

Posting some of my poems

Piece_Of_Dream · Teen
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I miss those days when the life was pretty,I used to say i'll be so happy, when i grow But i don't know to smile now, just going with the flow.

I used to play, i used laugh alot

But i don't know now i am happy or not

When i used to cry everything i got

Every little toy i got i used to be happy alot.

The weight of the bag was better than the weight of strees and responsibilities.

I miss my hometown, it was better than the noise of this modern cities.

I still remember how i hated to sleep at afternoon but now i crave to sleep for very long time. Now i got many people to talk but feels like no one is mine.

Missing those little friends with whom i played every singel day. Missing those days when i used to be outside whole day, but now i don't feel like going out just want to be in bed and lay.

Missing those days when no one was mean. But now i feel like i have no one to lean. Mom wiped my tears whenever i cried, When i used to play all day she, also wiped my sweat whenever i was tired.

That fear of being alone now became happiness.Excitement of adulthood became toughest life phase. School felt like jail but now i want to be locked again there in that happiest cage.

I wish i could just go back in those days when the life was pretty. When grandpa used to give me coins for candy i used to be very happy.

I miss those days when i was noisy but life was peaceful. Missing that feeling when grandma used to make me sweater of wool. But now by saying all is well making my heart fool.

Now life became nosiy and i became quite.Forgot the fear of dark, just trun off the light.

How Childhood fears turned out into happiness. But happiness of growing up turned out into the stress.