
Poetry For Wounded Souls

Read the collection of tragic tales that are not as easily avoided as you think - A cautionary tale to those who are comfortable in their life.

MistressOfMacabre · Teen
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A Predator's Prey

Are you poison?

Are you toxin?

Have I died?

Prebuilt Coffin


For a girl laid bare

By your evil ways

Rip and tear

Her psyche in only 128 days


Each day she spent walking

On eggshells for you

Craved your approval

Till her lips were blue


She'd bend herself backwards

Just for your grade

C plus, D minus

It wasn't a fair trade


For her to swear her life away

To sworn secrecy

To be silent and keep it that way

Lunchroom rumors over tea


How can you call yourself a Navajo

When all you do is lie and cheat

A real human would never

Abuse a woman into her seat


Chairwoman of victims

I live but "she" died

How dare you trick them

Into believing you survived


For what have you ever done

Besides cause pain and harm

Coerce her, abuse her

My body is not your fucking farm


Even though I never suffered

A finger of yours against my skin

I will always remember

How it felt to "lose" you again


When you threatened my life

And threatened my abilities

I knew I had to write

And make the masses know my story


You swore you'd end my ability

To write poetry

But yet here I am

Mistress Of The Macabre


You may have gotten away

With killing her, my old self

But I will rise from my ashes

And make your life a living hell


For predators deserve no peace

No matter what race, gender, sexuality

Nothing can save you

From the pain you caused me


May the universe come full circle

May you suffer the same fate as I

May you remember my face

No matter how hard you try


To forget the damage you did

You will see me in every place

In every bribe you bid

I will remain seen, without a trace


I will haunt your mind

Consider this revenge

And if you happen to read this,



May you suffer,

As I have suffered.

