
Out of Luck, Out Of Time

Have you ever thought, "I wish I could go back and change that." I have many times to the point that my wish was granted. I picked up an old pocket watch. There wasn't anything special about it other than that engraving on the back which said, "Time is like a river. It keeps flowing forward." Then, it suddenly disappeared. The first time I time travel I heard a voice that told me this power was not meant for me to have but, to keep this power, I had 3 rules I have to follow.

1. Don't ever let anyone see me time travel. (including my past self)

2. Do not kill anyone with time travel.

3. I have a total of 9 hours to get back to the present.

Today, I ran out of luck. For the last year, I've been abusing this power. I didn't have a need to nor did I have to. I was basically using this power to become one of the richest people in the world. I broke a Law of Time in the process. I had a hidden area that I used every time I went to go back to the present. I know what your thinking, why don't I go home or something. I couldn't. I don't think my neighbor would be okay seeing me walk in my own front door twice in one day without ever leaving in the first place. I greet him every day on the way to my house.

Today was my last day doing this. I was a professional gambler. I bet on horse, ball games, racing, you name it and I probably bet on it. While I work during the day, at the same time I'm gambling everywhere I know I can win. I had just enough money to finally stop risking my secret.

But this time, my secret spot wasn't much of a secret anymore. There were people everywhere. It looks like someone killed themself in my secret spot. I only had 10 minutes to find another place to go back to the present. I was panicking running around cluelessly right when I found it. The new spot. But as I said, luck wasn't on my side today. Right when I was about to disappear from being teleported, I suddenly heard a clock dong.

"Oh no, that can't be good."

Suddenly, I'm being dragged into this light by a giant hand. There wasn't any time to struggle and suddenly... There was this giant man. He was surrounded by clocks and... Oh no.

"I have brought you here to judge you for the crime of breaking a Law of Time. I am Father time ruler over Time and space," he said in a voice that would make tremble in fear. "You have only one chance to convince me why I should not punish you."