
Plum Blossom Saint in One Piece

High in the heavens of Murim, a single step shook the foundations of that world. Opposing that step, the heavenly demon, the leader of Murim, and neutral factions alike stood opposing a mad man. A man who seeks just a good battle and finally he satisfied, a plum blossom swordsman... once a lost transmigrator now he can get his wish fulfilled He's tired he wants to recreate his sect in one piece

Inksmen · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


---Yoichiro POV---

'It's been 5 years and I've experimented a decent amount with my new powers. I was given my devil fruit, the Ume Ume No Mi. Timmy didn't say what kind of fruit it would be but it seems to be a Logia type.

'Sadly this also means I've lost my ability to swim... meh, I'll figure something out I always do. Apart from that, I can't sense haki yet and my young body isn't able to release its full potential... Oh? My living situation you ask? You didn't? Well... I'll tell you anyway~

'When I awoke I was in a basket, with no letter, no memento, nothing to identify my birth parents if I even have any in this life... to me it's nothing new though from my first world to here I've never had any... anyways enough backstory

'Seems I landed in the home of the future pirate king, in the Goa Kingdom. I was dropped at edge town on the opposite side of the grey terminal, and Foosha village. In addition one of the guards, in particular, has been taking care of me. His name is, Silva IV, a man from a fallen noble family who has made a decent living working multiple jobs and is respected by the people in town for his work ethic.

'Though it seems he is disturbed by my own even greater work ethic huehue...'

I close my diary after laughing like the little freak I am and go to an indoor open ground, grabbing a wooden sword. There I meet a friend I've made in my time year a red hair teenager the son of another guard.

"Tauro how's it going this fine morning!"

He stabs a spear into a dummy and gets chills and creaked his head back towards me, with a little droplet of sweat.

"H-hey Yoi... what are you doing here?"

"Hmm? What I'm always here for, get some sword training in."

"Kid do you even need to"

I glare at him.

"Right no calling you kid *cough*... whatever there's a free one there."

"Cool thanks."


---Tauro POV---

'Guh, I hate that kid why does he even think I'm friends with me...'

Paul remembered the first time he Yoichiro, a kid with a weird exotic name in these parts. He came in a year ago at just 4 years old and asked to train with a sword like he owned the place. We laughed of course at his age he probably can't even lift a sword.

When I saw Uncle Silva I wondered why he sighed almost like he had given up on something.

Most kids would probably be annoyed by adults laughing at them, but his already wide smile grew from ear to ear. Freaky... I thought. But then he surprised us when he agilely hopped over one of the biggest guys here and proceeded to find a sword in the basket to which he picked it up rather easily, for a few seconds... and then dropped it in exhaustion.

The adults just laughed louder but he didn't give up he dragged with his entire body till eventually, he reached a dummy. And with a loud grunt, he swung it efficiently in a second cleanly cutting the dummy.


But it seemed the momentum was too much and he ended up cutting himself across his collarbone. spewing absurd amounts of blood. Everyone panicked and Silva rushed him to the hospital but this crazy kid just smiled while sleeping soundly.

His scar healed in a month's time, leaving a deep gash but it didn't bother little Yoi at all. From then on despite Silva's warnings he would come and train in early mornings and late nights when no one was there. I've seen it because I come here at those times too. The spear is my passion. and there isn't a single thing and person that can take that way from me.

Half a year had gone by since the injury and one day he approached me with that stupid everlasting smile.

"Hey, you! Red hair, you free?!"

"Wha- is that how you should take to your-!?"

"Yeah, yeah elders, smellders doesn't matter can you spar with me?"

"What a spar? No of course not your just a ki-"

I noticed a deep fire in his eyes if his eyes could kill he would have done so a hundred times.

"Don't call me kid... you're my age so call me Yoi!"

"What you're not even half my age though?"

"Meh, 4 and a half is the new 15 now fight me!"

"No, I still won't do it. How do even know about spars, and why do you want to fight so badly?"

"If you won't listen to reason then I guess...

I've got to knick some sense into you!"

He dashed towards me and after that moment was a blur...

---Narration POV---

Yoi swung his sword endlessly through the morning alongside Tauro doing piercing movements with his spear. He continued doing that till he heard the sounds of chatter and people entering the place.

That indicated that it was time for him to roll out, and so he did jumping on to roof silently and running away into the sunrise. Tauro wasn't even surprised...


One day after playing around with some of the neighbouring kids, Yoichiro was humming a serene tune. A song that his wife was able to sing back in Murim, it brought back sad memories but was outmatched by the good ones.

On the rooftops on a fine evening, he looked down into an alleyway where he saw a lone kid being beaten around by some of the noble kids in this area. He chewed on a piece of pie he found wafting a delicious scent from someone's window.

"Do you know who I am? I'm the son of a noble from the Cherrie family and you treat me like this? Learn some manners."


The kid getting bullied got hit in the gut but gritted his teeth, barely an 8-year-old appearance-wise and he has this much grit... I like this kid.

Yoichiro grinned and in his hand, a flurry of wind formed a stick-like shape, he hopped down with a little laugh behind the nobles' kids.


---Yoichiro POV---

I slid down the walls hopping side to side as silently as possible, physique wise people are capable of a lot more here than on Earth even without haki. I jumped down with a makeshift disguise, shades, mask and a beanie. It's convenient to go around the little ants that cause a ruckus.

I don't really harm those ants cause that's all they are, ants, the first option is just to knock them out otherwise a good slap is enough to keep the peace.

Back to the kid I approached the kids from behind and announced my presence.


They looked back at me expecting to see someone around their age but I'm only half their size. So when they saw me they scoffed a little and the leader approached me he has a pretty unmemorable face.

"Huh? What do you wa-?"

I'm really not in the mood for all this pompous bully talk so let's get it over with. I dashed towards him the simple speed I ran towards him was enough to startle him so I hopped onto his shoulders and knocked him out.

It's really too easy...

I sighed when their boss stopped moving the two lackeys got incredibly disgruntled, I looked at them and though they couldn't see my whole face they noticed my scowl.

"...Take him and get out of here. Know that for the time being this kid is protected by the shadow kid."

Yeah, yeah I've become a bit of an urban legend that says there's a kid-sized attacker in black that puts people to sleep the moment they're seen, it's pretty cringing but they're not as bad as the rumour spreaders in Murim...

I looked down at the kid with orange hair and took off my shade he matched my gaze but his eyes seemed pretty drained of the girt he showed while getting attacked. Maybe he relaxed with me here?

"Hey kid you alright-?"

He stood and fell into my arms, I sighed and took him to a nearby park.


On a park bench, the kid with orange hair eyes fluttered open then he gasped and coughed. Looking around he noticed me near him and he curled up.

"Who... are you?"

He asked with a low tone he certainly has a feisty personality that doesn't match his subdued voice.

"Me? I'm just your friendly neighbourhood shadow kid nice ta meetcha."

He seemed surprised but suddenly after a bit of thinking he sat in a dogeza position on the ground.

"Shadow kid please teach me to be as strong as you! I wish to become a marine but with my physique, I'll never be able to follow my dream!"

I looked at him with a sweet smile and in a positively delighted tone responded,

"I don't want to."