
Poems that I wrote

yellowanonymous16 · Teen
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17 Chs

Your eyes

Your eyes flicker in the night

I wonder how they have that glow

The glow of your eyes shine

Shiner than the moon ever could

Oh how I wish your eyes met mine

In a gaze beyond time

Whenever I see you I wonder

When I can see your beautiful eyes again

Again like a breeze on a sunny day

I loved how your eyes sparkled

When they saw mine

Your eyes could tell a story of a lifetime

They tell everyone that you are beautiful

I see how they fit you well

You see that very well

Seeing your eyes makes my heart melt

I know one day you will see mine

Mine as they sparkle as well

Mine as they flicker in the night

Mine, as they have yours, glow

For we have the same color eyes