
Podrick's Path (Game of Thrones)

In a dark, alternate version of Game of Thrones, Podrick Payne overhears Shae selling out his Lord to the Queen. From there, a beast is awoken. Who knows what will happen next! https://www.patreon.com/Cambrian

CambrianBeckett2 · TV
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38 Chs

The Sand Snakes Pt. 4

"P-Please, ah, Ellaria, I-mmph! T-There's nothing, please cease this mad-mmph! P-Princess, surely, h-hah, y-your father did not intend for-mmph!"

The Princess of Dorne, Arianne Martell, can do nothing more than twitch in her chair as she splays herself open for Nymeria's sputtering head to be ground down into her wet cunt, again and again. The second eldest of Oberyn's bastards is trying to make her case, trying to beg them to cease and desist from their actions… but Ellaria Sand refuses to let her, the older whore treating Nymeria like nothing but a fresh cunt to be trained.

… When Arianne had accompanied Podrick and Ellaria to the Spear Tower, she had done so out of sheer curiosity and a driven depraved heart. Especially given Ellaria's offer of a special service to be provided by Podrick's newest whores. However, never in her wildest dreams had Arianne imagined participating in their breaking as well.

Not that she'd had to do much, so far. When they'd entered the Sand Snakes' room, everything had happened so extremely fast. Ellaria had shoved a mouthful of some aphrodisiac down poor Tyene's throat through a tongue-filled, soul-searing kiss that left the pretty pale blonde completely insensate and utterly vulnerable to the advances of Ellaria's Master.

Meanwhile, the giant whore, Brienne of Tarth, had immediately moved on Obara and proceeded to utterly dismantle and demolish the most physically capable of the three sisters, taking the Sand Snake with the greatest martial prowess and driving her down onto the double-sided dildo sticking straight up out of Brienne's clenching cunt.

Finally, there was Nymeria. As soon as Ellaria had finished dosing Tyene, she'd moved on, leaving the beautiful blue-eyed poisons mistress to Podrick Payne's… tutelage. Ellaria had proceeded to Nymeria, where she'd taken the already surprised girl down and stripped her bare before Nymeria truly had a chance to register the danger and react to it.

Now, Nymeria was on her hands and knees, locked down with shackles and manacles around her wrists and ankles that severely limited her movement. She was also utterly naked, leaving her wholly defenseless, not a single one of her knives in sight. Left there before Arianne's chair… well, it meant that Nymeria's face was level with the Princess' crotch.

She'd hesitated when Ellaria had first called her over and bade her to sit. She knew she shouldn't be enjoying her cousins' plight as much as she was. But she couldn't help herself… there was something wrong with Arianne Martell, and she was well aware of that fact. She'd watched Tyene, her favorite cousin and one of her most treasured companions, being used and abused by Podrick Payne, treated to his treasure of a cock just as Arianne herself had been.

It was… the hottest thing that Arianne had ever witnessed. It was still pretty hot, still going on, but she was admittedly a little distracted right now, now that she'd given in to Ellaria's coaxing. Listening to Tyene's screams of terror and horror, mixed with reluctant pleasure and ecstasy provided by the aphrodisiac shouldn't be as enticing as it is. The sounds have no right to be arousing in nature, especially given who they're coming from… and yet, they were amazing.

With Tyene's melodic voice turned hoarse and wretched in the background, Arianne had sat where Ellaria bade her to sat, and even as Nymeria begged them both to stop, begged them to end their madness, the older woman, Uncle Oberyn's former paramour… was all too happy to shove her uncle's second eldest daughter's face into Arianne's cunt again and again.

It wasn't even like Nymeria was doing much licking. It was more a grinding sensation, as Ellaria rubbed her nose and mouse in Arianne's pussy juices and scent, making the Princess of Dorne grow wetter and wetter beneath the onslaught of sensations, combined with the sight of Nymeria's sisters both being put in their place in one way or another.

With one hand in Nymeria's hair, driving her forward into Arianne's cunt as the Princess just… receives the pleasure, doing nothing else, Ellaria Sand is not idle with her other hand. The source of many of Nymeria's cries, Ellaria continues to fist the younger woman, despite being the closest thing that she ever had to a mother.

She thrusts her entire hand in and out of Nymeria's squelching, gripping, slurping cunt, causing the Sand Snake no end of mental anguish from the way Nymeria is crying out, constantly begging for mother-figure to stop, to cease, to release her. But that's not going to happen, is it? No, because Ellaria Sand belongs to Podrick Payne now. And soon, so will the Sand Snakes as well, these three sisters turned from strong, independent women into little more than horny, Dornish whores.

The thought shouldn't excite her, Arianne knows it should disgust her, these are girls she's grown up with, that she's come to love and adore and cherish. So then why is standing aside and letting their defilement and 'training' occur so easy for her? Why is sitting here and watching everything happen so damn enticing? She's broken inside, she's a depraved, perverse woman… and she wants to see her friends, some of her closest confidants… fall.

It's the most delicious thing that the Princess has every witnessed. It's a tragedy in the making. Their father dead, killed by their own hubris. His paramour, the woman they'd come to love as a mother, turned to a whore by one man's cock… and now the three of them, helpless and blindsided, slowly transforming into more scarlet women for that man to use as he likes.

There is shame, welling up in her breast. But it pales in comparison to the ardor bubbling up from her core at the view of the Sand Sisters being turned into little more than whores. It-


Ellaria's voice suddenly sounds out, cutting through her inner turmoil, and Arianna starts as she realizes that the bastard prostitute is smiling at her and holding out the base of Nymeria's long, beautiful black braid.

"As much as it pleases me to please you, Princess… could you take over for me. I have another… cavity to check."

Arianne's mouth opens as she flushes, but before she can even respond, Ellaria has let go of Nymeria's braid, allowing Oberyn's daughter to pull back from Arianne's gushing wet cunt, sputtering and whimpering.

"E-Ellaria, I, a-ah, already told you, I have no, mm, w-weapons on me! Please, they t-took my k-knives when they locked, oooh, u-us away up here!"

Chuckling darkly, Ellaria Sand gives Arianne a wink over Nymeria's head as she brings her now free hand down to the younger Dornish woman's ass. With one hand already up Nymeria's cunt, fisting the girl because supposedly Nymeria might be hiding a weapon that could endanger Podrick's life up her cunt, it was perfectly obvious what Ellaria intended to do with her second hand.

As she begins to cut past Nymeria's toned, firm caramel butt cheeks and starts to push her fingers against the younger woman's asshole, Nymeria stiffens, her eyes wide as she trembles in her chains. Her gaze meets Arianne's, and it's immediately obvious that the Sand Snake has given up on convincing her father's paramour to cease as she opens her mouth to beseech Arianne again instead.

"P-Princess, f-fuck, I b-beg of you, oh by the Seven, p-put an end to this! Please, oooh, s-stop them, s-stop this, sto-mmph!"

The only thing that the Dornish Princess stops in the end is Nymeria's begging, as she finally lunges forward and grabs hold of the other young woman's long black braid, gripping it tightly and shoving her long-time companion and confidant back down into her cunt. The second eldest Sand Snake's eyes go wide at this betrayal stacked on top of betrayal, squirming even as Arianne's forces her mouth down onto her cunt.

This is another step; Arianne is well aware of that. And she's hesitant, even now. She's slow to go further then just a bit of grinding, biting her lower lip as she descends another rung down the ladder into depravity, into hell. She can't believe she's doing this… but oh does it feel good to help defile her friend. Nymeria's look of betrayal and anguish hurts, but it's even more arousing than painful, more pleasurable than agonizing.

The Princess has never been more turned on in her entire life as she not only witnesses the breaking and reshaping of her cousins into whores, but also assists in that defilement and debasement. A low, throaty moan ripples out of Arianne as she tilts her head back, ignoring Nymeria's pointed staring and grinding the unwilling young woman further down into her twat.


Ellaria just smiles as she watches the Dornish Princess lose herself bit by bit right before her eyes. It just goes to show that her Master is wise and keen-minded. There were a multitude of different ways of handling women, just as there were a multitude of different sorts of women. One did not handle a Dornish Princess the same way he handled Dornish Bastards.

Did Arianne even realize she was being trained right alongside her cousins? Probably not. It mattered little, in the end, because Ellaria was not tasked with training her. She would leave such long term plans to her Master, for hers was not to question or judge, but to obey and follow, and do as her Master bade. Which was why, even as Nymeria begged for her to stop, even as she continued to claim she had no weapons hidden away on her person… Ellaria continued to 'search' all the same.

With her hand in Nymeria's cunt and three fingers up the girl's ass at this point, Ellaria takes a moment to look away from Arianne, and instead observe Nymeria and all she was now, before she lost it all and became what she would become.

Nymeria Sand, nicknamed Lady Nym by some. The bastard daughter of Ellaria's former lover Oberyn Martell, and a noblewoman from Volantis. Ellaria didn't know anything more about Nymeria's mother, but then, she suspected that the beautiful young woman didn't either. Oberyn wasn't the type to refrain from kissing and telling, but in all fairness he'd had so many lovers over the years that it was a bit much to ask the Red Viper to remember each and every conquest with anything more than passing familiarity.

Even the women who'd given birth to his children, save for Ellaria herself of course, were little more than passing memories in the late Dornish Prince's mind, most of the time. Regardless, Nymeria was… Nymeria was a force unto herself, in no need of a blood mother to make herself stand out. In her mid-twenties, the second eldest Sand Snake was absolutely beautiful.

She was slender and slim, with long black hair done up in a braid that floats down her back… most of the time. When she's not stripped naked, shackled to the floor, and being forced to eat out the twat of her noble cousin while Ellaria fists her cunt and fingers her ass, maybe. On top of that, Nymeria had dark eyes, said to be large and lustrous. She also had full lips that Ellaria knew for a fact she used products from Essos to keep that shade of ruby red. Though the silken smile that sent the hearts of both men and women alike aflutter all over Sunspear and even Dorne beyond was completely her.

Complete with high cheekbones and olive skin, it was no wonder that her nickname was Lady Nym, despite being one of Oberyn's bastards. Where Obara was a beast of a woman, and Tyene was akin to that of a septa, Nymeria was closest in looks and demeanor to an actual noblewoman, for all that she was not.

She was said to have all the beauty that Obara lacked… but that didn't make her any less deadly. Although the height of elegance and grace, 'Lady Nym' was said to be quite vengeful, and Ellaria knew it to be true from personal experience. Tyene was a poisoner, Obara was a warrior… but Nymeria was the one that the older woman was most worried about, because Nymeria was the assassin.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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