
Podrick's Path (Game of Thrones)

In a dark, alternate version of Game of Thrones, Podrick Payne overhears Shae selling out his Lord to the Queen. From there, a beast is awoken. Who knows what will happen next! https://www.patreon.com/Cambrian

CambrianBeckett2 · TV
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38 Chs

The Sand Snakes Pt. 1

Typically, the Spear Tower was used to keep highborn or important 'guests' imprisoned in it's tallest cells. In the wake of their father's death, the Sand Snakes had ultimately been confined to the Spear Tower by their uncle, Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne. They had called for war, had demanded blood for Oberyn's death, as they felt they were entitled to.

But Oberyn's brother was a simple-minded, peace-loving fool confined to a wheelchair. Doran would rather let his brother's death go just as unanswered as his sister's and niece and nephew's did back during the rebellion, then actually have to do something about it. No, it was more than that… he would rather imprison Oberyn's bastard daughters then risk THEM doing something about it as well.

And now, his decision had turned into their torture. Normally, the Spear Tower kept it's prisoners in relative comfort. Tonight however, the noises coming out of the top of the tower made it seem more like it was being used for torture.

"Filth! Scumbag! Release me you beastly woman! Release me this instant! F-FUCK!"

Obara Sand was a big-boned woman with long legs, close-set eyes, and brown hair she'd gotten from her mother, which was usually tied in a not. With calloused hands and a mannish figure, Obara was not often mistaken for a woman. She wore leathers rather than dresses, and had gone for the martial pursuits, rather than making any effort to secure lessons in how to be a lady. She was a confident rider who tended to bloody her stallion mounts with spurs, and she could be something of a drinker as well.

When her father had come for her in Oldtown to claim her, Obara had chosen him over her whore of a mother. A year later, news of said mother drinking herself to death had reached Sunspear, but Obara had cared not for her. The woman was weak and had always been weak, while her father, Oberyn… he was strong. The Red Viper had in turn made her strong as well, and Obara, the eldest and most infamous of the Sand Snakes, could reliably wield a spear or a whip along with a rounded shield made of steel and copper.

None of that mattered much right now, given her current predicament. Her big bones and long legs in particular were made entirely inconsequential when up against a giant of a woman. Her muscles strain as she struggles against her captor even now, spitting out curses and shrieks while trying to break free, but her strength is no use against a woman who has even more strength than her, and currently the leverage to use it that Obara does not.

Her nude, muscular body is covered and sweat and positively shaking as the Stormlander whore holds her in a full nelson. The giant bitch's arms are up under Obara's legs, and her hands are laced back behind Obara's head. Meanwhile, that is nowhere near the end of the eldest Sand Snake's indignities. As she struggles to break free of the giant whore's impossibly strong hold, her hips are also bucking and humping in an effort to dislodge the massive double sided toy connecting her ass to Brienne of Tarth's cunt.

Tears of hatred fill Obara's eyes are she's forced to watch her sisters' defilement. Her voice is far from the only one sounding out in the Spear Tower at the moment, and truth be told, it's not even the loudest. The screaming almost entirely drowns out Obara's shrieking and cursing, and in the end, there's nothing she can do about it.

For all that Obara Sand has always prided herself on being more of a warrior than most men can claim… in this instant, she has been reduced to little more than another woman by this giant whore. Her only consolation is that it's a woman who's utterly humiliating and dominating her at the moment… but then again, that's no consolation at all when one considers the whore's master.

When Ellaria and Arianne had first stepped into the top floor of the Spear Tower, the Sand Snakes had been filled with hope, albeit temporarily. Surely with Oberyn's paramour back, they would finally be able to seek revenge. Surely the Princess of Dorne's presence in the Spear Tower alongside Ellaria Sand meant that her father had finally been made to see reason and they were to be released.

Needless to say, that hope had not lasted long, soon being replaced by shock and betrayal as the man had stepped in after the two Dornish women with his naked giant whore at his heels. Dressed in Lannister colors, Podrick Payne had introduced himself at the same moment that Ellaria had greeted them all by flinging herself at Tyene and engaging in a flying lip lock.

Judging by the way Tyene had choked on the kiss most unusually, and how she'd reacted since… Ellaria had forced a mouthful of some sort of drug down the youngest of their number. She'd then thrown the shocked girl into the Lannister Lackey's arms before shifting her attention to Nymeria. Obara, of course, had attempted to come to her sisters' aid, only to be confronted by the naked giant whore.

For a moment, she'd been confident in her ability to take her down. Some naked woman covered in the fluids of men, no matter how tall or muscular, was not going to bring down Obara Sand of the Sand Snakes. Or so Obara had thought. To be fair, she was disarmed and unarmored. If she'd had her spear, surely she could have dealt with Brienne of Tarth in a truly decisive manner, in the same decisive manner that her father SHOULD have dealt with the Mountain, rather than stringing things along and goading the man until it got him killed.

But she didn't have her spear, and before she could do anything, the giant whore was proving she was rather new to the whore bit, but not so new to the martial prowess bit and had wrestled Obara to the floor in short order. As the degradation of her sisters had continued in front of her, Obara had been in a fight for her very dignity… a fight she'd most assuredly lost.

Brienne of Tarth had offered one grunted apology after giving her name before their impromptu wrestling match had started, like they were a pair of knights having an honorable duel or something. Then, she'd proceeded to tear Obara's clothing off of her body until not a shred of it remained, followed by shoving the end of the double-sided dildo already buried in her cunt up Obara's ass without a single attempt at providing lubrication besides spitting and rubbing it for a little bit.

It was pain, there was no other way to describe it. Obara's life was currently pain and agony as she was butt-fucked and full nelson'd by this giant of a whore, while being forced to watch the two younger Sand Snakes and what was happening to them. Worst of all though had to be what had been done, what was even now currently being done to the youngest though. Tyene… Tyene didn't deserve it. And as her screams of terror grow hoarser and hoarser, Obara flinches with every once, even as she continues to shriek and curse and try in vain to break free of Brienne's hold on her.

She has to get free; she just has to. She… has to save her sisters.


Tyene Sand was certainly an interesting young woman. A bit of an odd duck, all the way down here in the sunbaked deserts of Dorne. The bastard child of Oberyn Martell and a Septa, it was unequivocally obvious that Tyene took after her mother far more than her father. With fair skin, golden hair, and deep blue eyes, it was almost difficult to believe that she was Oberyn's daughter.

But he'd claimed her as his own, as one of his bastards, and as the third of his many bastard children and the youngest of the three eldest Sand Snakes, she'd more than earned her place in their incredibly dysfunctional family. Soft of skin and said to have a gentle, sweet voice, one might wonder how in the world she got along with her siblings, especially with women like Obara and Nymeria.

But even if she didn't take after her father in martial ways, she and Oberyn still had their bond, their connection to one another. Tyene's hands were soft and pale where Obara's were calloused and mannish, but that didn't mean Tyene was any less deadly or dangerous then her older half-sister. Despite her innocent and altogether pious exterior, Tyene Sand was a mistress of poisons, sharing in her father's knowledge of such things. Where Obara wielded spear or whip with frightening efficiency, Tyene's chosen weapon was much more… subtle.

Perhaps that was why Ellaria had targeted her first and then tossed her over to Podrick for immediate breaking. Either way, the young man had wasted no time in getting down to business. The mouthful of aphrodisiac that Ellaria had shoved down the young woman's throat had left Tyene more than a little bit at a disadvantage as Podrick had torn her gown from her soft, pale body and split her cunt open on his massive, bitch-breaker of a cock.

Tyene Sand's deep blue eyes stare blankly up at the ceiling of the Spear Tower above her head. Her voice, said to be gentle and sweet, is hoarse and cracking as she continues to scream while being bounced viciously and violently on Podrick's cock. Her porcelain skin is flushed red, and the way she's being pounded into by this Lannister Lackey is completely destroying her psyche, bit by bit.

But then, to be fair, Ellaria had made it clear that that needed to be done. Tyene was undeniably the most devious of the Sand Snakes, and Podrick always took his whores' words into consideration. Not that he always followed through on that consideration, but where he could, he used the women who he'd broken on his dick in ways besides sex.

Ellaria Sand had had a lot of information on the Sand Snakes. She'd had a lot of information on Tyene too. She'd made it clear that if Podrick wanted to avoid being poisoned, he would need to break the little viper, hard and fast. So that was exactly what Podrick Payne was going to do.

"P-Please… l-let me-a-ah!"

Again, and again, Tyene Sand tries to speak. It's an amazing effort, given she's already under the effects of the mouthful of drugs Ellaria shoved down her throat. Even as she tries to use her words to wind her way around to Podrick's good side, her pussy walls are clenching and clinging around his pistoning prick. The young man's absolutely massive cock has her tender cunt spread and stretched wider than any before it have ever managed… and still Tyene finds the inner strength to try and speak.

As Podrick gives one of her pale tits a smack and silences her for the umpteenth time, he reflects that Ellaria was right to warn him about her, to set him on this soft looking girl. A glance around shows that Brienne and Ellaria have Obara and Nymeria well in hand each, but Tyene… Tyene is his greatest threat, despite her womanly features.



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