
Podrick's Path (Game of Thrones)

In a dark, alternate version of Game of Thrones, Podrick Payne overhears Shae selling out his Lord to the Queen. From there, a beast is awoken. Who knows what will happen next! https://www.patreon.com/Cambrian

CambrianBeckett2 · TV
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38 Chs

Arriving in Dorne Pt. 1

After what feels like and is almost certainly weeks at sea, the ship finally reaches Dorne, more specifically the port of Sunspear. Right off the bat, however, it seems that things are going wrong. Podrick might not recognize the absolutely gorgeous young woman who stands waiting for them on the docks, but he's fairly confident that she is NOT one of the Sand Snakes.

She is buxom and beautiful however, her olive skin standard in Dorne, as well as her large, dark eyes. However, the thick black hair that falls in ringlets to the middle of her back, the full lips, and the round, ripe breasts she sports all make her stand out from the common Dornish woman quite spectacularly. She is, Podrick instantly assesses, even more beautiful than Ellaria on her best day.

She's also royalty, he's fairly certain. There's always the possibility that someone else has stolen his idea and taken to making whores that masquerade as Queens and Princesses, but Podrick doubts it, and while the flowing silks she wears are certainly inappropriate enough to make her a whore, the gorgeous circlet on her brow and the jewels she also wears mark her as someone of high birth.

Ellaria, of course, affirms Podrick's assumptions as she steps off the boat and calls out to the young Dornish Woman.

"Princess Arianne! What a surprise… you are not who I was expecting!"

Arianne Martell, daughter to Prince Doran Martell of Dorne. Yes, that made lots of sense, and Podrick finds himself admiring the beautiful Princess in an entirely new light, even as she smiles slightly, almost wistfully, waving a hand through the air that causes her gorgeous bust to jiggle ever so slightly beneath her silks.

"Ah, if you're looking for the Sand Snakes… they have been imprisoned, on the orders of their late father."

Ellaria's eyes widen at that, before narrowing as her lips curl into a frown.

"I am confused, how…?"

She trails off, but her question is obvious, at least to the Princess who lets out a soft, airy chuckle and bows her head slightly.

"Ah, well, my uncle knew full well what he was getting into, didn't he? He knew that his quest for vengeance may not… turn out the way we all hoped. He left orders with my father Prince Doran that if news of his untimely demise was to reach Dorne, his children were to be locked away for a time so that they might deal with their grief and not do anything they might regret."

Ellaria slowly nods at this, looking pensive and contemplative. Arianne gives her a sympathetic look, wholly ignoring Podrick and the rest of the crew for the time being as she and Ellaria speak.

"I truly am sorry for your loss… but my father wishes to see you, immediately."

Ellaria startles out of her contemplation at that and blinks as two guards step forward, clearly intending to escort her to the Dornish Prince.

"A-Ah… but of course. I will talk with the Prince and affirm my loyalty to House Martell. I am sure that once I explain, Doran will see fit to release the Sand Snakes into my custody."

Arianne doesn't look so sure, but in the end, she simply shrugs, once again causing her gorgeous breasts to bounce and jiggle a bit beneath her flowing silks.

"As you say, Lady Sand."

With that, Ellaria is escorted off of the docks, leaving those left behind on the Lannister Ship to wait as the Princess approaches, her smile becoming far more fixed on her face, her eyes growing somewhat flinty.

"As for you lot… I have been asked by my father to escort you all to your rooms. As envoys of the Iron Throne, you will of course be treated with dignity and respect. Now… come along.


As the Dornish Princess escorted them to their suite, it quickly became abundantly obvious that she had nothing but disdain for him, viewing him and most of the crew as little more than lackeys for Queen Cersei. Which to be fair, made plenty of sense. They were ostensibly here to take Myrcella home, after all…

Still, the thinly veiled disdain that Arianna directed his way made it hard to get a conversation going with the beautiful young woman. Of course, making things even more difficult was her interest in Brienne of Tarth, the Princess, for all her beauty being somewhat short, was obviously quite intrigued by the sight of the armored giant of a woman marching beside Pod.

"Who are you, if I might ask? I have never seen a woman dress like a knight before. My cousins train in martial prowess, of course, but not even they would bother with wearing so much plate mail. It would restrict their movements too much."

"I am Brienne."

The blonde's curt reply does not seem to diminish Arianne's interest one bit.

"Brienne? Brienne of where?"

"… Of Tarth."

Things continue in a similar vein, with Arianna asking questions and Brienne giving absurdly curt answers in an obvious effort to rebuff the young Princess' interest. Was it all some attempt at protecting her? No… Brienne was trying to save what little bit of her own pride that she had left, Podrick realizes. Snorting derisively as Brienne dances clumsily around Arianne's latest question, that being 'Why are you traveling with this man?', obviously referring to him, Podrick reaches out and gives a firm smack to Brienne's armored ass.

With that, the beautiful (in her own way) blonde giant's façade finally cracks. Her curtness leaves her, as does every trace of her knightly demeanor as she becomes a timid, embarrassed, blushing thing despite her size and musculature.

"I-I am Master Payne's newest whore… t-that is why I travel with him…"

No mention of the fact that she wasn't a whore when the voyage first started. No pointing out that she'd wanted so much more than to BE his whore, when she'd set out from home. Very good, the bitch was learning. Podrick grins as he casually runs his hand along her armored buttocks, letting out a grunt of approval at Brienne's confession.

Arianne Martell, meanwhile, watches this with wide eyes, looking at both him and Brienne in a fresh, new light. She'd thought him just an envoy of the Queen before but was now discovering he was a whoremonger. She'd thought Brienne a lady trying to play at being a knight, only to discover the giantess was in fact little more than HIS whore.

They stop, and it takes a moment for Arianne to collect herself, though when she finally does overcome her surprise and shock, it's with a glint of interest in her eyes that makes Podrick smile, ever so slightly.

"A-Ah… here is your suite. Come, let us make sure it is to your liking."

The quarters that they've set aside for him are nicer than the ones he had back in King's Landing, but not necessarily nicer then some of the rooms he'd fornicated in. But then to be fair, he'd fucked the Queen Mother of the Seven Kingdoms on her own bed more often than he could count, so it was a bit of a high bar to reach.

Still, the rooms were perfect, and Podrick says as much to the Princess, before going against all propriety with his next offer.

"I can tell your curious, Princess. If you like, you may sample my newest whore. No charge… though I will say, only the first taste is free."

Arianna hesitates at that, having just been getting ready to make her goodbyes and depart. That hesitation is all Podrick needs to snap his fingers at Brienne. His unspoken command is followed by the beautiful blonde giantess without question, though she fidgets and squirms, clearly embarrassed to be stripping down in front of a Princess.

Soon enough, Brienne of Tarth is entirely exposed, revealing her quite muscular body to both Podrick's and Arianne's eyes. The Princess stares, unabashedly, watching as Brienne's muscles ripple this way and that from the bigger woman's constant squirming. Looking at Podrick, Brienne flushes a deeper shade of humiliated red and begins to tremble when he just smiles and nod, both of them knowing what he wants her to do next.

Popping a squat, the muscular blonde places her hands behind her head, lacing her fingers through her short blonde locks and spreading her thighs nice and wide as she juts out her chest. Her entire body is trembling now, though not from the position, with how strong she was, she could most certainly hold this position for some time before her thighs even began to burn. No, Brienne trembled, because she knew what was coming next.

The Dornish Princess, meanwhile, can only watch in fascination as Podrick delivers a light tap of his booted toes to Brienne's ass. With a mighty grimace, squeezing her eyes shut in shame, Brienne begins to push the anal beads in her ass out, one by one. Each of them is quite large, and Arianne's eyes widen further for every single one that plops out of the big woman's ass, the blonde slowly depositing every last anal bead onto the floor.

Stepping forward, Podrick gives Brienne's shoulder a squeeze, before reaching around to give her tits a nice hefty smack, groping and squeezing them for the Princess' benefit as he gives Arianne a grin, all while the blonde giantess has to hold back her tears of shame.

"What do you think? She's still due for a bit of training, unfortunately, I've been doing all I can with her, but my tools are limited while we've been at sea. Still, she's certainly an exotic specimen, isn't she?"

Even as Princess Arianne is slowly nodding in stupefaction, Brienne whimpers and then mewls and moans, the combination of Podrick advertising her body to the Dornish Princess, as well as the train of beads continuing to fall from her ass causing her to experience an explosive orgasm, her pussy squirting all over the floor.

"… She is…"

Podrick chuckles, as the long line of anal beads, too long perhaps, finally comes to an end, the last of them slopping out of poor Brienne's bowels. It does not escape Arianne's notice that the giantess had those in the entire time here. It may have explained her curtness, truth be told. She'd had the closest thing to a literal stick up her ass.

Seeing how amazed the Princess is, Podrick just smirks and toes Brienne's ass again, pushing the blonde forward. Laying on her face, Brienne lifts her hips up and shows off her gaping, contracting anal passage to the Dornish Princess. Humiliating, to be sure. Utterly shameful, almost undoubtedly. And yet, the young woman doesn't run screaming at the truly debauched sight… leaving Brienne sure that her humiliation is just beginning.

Podrick, meanwhile, moves around Brienne's gorgeous prostrated body and over to where Arianne stands, frozen. It's obvious that the young woman has SOME experience with the pleasure of the flesh. He can tell as much from the fact that she's not even blushing all that much. She's fascinated, she's intrigued… and she's had sexual encounters before, though he's confident that none have been like this. In fact, he's intent on making sure none are like this.

Sidling up beside her, Podrick presses himself into the back of the clearly horny Dornish Princess, well aware that at any time she have his head cut off or have him thrown in a cell. In fact, if he'd tried this at any point before now, he's confident that's exactly what his fate would have been. As it is, Pod has gotten quite good at reading women, and can tell that Arianne is far too interested in what comes next now to stop him.

So, he guides her down to the floor, down to her knees, kneeling behind her as he does so, and he takes her gently by the wrist, lifting her hand up to Brienne's gaping, contracting anal passage.

"I did offer a free sample, did I not? Aren't you curious how it might feel to have an arm up a giantess' ass?"


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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