: I own nothing here, take evasive action!

AN: My updates are going to be delayed from now on. I plan to post chapter 32 on 6-1-19.

A jarring thud shook Ben out of his trance. His first thought was that the escape pod must have entered the cargo bay of whatever (presumably large) freighter that Maz and Chewie were flying, the artificial gravity causing the pod to drop to the bay floor in an unceremonious, damaged heap. The disorienting pull of hyperspeed followed an instant later.

Although he hadn't been aware of what transpired in the previous few moments, he could imagine it well enough. Zeroes' ship, still connected to the pod when the pirate freighter emerged out of hyperspace, a light skirmish ensuing between the two vessels before the squad broke off from the fruitless engagement, allowing the freighter to scoop up the pod the way a Neebray manta might devour a Mynock.

If that wasn't how things had gone, then Ben would find himself back inside one of the Supremacy's hangars, which in reality wouldn't have been half bad except for the dissension and chaos waiting to greet him when he stepped out. In all honesty he wouldn't mind a good excuse to release all his rage and frustrations on a company of mutinous troopers. But he didn't have time for that. didn't have time for that.

His attention suddenly revolved to his fiancée's motionless body, the urgency of her condition pushed to the fore of his mind. With the amount of anger and tension he had built up and focused after his brief meditation, he was confident that he could at least fend off the first wave of unfriendly blasterfire while carrying her, but that would slow him down and Rey needed medical attention.

Reaching down with a new resolve, Ben carefully drew her up in his arms as he stood to exit the pod. There was no time to waste, regardless of what awaited him outside.

The hatch slid open and Ben was instantly relieved to see that familiar, big hairy beast and his short, orange skinned companion. Idly he wondered who was flying the ship, but didn't bother to ask, nor did he bother with frivolous greetings as he stepped out of the pod. His top priority, his priority was the wounded woman in his arms. "Medbay, now!"

"Oh dear," Maz gasped when she caught sight of Rey's grievous injury while Chewie whined worriedly. Neither seemed at all perturbed by Ben's fervent demands, not that he would have cared if they did. The ancient alien nodded her head dutifully and turned to the Wookiee. "Show him the way, Chewie. I'll round up some extra help." She turned to head in another direction but shot a withered look over her shoulder. "This looks like it might be a... operation."

Chewie's reply was a gruff, obedient rumble, but once Maz was well on her way he turned his snarling maw at Ben and swatted at his head in a harmless, smart thwack. oneWithout waiting for a reply, the Wookiee rounded with a grumble and lumbered for the hangar's nearest doorway.

Ben scowled against the blow to his head, knowing better than to retaliate, and strode after his guide as he shifted Rey's weight in his hold. He supposed he had a few more Wookiee swats and grumbles to get passed before he and Chewie could truly begin stitching the cavernous wound he had slashed between them. But for now, their differences were brushed aside. For now, they both only cared about one person, and she needed them to at least be civil with each other.

Chewie led him through the ship in a silent, brisk pace, passing one compartment or closed doorway after another. After heading down a long corridor and into a chamber that resembled a recreation room, the Wookiee crossed over to another door with a medbay's universal symbol displayed on its surface.

Ben didn't take but a quick glance around the currently deserted lounge, but noticed it seemed to have a surplus of couches, recliners, holochess booths, card tables and monitors set up haphazardly throughout the chamber. It was practically a cantina, with a bar and a layer of bottles and glasses lining one wall. It didn't surprise him, really. Maz was well known for two things, smuggling and hosting smugglers. Such thoughts were beginning to make him feel uneasy, as he began to wonder at what sort of medical personnel could possibly be on board to tend to Rey.

He was immensely relieved to see a medical droid power on as Chewie led him into the medbay chamber. He was also grateful to see a functional bacta tank in one corner, as well as an operating table and an apparatus filled with surgical tools. , he thought as he moved to set Rey down on the table. "Hold on a little longer, sweetheart," he murmured with a frown when she tossed her head and emitted a painful whimper.

He could feel Chewie's curious gaze but ignored it as he turned instead to the medical droid whirring into action, its optics scanning over Rey's wounded shoulder intently. "What do you need to get started, droid? She's running out of time."

"Indeed, she is," the droid replied in a grating monotone. "I will require two assistants at the very least. Preferably ones with experience and no personal ties to the patient." It proceeded to hover around, collecting various tools and syringes before finally administering a drug of some kind, probably a numbing agent, into Rey's arm. She cried out in response and thrashed around in her delirium, forcing Ben to hold her in place until she stilled. "It appears this patient will require bindings."

"You think?" Ben snapped, only taking his eyes off Rey to give the droid an agitated glare. His faith in the heap of circuits and wires was quickly dwindling.

"I'm sorry sir," the droid replied, its tone dull and unfeeling. "But your rapid heart rate suggests that you have personal ties with the patient. I ask that you please remove yourself from the situation before I begin the foreign object's extraction."

Ben narrowed his gaze even further as the machine began fastening straps around Rey's arms and legs, securing her to the table. "I'm leaving."

"Yes," Ben heard Maz's voice resound firmly from the doorway. "You ."

He turned to argue with her but found himself momentarily distracted by the other two females that flanked the old alien on either side. One was an aged Togruta, while the other appeared to be a Tholothian in her prime. He didn't pay their individual characteristics any mind, though his eyes were drawn to the lightsabers hooked to their respective belts as they each moved to place the weapons on a rack by the door.

Above the rack was a plaque with scrawled letters in various languages: not weapons!

Ben returned his gaze to Maz, his mind revolving back to her demand. It reminded him too much of Sarla's stubborn insolence involving the same argument some days prior. His eyes narrowed to slits and his hands flexed dangerously. "."

"No?" Maz spat as she approached with a determined gait and a fierce, rebuking tone. "Now you listen to me, you arrogant young . This is ship. It was crew that rescued you. And it is medical team that is going to save this poor creature currently bleeding out, while waste the very little precious time she has left by arguing with me!"

"I won't leave her," Ben replied firmly, though he did not raise his volume in order to meet her intensity.

"Oh would you stop being so dramatic? You'll be right outside!" Maz snapped and made a gesture at the door. She stood directly in front of him now, so small, yet still so imposing. "You and Chewie are too emotionally attached to her, your presence would only hinder the operation, therefore you will wait outside."