
Plum blossom trading empire

Sucked Into a Inter-dimensional game Blake has three things he must do: 1. Survive 2. Level up his village 3. Collect more “resources” so his villager number goes up exponentially and the only way is to get his hands dirty :)

LustDaoist · Urban
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2 Chs

Ch 1 World of Paradise Online

Blake is sitting in his room playing a popular battle royal game 'ending by 100 pegs'. After hiding for the whole game he sneaks up from behind and takes the dub.

"Haa sucks to suck! YES!" Said Blake as he sets his headphones down and lays in his bed. Blake scrolls through his phone for another ten minutes before dosing off.

A bright blue pillar of light covers his sleeping body; he disappears from his bed.

His mind wide awake Blake looks around intrigued thinking this is a realistic dream. At the moment he is standing in a open air pagoda. At the center is a large table with two chairs on both sides.

On top of the table is a realistic map with mountains, lakes, valleys and hills. At each end of the map is two large bodies of water almost as big as the land mass itself.

Blake walks to the table and reaches out to touch the map but then is stopped by a almost robotic sounding voice.

"Hello Blake Sicon, You have been brought to the world of paradise online. A galaxy wide competition. Where you can gain and make anything but everything has a cost. I have three things to tell you before we can begin.

First, names have great power but like I just said everything has a cost. If you can't bare a name or someone wants it you could die.

Second, death is very real this may be a game world but everything and everyone inside is real.

Third, you are allowed to ask one question before leaving use it wisely."

Shock fills Blake as he stand in front of the table. The thing talking to him is sitting across the table is a floating robe. 'Fuck! It's gesturing and all.'

"Now, Blake Sicon sit so we can begin."

Not knowing much else he could do Blake nods and sits down. 'So it said I can only ask one question. hehe then I will make statements and see how it responds.'

"The world of paradise is a do anything you want kind of game but there will be four constraints. Every participant will be given a village and they must protect it at all costs.

Everyone will be given a class at random and must utilize its skills to level up if you fall to far behind the consequences will be dire.

Sweating bullets Blake says "ha for sure if I fall behind death is all that awaits me."

The robe stopped moving for a second then said "it's good that you know. I though all from the planet 765 didn't know about paradise online. Looks like I was mistaken.

Updating logs.

[for giving more valuable information paradise online rewards you with a yellow grade reward pass]

"The place you choose your village to be in will implicate your progress. Resources, labor, strategists, generals, merchants and so on will be much easier to find in certain places then others."

While the robe was talking Blake's mind was racing. He was given a prize because of his bluff. He was trying hard to think of what to say that the robe would be surprised of.

"Starting in a place filled with resources isn't my cup of tea. Instead I will make the resources come to me. Labor can be found anywhere if I make my village prosper wouldn't it become a town then a city.

What city doesn't have strategists and generals and merchants that's even easier if they smell money they come running."

"I haven't explained the concept of the world yet you understood the scaling aspect. Planet 765 knows more then I could have thought."

Updating logs.

[for giving paradise online more valuable information your yellow grade reward pass has been upgraded to red reward pass]

"Choose your starting location." the map started to glow with blue light all the claimed land was grayed out.

"I remember you told me that I can ask one question."

"Yes." Said the robotic voiced robe.

Thinking to himself Blake stopped talking. 'If I could think to ask for the best location wouldn't other people before me. I got to change my wording around a little.'

"What's the land with the most potential that hasn't been claimed yet?"

The robe stopped moving. Even though it didn't have eyes Blake felt like it was staring him down with a dangerous look.

The robe waved its sleeve and the giant land mass turned red. The north most body of water was focused on and the map quickly zoomed in. What looked like a small speck quickly got bigger and bigger.

"This is a uninhabited land mass long abandoned. It has many secrets but that's for you to find out for yourself. What I can tell you is it has fertile land a large mountain protecting the northern border with only one way in; out on that side, and no enemies nearby. It also has a few mines that can be found quite easily."

Blake contemplated weather or not to choose this. He would be blocked off from the rest of civilization on a island with no way out. He needed more time to think.

"I want to choose my land last. Let's move onto the next step."

The robe didn't argue and skipped onto the next step.

"One of the most important things to all the players of paradise online is the village. Now name your village or choose from a list of names."

With his hand on his chin Blake says "show me a list. In front of him appears a blue screen listing off names.

| One Rock

| Flying Hog

| Esker Meglop

| Derrfesmaa Fesxc

| Huuut Gurrrrl Siiima


Seeing some familiar words then straight up gibberish Blake decides to filter out any other random alien languages and keeps scrolling till he sees something more to his tastes.

| Gargantuan Tong

| Blowing Leaf







| Plum blossom

"Ahh finally something that sounds good to the ear. Plum blossom village. You can visualize the beauty by just hearing the name. I choose plum blossom as the name for my village."

[Village name name chosen. Reward will be given after you choose the land it will be settled on.]

Blake then with a small small smile on his face told the robe to go onto the next step.

"Next is choosing your class. This will not be like the last two steps. You will be given a chance to roll for your class."

A wheel popped up in front of Blake it has many small segments but all the segments were taken up by six different classes.

[Because you have a red grade pass you can take three unwanted class off the wheel.]


Blake looked at all the classes and thought non of them looked bad so me clicked no. What kind of dumb person did this pop up think he was. He knew better then to use a reward he gained from the world itself so early.

He had Many experiences when he was younger playing games, he would be given a small amount of something and use it right away but then find out later it was super valuable. This game he's playing right now is life and death caution and strategy is key.

He grabbed the wheel and spun. It kept going and going before abruptly stopping like someone forced it to stop. This made Blake want to curse inside because this was the class he thought would be valuable but not the best on this list for sure.

[congratulations on getting the class Void Merchant. With this class you can make deal with anyone anywhere anytime.]

"Okay now I feel like you are forcing me to choose that island but whatever man let's go!"

Blake with new found determination points at the island and chooses it has his new base.

[congratulations on choosing your land. With that the information about the Plum Blossom village is unlocked.]

[The northern island is unnamed. Automatically named Plum Blossom Island.]