
Plundering in the Apocalypse

Do you know how long will you live? Are you sure when you wake up the next morning, you will continue your life just like any other day? What if the world wanted to flip your life upside down? What will you do? What can you do? This is what happened to Shin. who took his life for granted and was taught a lesson when the world flipped upside down. Many strange phenomena were occurring. People started gaining abilities and evolving. Many different threats to humanity started appearing. The world was changing. So many myths and things became real which was supposed to be fiction. Shin also had to adapt to this new world. Shin struggled. to survive, to live another day, to have his daily peaceful life back. Amidst this Apocalypse, Shin Awakened his ability. [Plunder] *** ___________________ Volume 1 Word count - 2000+/chapter. Volume 2 up to chapter 50 - 1k to 1.5k/ chapter. Chapter 51 onwards - 1.5k+/ chapter You might have some queries in the initial chapters but they will all be cleared in due time. **Warning** This book contains some explicit content in chapters 94 and 95. If you can't read it, skip it. It won't affect the story. *Note - Lastly for cover. It's not mine. Anyways enjoy the story guys. Hope you all have fun. Happy Reading!! ___________________ Wanna Join the Cult? https://discord.gg/QHMbqDWR2a Here's the link.

Dakshay · Fantasy
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251 Chs

I'm sorry.

An abandoned city where not a single soul was present. The eerie silence and the gust of summer wind. At this moment in this seemingly abnormal place. A few golden lights appeared out of nowhere followed by the appearance of several vampires.

"We are here," Louis uttered.

"Wow, sir. That was amazing. It only took a few seconds." Peter one of the young counts expressed his shock.

"Oww sis, do you want to pinch me to death?" he screamed in pain.

"Behave yourself, don't forget where you are," Mary said coldly.

"Please forgive him, sir,"

Louis waved his hand gesturing he doesn't mind. Little Aurora was also curiously glancing everywhere. But before she could run around anywhere she was stopped by Louis.

"Daddy~ please~"

But Louis didn't reply to her and his brows furrowed. Feeling that something was wrong Aurora didn't throw a tantrum. She was still a sensible kid.