
Plotting Revenge

Kiella belongs to the Philippines' most influential family, the Ongpaucos. She is the only successor to their booming business and wealth that was established by the señor or her Abuelo. However her family has faced a serious tragedy because her parents died, she was forced to takeover the company too soon and was vengeful among those persons involved in her parents case.

xiety1 · Teen
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7 Chs


"Kiella, we've known each other for as long as I can remember. We've never really talked about it, I don't know your feelings but I'm sure of mine. Can you tell me that you'll marry me and is willing to spend your whole life with your best friend that has been deeply in love with you for so long?" Lee said which made me annoyed. Damn is he out of his mind. Everyone is watching, why does he have to create a scene now. "Leroy, I'm not joking with you, stand up we have to board the plane" I sounded rude as fuck but I saw how his face turned into a frown, is he really serious? "this is not a joke Kiella, will you marry me?" he asked again, this time more serious than before. What the hell he isn't backing down is he? I never knew he jas this feelings for me, it was never obvious and neither do I feel the same way for him. Fuck what would I say. Instead of answering him, I sat down to face him and looked at him.

"Leroy, don't do this" I cried, I became way too emotional the second I saw his eyes full of sincerity and here I am trying to reject him. "I'm really sorry Ong, I shouldn't have done this" Lee hugged me tightly and forced me to stand up again. "I know, it's your big day tomorrow, I just expected another answer from you, I never meant to ruin everything" Lee apologized.

It kinda hurted me too, I really don't want him to suffer but it just doesn't feel right for me to accept it. I gently pushed him away from me and quickly ran towards the plane leaving him there. Upon entering my Mom followed me and closed the door behind us. "Kiella, dear" Mom hugged me as I continued to sob on her shoulder. This should've never happened, we had a perfect set up for the conference, now how the fuck would I show up like this with him and attend the convention without feeling guilty at all. Mom shifted seats after comforting me and I snuggled myself as I sat there.

Lee and his mom eventually boarded the plane, I didn't bother to move at my seat since I didn't know how I will face him. It took us a few hours to arrive at the airport and the trip was rather suffocating, I've finally calmed down and was not that tensed like before. I waited for them all to leave the plane before grabbing my bag from the storage above and finally had the guts to walk out and follow them to the receiving area.

I have no idea whether Lee is mad at me or not but I'm not going to reconcile with him that fast. It's not my fault that he was so reckless and decided too fast without even considering my fucking feelings, what an asshole. "Hija, come here" Tita Belle called me to sit next to her. "Talk to Lee please, put this behind you for the sake of the conference tomorrow".

I understand their point that it will be a huge problem for us as it will seem awkward tomorrow if we dont oatch things up quickly, it concerns me a lot but I won't. "Auntie I'm so sorry, I need to think about it for a while."

After that a staff from the hotel finally fetched us, I stared at Lee's back as he was walking ahead of us and at that very moment I really feel the urge to hit him in the head and it angers me that I couldn't. He suddenly turned his head around and directly looked at me with a blank stare, I couldn't lose so I stared back.

The trip going to the hotel was rather silent, no one was really saying anything except my Mom and Uncle Hennery who was discussing about business and stuffs. Lee was sitting at the front so I purposely sat at the back and listened to some music to kill time.

"Good Morning Ms. Ongpauco, Welcome to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel" the manager greeted me as they assisted our belongings to our designated rooms, "Sawadikap" I slightly bowed to him as he returned the manner, "Mr. Metawin this is Mr. Leroy Marquez, CEO of the Marquez Media and Marketing Company also the co host of the event" I grabbed Lee's arm and pulled him close to me even though it was a bit awkward. They also exchanged greetings and we discussed a few things about the conference. I learned that it was going to be held at the most grand and spacious hall at the hotel as a reward for the good cause of our campaign as instructed by the CEO.

The campaign itself is quite huge so we'll be expecting more than 500 guests from around the world to help raise awareness of poverty in certain countries. I picked UNICEF because I once went to their conference when my Dad was invited one time and I even volunteered and went to Africa to help.

I immediately sat on my bed the moment I arrived at my room because I felt nauseous and tired, probably the jet lag kicking in. "Ong, we have to visit the conference hall at about mga 3:30 pm" Lee entered my room and sat at the end of my bed, facing the wall instead of me. "Lee are you mad" I asked him as I scooted closer to him, he grabbed my hand and turned to look at me. "No, it's fine" I removed my hands from him and smacked his head hardly. "I feel betrayed, Lee" he looked at me laughing, "We won't make mistakes like this again, you need to stop " I scolded him but he continued to laugh as if nothing really happened. "Ong, are you stupid. This is a serious matter and whether you like it or not you will be giving me an answer in favor of mine, not now but soon" he smirked ang tapped my head then calmly walked out of my room. While I sat there, couldn't process what he meant by that, he is such an unpredictable perosn but this is the first time that he has ever made a move on me, that's why I find it strange that he really has feelings for me.

During 4th year when Lee and I graduated, he took me to Tagaytay and surprised me with a dinner date that he himself prepared. I didn't think of it that way because Lee can be a very sweet and caring man but also annoying at the same time so I considered it as an act of celebration due to our dearest graduation day. We we're so dramatic that day, we we're laughing and crying while reminiscing about the most memorable experiences we ever had in school, those moments we almost got expelled, how Lee was a player back then, all the cool stuffs. And then he handed me a necklace with a pendant that was a maple leaf. It was the prettiest thing, the pendant was rather small but it was crystalized with blooming colors to resemble the actual leaf. It was glistening.

A lot of people told me that maybe Lee likes me in a way I couldn't comprehend back then, I tried to deny it as much as possible.

It was never evident for me since I thought that it was just normal, I act caring and protective to him also. I once punched a guy for calling him an asshole at the hallway and got suspended for a week, my Dad was very mad at me, he scolded me a lot and even asked me if I was a gangster to act like that in school. Soon after I learned that the guy only called him out that day was because Lee has slept with his girlfriend, and I was fucking furious.

After returning to school, I searched for him at the cafeteria. I slapped him then poured soda on his face then called him names which probably hurted him since he broke up with the pathetic girl. I didn't dare talk to him for nearly a week because I felt ashamed that I punched the wrong guy, and defended a douche in front of a victim. Eventually we called it even and made up.

That was the last time we ever had a big fight until his stupid proposal that I won't even consider accepting. It was already 3:00 pm when I finished doing my makeup, I slept for a bit before taking a bath to freshen up myself. I sprayed a bit of perfume before leaving the room and entering the one across mine.

I quickly scanned the room with my eyes as I trail around looking for Lee. His room looks a lot like mine but more masculine and maybe less detailed. I went to his room only to find his clothes lying on his bed so I headed to the bathroom section which I instantly regretted since I finally saw him but this time naked.