
Podrick's Path (Game of Thrones)

In a dark, alternate version of Game of Thrones, Podrick Payne overhears Shae selling out his Lord to the Queen. From there, a beast is awoken. Who knows what will happen next! https://www.patreon.com/Cambrian

CambrianBeckett2 · TV
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38 Chs

The Sand Snakes Pt. 2

Podrick smirks as he bottoms out in Tyene, forcing her to scream obscenities each and every time. Her soft body feels absolutely amazing on his cock… and yes, he's quite confident that she'll make a good little whore, after some training. But first, she has to be broken. Podrick can't afford to be nice with this blonde bitch, not like he has with some of his others. And yes, he has been nice with more than a few of them, even been kind in how he's treated them.

Tyene Sand doesn't get the kind treatment. She gets the rough treatment, and she gets a lot of it, Podrick's hands slapping at her beautiful soft tits, grabbing at her wide hips, squeezing her pale, porcelain ass to his heart's delight. Each and every time Tyene tries to say something, Podrick is there striking another part of her flesh.

All the while, he continues to bounce her up and down on his bitch-breaker, of course. It wouldn't be much of a breaking if he didn't utilize his greatest weapon against the drugged little bitch. So, Podrick slams up against Tyene's cervix with every thrust. He pounds the entrance of her womb until finally, he breaks right on through.

The shrieking orgasms that come along the way are obviously a result of the drugs. This is not a consensual coupling, what's happening between the two of them. Tyene doesn't want this anymore than Obara or Nymeria do. He's raping her, raping her while the drugs Ellaria fed into her mouth, a potent aphrodisiac, make it impossible for Tyene to fight back.

Her body is responding in quite the positive manner, even as he abuses and uses it for his own pleasure. Her nipples are on end, rock hard and jutting out from her soft, reddening tits. Her skin is covered in a glistening sheen of sweat, while her thighs are drenched in her own pussy juices. Her pussy itself is slick and coated in her fluids, both inside and outside, making the travel in and out of her reluctantly clenching twat all the more pleasurable for the brothel owner.

With a groan, Podrick slams Tyene down again, only to finally enter her womb. The sensation of breaking through, of invading this most sacred place buried deep inside of her oh-so-feminine body… it's not a new one for Podrick Payne, of course. Not by a long shot. He's womb-fucked more women then he can count by this point, hell, he's probably womb-fucked more women then most of the men of the Seven Kingdoms have ever managed to even simply bed.

His cock, massive and throbbing and long and thick by any measure, is perfectly made for breaking bitches like the one currently impaled on his member. In fact, Tyene reminds Podrick of his second conquest, of the Queen herself. Even if there's not truly much similarity between Tyene Sand of the Sand Snakes and Cersei Lannister, Queen Mother of the Seven Kingdoms… well, they are both blondes, after a fashion.

Likewise, they both have soft bodies. Tyene's is undeniably softer however, and not even slightly ravaged by the labors of child birth. Oh, don't get Podrick wrong, Cersei holds up exceptionally well for a mother of three children. She's a Grade A MILF, and a perfect whore who Podrick has every intention of continuing to use for his own ends until she's all used up.

Tyene Sand, meanwhile, has definitely laid with men before, it wasn't like he took her virginity or anything like that… but Podrick has gained something of an aptitude for this sort of thing. As such, he knows that Tyene has never given birth to a man's progeny before. She's never been pregnant, or if she has, the pregnancy has been dealt with quickly and quietly. She's the perfect little pious bastard princess after all, untouchable and all too innocent and pure…

Heh, don't make Podrick laugh. He can feel the experience of her admittedly soft body against his own as he truly begins womb fucking her. As he slams home into the blonde blue-eyed bastard girl's cunt and womb with every thrust, truly bottoming out inside of her again and again, Podrick knows that this isn't Tyene's first ride. She's not nearly as innocent as she makes herself out to be, just as Ellaria warned him.

He'll have to reward the Dornish whore's loyalty later. So far, Ellaria's warnings, the information she's given him… all of it has been incredibly useful. He's arrived in Dorne and already seen to suborning and subverting the Princess herself. And after dealing with Arianne, now here he was in the Spear Tower, breaking in the Sand Snakes and thoroughly explaining their new place in the world beneath him as well.

Without Ellaria Sand, Podrick had to admit he might have blundered through things a little bit. The way he'd handled his first few conquests back in King's Landing had worked out well enough, but it was obvious that the Dornish were of a different breed then the other Six Kingdoms of Westeros. To conquer these Dornish bitches, he needed a Dornish bitch of his own, obviously. Ellaria had been that for him, and now he was going to reap the rewards of keeping her around and listening to her wise counsel.

Tyene's attempts at talking have completely faltered by this point. The blonde, blue-eyed faux septa is still screaming hoarsely as he fucks her womb just like he fucked her twat, but she's not capable of actual speech anymore, it would seem. Which meant it was probably fine to move on to phase two. Perhaps even, the aphrodisiac was working faster because of all the blood flowing so rapidly through Tyene's beleaguered body.

Grinning, Podrick lifts the altogether limp porcelain doll off of his cock… and proceeds to drop her onto her back on a bed so he can have her all over again.


As he drives himself deep, DEEP into Tyene Sand's twat, forcing his cock even deeper into her womb, to the point that the head of his member is now pressing against the far wall, her womb acting like some sort of meat condom for his dick, Podrick groans… and then leans down and kisses his latest conquest. Her legs bounce bonelessly against the side of his hips, and her arms remain above her head, limp and lifeless as she lays beneath him, unable to so much as respond to what's happening to her anymore.

As he conquers her mouth with his, Podrick forces his tongue down the back of Tyene's throat for a moment, half-expecting her to try to bite it off. She doesn't fight him though, seemingly utterly incapable of it. That wouldn't do though, because Podrick knew what it took to break in a new whore fully and properly, these days.

This right here? This was what he liked to call a false positive. Tyene wasn't broken, she'd merely retreated deep into the recesses of her own mind, to try and escape the horror of what was being done to her. She was like a lifeless doll in this stage, but she wouldn't remain a lifeless doll forever. Eventually, she would recover herself. Eventually, she would regain her sanity and with that sanity regained would come hatred. Hatred towards him, towards Ellaria, and towards everything he'd ever worked for.

Really, it wasn't like he wanted to do it… but if he wanted to make sure Tyene properly broke upon his bitch-breaking monster of a dick, then Podrick was going to have to make sure she was PRESENT for every last bit of this. Pulling back from her lips, he looks down and finds her face resembling something of a cross-eyed whore choking on her drool, even as her new owner bites and pulls at her nipples.

An act, all of it was merely an act… and Podrick had every intention of making it a reality instead. First though, he finishes. He deserves that much, does he not? And besides, it's not like one load of white, hot cum is going to leave him unable to continue. So, without further ado, after making Tyene's cunt reshape to fit his mammoth-sized member, after rearranging her insides with his womb fucking… Podrick finally lets himself go, his churning balls releasing a truly titanic amount of semen down the length of his cock and directly into Tyene Sand's drooling quim.

He fills her womb to the brim with his seed and then some, to the point that when he pulls out, a lot of cum comes with him, both lubing up his massive erection and beginning to spurt out of the porcelain blonde's ravaged cunt in squirts and glops. Not even having him creampie her in such a violent and altogether encompassing manner is enough to bring Tyene back from her happy place, however… so, Podrick slaps her.

He slaps her across the face with his palm first, and then backhands her other cheek. Back and forth he goes, striking her pretty porcelain features with harder and harder hits until he sees the light return to her teary blue eyes once more. Brought back to reality by the solid slaps, Tyene locks eyes with Podrick, even as he wraps his other hand around her neck and holds her in place while his cockhead slips from her gaping, gushing, well-fucked twat… to someplace just a couple of inches lower.

"Tyene Sand… you're mine now. You and your sisters are going to be my whores from this day forward. I, Podrick Payne, will be your new owner. You can call me sir or Master if you like…"

Tyene grimaces and seems to recognize that she's not going to manage to beguile him with words. Nor does she have any of her poisons on him with which to end this.


She's utterly helpless right now, just another soft woman beneath a strong man… much like her poor mother was beneath Oberyn Martell when she'd been conceived.


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