
Podrick's Path (Game of Thrones)

In a dark, alternate version of Game of Thrones, Podrick Payne overhears Shae selling out his Lord to the Queen. From there, a beast is awoken. Who knows what will happen next! https://www.patreon.com/Cambrian

CambrianBeckett2 · TV
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38 Chs

The Sand Snakes Pt. 6

By now, Arianne has lost any hesitation that once rested within her concerning the Sand Snakes. Yes, they were family, yes, she loved them… and yet, sometimes the best thing you can do for something you love is let it go. Ah, but that's far too selfless a take for what Arianne is feeling right now. She wants this. She wants this because she's selfish and watching Uncle Oberyn's eldest daughters fall before Podrick's cock is just too good to pass up.

Gripping Nymeria by her long braid, she forces the other woman deeper into her crotch, ignoring her betrayed gaze and Obara's shouts. Her hips match Podrick's thrusts now in tempo, the both of them no longer holding back. For whatever reason, Podrick had started out slow with Nymeria, only fucking her with about half of his length instead of the entire thing.

But it was done now, and whatever false sense of security Nym may have gotten from thinking she could handle the man was also gone, rapidly being demolished by the way he was plowing her from behind with greater and greater force. Immensely turned on and unable to help herself, Arianne pipes up, licking her lips as she makes eye contact with the young brothel owner over the top of her cousin's sweaty, trembling, pale body.

"Do it, whoremonger. F-Fuck her harder! Abuse her! Smack her around a bit! Make that pale skin turn red!"

The hissed words come as Arianne leans forward for the first time, basically doubling over Nymeria's head so she can get her face closer to Podrick's, moaning as she forces her cousin's mouth deeper into her crotch and plays at nearly asphyxiating Nym as a result. Podrick lifts an eyebrow at her… but technically, she is still the customer. Chuckling, making it clear that he's not truly following her orders so much as giving her request the consideration it's due, he draws a hand back… and lays it into Nymeria's beautiful, slightly jiggly, toned behind quite hard.

Deep in Arianne's crotch, the beautiful Lady Nym squeals at the strike. She keeps squealing too, as Podrick continues to lay into her from that point on. He's fucking her twat with his bitch-breaker of a cock, pistoning in and out of her cunt with every last inch of his massive meaty log of a member. And now he's also delivering harsh, pounding spankings to Nymeria's ass, smacks that leave her bottom redder and redder and her squeals reverberating up through Arianne's figure.

"Y-Yes! Just like that! Don't stop now, whoremonger! Teach my darling cousin how to best serve as one of your whores~"

Letting her true feelings out, letting her voice sing, Arianne tosses her head back and lets loose an orgasmic cry, even as Podrick continues to abuse Nymeria's backside with his hands and hollow out and reshape her cunt with his cock. In between them, it's obvious that Nym's composure is completely shattered, her entire body covered in sweat and trembling from head to toe. She's also bucking a bit, trying to pull out from between Arianne's clenching thighs as the Princess of Dorne cums all over her face time and time again.

Oh, right… the bitch probably needs to breathe. Smiling wickedly, Arianne pulls Nym back by her braid, acting rather magnanimously as she yanks her cousin out of her crotch so the other woman can take in several deep breaths. Face coated in the Princess pussy juices, Nymeria has certainly seen better days as she looks up at Arianne with such a delicious expression. There's the betrayal in her eyes of course, but there's also pleading in her gaze. Even now, even knowing Arianne couldn't be further from her corner, Nymeria continues to hope that the Princess will spare her.


Not even giving her a chance to get out another stammered plea, Arianne cuts off Nymeria's sputtering by forcing her down into her crotch, groaning and moaning all the while as she shudders and undulates her deliciously dark-skinned body across the chair she's practically oozing out of. Meanwhile, Podrick hasn't ever really stopped fucking Nymeria either, his cock continuing to pound into the reluctantly orgasming Sand Snake from behind again and again.

Ignoring her cousin for the moment once more, Arianne leans forward yet again, licking her lips as she catches the whoremonger's attention.

"I wish to make it clear now… I will gladly pay more gold to be allowed to participate in other training sessions concerning future whores, whoremonger. Name your price."

That gets another raised brow from the man, who just snorts derisively. But that's alright. For the time being, Arianne is content to get to bear witness to this. The corrupted little Princess wants nothing more than to watch as her former playmates and confidants are turned into whores for Podrick's business. She wants to see them trained in the art of selling their bodies, much like Podrick did with Brienne of Tarth, much like Ellaria claimed he did with the Queen Mother Cersei Lannister as well as Margaery Tyrell of House Tyrell.

She wanted to bear witness to it all, no, more than that she wanted to take part in it all. She would be happy to pay any price to be invited to such delicious debauchery as what she was experiencing now. Her own cousins, women who were like sisters to her… and she was helping to send them into the depths of despair and debauchery. She wanted more… she had to have MORE!

A whimper from Nymeria draws Arianne's attention back down to the other woman. Nym is licking now, almost obediently, much to the Princess' surprise. Up until this point, it had honestly just been a lot of grinding and mashing and forceful humping of the trapped girl's face. Using the sheer depravity of what was happening, as well as things like Nym's nose inadvertently rubbing against her clit, in order to get off.

But quite suddenly, it's Nymeria's willing tongue inside of Arianne's twat. For a moment, the Dornish Princess is struck dumb, not quite sure how to respond. But then, a slow, wicked sneer spreads across her face as she glares down at her cousin. If Nym thought that this was going to work, that it was going to reawaken some sort of love for her in Arianne's breast, she had another thing coming. The truth was, Arianne had never stopped loving Nym… it was because of her love that the twisted, corrupted Princess so desperately desired to be a part of the bastard's fall.

"You, hah… you three had such plans for, mm, revenge, d-didn't you Nym? Well… you f-failed! You failed, hnngh, in convincing my father to seek revenge! This, hah, this is the price of that failure, Nym! That's right, bitch! L-Lick faster! D-Deeper! You d-deserve this, all t-three of you do! I-If you'd just come to me in the first place, oooh, then I could have helped! W-With me by your side, w-we could have succeeded! But y-you spurned me for my blood, f-for my heritage! And n-now you pay the price!"

As if on cue, Podrick grunts before thrusting forward into Nymeria's twat one final time. Watching her cousin's eyes go wide as she screams into Arianne's cunt, likely from some thoroughly vicious cervix-breaking and womb-fucking, it becomes obvious that he's cumming inside of the pale young woman. Arianne's grin is wicked and wild, because she knows it's not over… she knows what happens next.

With another grunt, Podrick yanks himself out of Nymeria's womb and twat, drawing a second weak and muffled squeal from the Sand Snake, and then takes the hole presented to him by Ellaria, who happily and helpfully spreads the younger woman's cheeks wide and offers him up Nym's sphincter. In he goes, and Nymeria is screaming now, screaming in agony as her ass, only ever so slightly prepared by Ellaria's earlier fisting, is now penetrated by the same cock that hollowed out her cunt and fucked her womb into oblivion.

Arianne shudders in orgasmic delight at the sight, eyes wide and wild, smile wicked and manic. The Princess of Dorne is not idle though, not now. She continues to force Nymeria down into her crotch, and though there's a beat where the other girl is clearly recovering from Podrick's size in her ass, eventually her tongue starts back up. Looking down at Nymeria, Arianne positively croons down at her.

"Gooooood girl… looks like someone CAN be trained to respect their betters after all~"


Podrick hides his derisive snort behind his grunts and harsh breaths as he continues to fuck Nymeria from behind, this time in the ass. She'd certainly been a tight lay when he'd fucked her cunt and came inside of her womb, but her ass was even tighter still, and he was having to focus in order to avoid permanently wrecking it, while at the same time giving it the pounding she deserved and that would most help bring her training along at an acceptable pace.

Tyene had broken, and from what Ellaria had told him, this was a good thing. She might be less useful in the long run and might end up used up and worthless far sooner than otherwise… but it was better than her somehow finding her way to a poison and killing him or Seven forbid, a customer with either her upper or lower lips.

Nymeria, by comparison, at least as far as Ellaria had told him, was only dangerous if she had access to blades. That, Podrick could be sure to keep away from her, as well as make sure she was routinely checked for. As such, her training could be a fair bit different. There was no reason to completely break the beautiful black-haired beauty like he'd broken her blue-eyed sister.

Meanwhile, the Princess of Dorne, Arianne Martell… was coming along quite nicely. To the extent that she didn't even know it. Which was simply perfect for Podrick's purposes, truth be told. Sawing in and out of Arianne's ass, feeling Ellaria nuzzling into him as she hugs him from behind, providing additional stimulation with her bared caramel breasts against his back, Podrick watches as the Dornish Princess loses herself more and more.

There was more than one way to skin a cat. A disturbing saying, but in this situation, surprisingly apt. There was more than one way to train a Dornish whore, was what Podrick was coming to discover from his short time in Dorne. How amusing was it that Dorne's heiress, the Princess Arianne Martell, was so quickly falling under his influence.

And all he had to do was allow Ellaria to invite her along to the Sand Snakes' breaking and training. Now, all of the sudden, the Princess was asking to be invited along to further 'training sessions' in the future. More than that, she was offering to pay for such a 'service'. Did the girl not realize she was effectively going to be paying him to work for him?

Obviously not, or she might have been more put out. As it is, Arianne is beside herself with pleasure as Nymeria finally seems to be starting to play ball, eating out her royal cousin as the future ruler of Dorne humps her face with wild abandon. The sight if an arousing one, to be sure, just as arousing as Brienne continuing to bounce a helpless Obara up and down on the double-sided dildo in a full nelson all this time was.

There was no male release to make for a satisfying stopping point for those two, so it was still happening, even long after he'd finished with Tyene and now moved on to conquering Nymeria's holes. And to her credit, Obara was STILL screaming and shouting expletives and curses and demands, not that any of them have been answered by anyone but Brienne… who's answer is ultimately just to drop Obara down onto the sex toy they're both impaled on again.

The only limiting factor in their continued debauchery if the stamina and endurance and strength of both women. But Brienne has all three of those things in spades, and it's becoming increasingly obvious to Obara from the look Podrick catches in her eye that the blonde giant of a whore is going to be able to outlast her and then some.

Ah, but it probably won't come to that. After all, once Podrick is done with Nymeria here, he'll move on to Obara to finish up the set. Not that this will be done in one night. The Sand Snakes will be training for weeks under the care of him and his… assistants. And it seems that their re-training into a trio of high-quality whores will be funded by the Prince of Dorne himself… or rather, by his heiress, who has just offered to pay to be part of subsequent… lessons.

Grinning wickedly, Podrick continues to lay into Nymeria's ass with all his might, grunting and groaning as he thrusts forward, which in turn causes her face to push deeper into Arianne's crotch, her back arched and scrunched up as her hips rise high into the air, trying to escape his cock and failing miserably. She's completely and utterly helpless, just like Tyene was, albeit in a different way.

Ah, but it would seem Arianne has intentions of 'helping'. As Podrick gets closer and closer to his release, the Princess of Dorne abruptly pulls Nymeria back away from her cunt. Holding the Sand Snake firmly by her braid, she forces Nymeria's head to turn, forces her to look back at him, to make eye contact with him as her gaze travels up his muscular torso, before eventually landing on his face.

"Who is he, Nym? Tell me, right now. Name him and submit already!"

Arianne's hissed, venomous tone has quite the pronounced effect on her bastard cousin. Nymeria shudders a little even as Podrick slows his onslaught just a tad to give her a chance to respond. He's still fucking her ass, he's not about to stop, but he's no longer forcing her forward a few inches with every thrust. His pounding into her butt is more… measured for the moment.

When Nymeria doesn't immediately answer, Arianne growls and pulls sharply on the other woman's braid, raising her free hand as if to slap or even claw her cousin across the face. That's when Nymeria speaks up to avoid the blow.

"M-Master! He's m-my Master! P-Pleas-mmph!"

Whatever else she might have said is lost as Arianne shoves the poor girl's face back into her crotch, cooing down at her.

"Goooood, that's exactly right! Such a good girl… yesss, lick me, you whore. He's your Master… you belong to him now, Nym. You better get used to it."

Podrick watches in some amusement, even as he gets closer and closer to cumming in his newest toy's ass. Arianne probably thought she was helping… but he knew better. That wasn't helping, that was well-intentioned sabotage. Nymeria hadn't meant a single word that she'd just said… and she knew it too. Now she thought she could lie to them, lie to him… he'd have his work cut out for him, training it out of her.

Still, if he wanted to use the future ruler of Dorne as his treasury, if he wanted to turn Arianne and all that she would one day rule into his personal bank, there were certain things Podrick had to put up with. As he lets out a grunt and then proceeds to unload a steaming hot helping of thick white cum into Nymeria's ass, much to the squealing beauty's dismay, Podrick just smiles and nods to Ellaria, who quickly moves off to fetch the collar and leash.


"Look at what has become of your sisters, Obara! This will be you next!"

Nymeria doesn't dare look her older sibling in the eye as she allows herself to be paraded in front of the poor woman. She doesn't look at Obara at all, knowing exactly what she would see. As it is, the hopelessness of their situation is not lost on any of them at this point, Nymeria imagines. Well… except for maybe Tyene. The youngest of the three was STILL lost to the world, passed out on the ground where that man had dropped her before he'd proceeded to fuck Nymeria and reshape her insides with his cock.

… She would pay lip service, she would call him Master out loud, but she refused to call him it in her own mind. She refused to break. When Arianne had given her the out, Nymeria had taken it… just as she'd taken this now, the sheer indignity of being collared and put on a leash like some… like some animal. Crawling along at the Princess' side, because of course that man had handed the other end of the leash over to Arianne, Nymeria can do nothing but keep her head down… for now.

Even as Obara continues to shout and scream herself hoarse, even as her big sister demands that Nymeria lift her head, Nymeria doesn't. Obara doesn't understand and may never understand. This isn't a fight they can win head on. That man and the women who serve him, their father's former paramour and the blonde giant whore had been the ones to come head on, and the Sand Sisters had crumpled like a stack of cards before them.

For now, they had to accept their lot in life. Not that Tyene had been given the chance to do so… and Obara, stubborn and obstinate as she was, might not get it either. But Nym was a different sort of fighter from both girls. She knew how to play the long game. She knew how to take things slow. So yes, she would be that man's whore. She would call him 'Master' for now.

Even as Obara screams down at her and Arianne, her for breaking so easily and Arianne for betraying them all, Nymeria doesn't react, simply continuing to crawl along at the Princess side like the dog she's been made to look like, demeaning as it is.

She's biding her time. This was Westeros, after all, and nothing was set in stone.


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