
The start of the end

Hold your memories close to your heart.


"You shouldn't ever let it go,do you understand?"



???:"Where am I?"

???:"That is..

*Acquired a golden pocket mirror.*

???:"My pocket mirror!"

*A golden pocket mirror.Its lid is beatifully adorned with a fancy flower pattern.The letter "G" can be spotted on its back.*

*On the wall is an big pretty mirror*


???:"I can't see my own reflection..."

*At the back of the mirror you can see,somthing glows red*

???:"Whats that..?"

*Aqcuired a red marble.*


*You hear a door is opening.*

???:"Maybe this door brings me home..?"


???:"...I....Dont know what home is...did i even had a home...?I just cant rember...and..whats even my name...?"

*the girl is going out of the strange room*

???:"Ugh!I cant see anything in here..."


*the red marble is starting to glow.*

???:"Maybe i need to put it in the hole..?"

???:"It fits!"

*You hear a door opens. (again.)*

*the girl goes in the next room.*

*the room looks like a old kids play room.*

*You can see a old and creepy doll in the room*

???:"I dont like this room its scary.."

???:"Oh whats this?"

*You acquired a green marble*

*As you turn around you can see that the old doll moved*

???:"...I should get out of here..."

*You go out of the creepy kids room*

???:"Maybe it needs to go in this hole..?"

*You put the green marble in the hole*

*You hear a new door opening*