
The Match Begins

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Watching as Xue Chuang and his group passed her by, Bai Ru's expression darkened in an instant.

This scoundrel. Are you mocking me? Humph. I was duped, but did you really manage to find a genuine master?

Bai Ru looked towards Chen Hao and said, "Master Chen, look at that guy with the crew-cut. Is he really an expert?"

Chen Hao smiled. "He indeed has true capabilities."

Bai Ru's countenance changed. "Master, are you sure?"

Chen Hao said, "No need to worry. The Stream Mountain problem isn't a small one. Although this fellow seems to have some capabilities, I feel that he might not necessarily be more formidable than me. We don't know who's going to win yet."

It was only upon hearing this that Bai Ru's countenance improved. Together with Chen Hao, she entered the building.

At this moment, Xue Chuang who first entered the building looked at the crew-cut expert and said with a smile, "Master Long, my colleague invited someone to help. This wasn't our company's decision though, she simply refuses to admit defeat and wants to get involved in everything. This time when the company ran into trouble, she went everywhere looking for experts and has already been duped twice. So please don't take offense. It's not because we have no faith in you, Master."

The crew-cut guy said with a hint of a smile, "That fellow isn't simple either. At least, the cat he's holding is no ordinary cat."

Xue Chuang paused, taken aback.

He hadn't expected Bai Ru to have really invited someone extraordinary. It was just that… no matter how he looked at that person, he seemed like a loser to him. Is this what they mean by "don't judge a person by his looks"?

At this moment, Xue Chuang's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly grew alert.

A moment later, Xue Chuang and Bai Ru came to a large office. Bai Jinglong and Xue Longqi had been waiting for a long time, and upon seeing them, they got up and revealed a smile at him.

Xue Chuang was the first to go up. He enthusiastically introduced Master Long to his father and Bai Jinglong.

Bai Ru naturally wouldn't let Xue Chuang beat her to it. She smilingly introduced the two of them to Chen Hao, heaping him with praises while doing so, to the point that Chen Hao felt embarrassed.

But what really caught Chen Hao's attention was that crew-cut expert.

This fellow who didn't seem like he was pretending to know his stuff exuded a green-colored aura. This aura was above board and upright, with a strong yang energy. This aura made the black cat suffer an agitation—it was now slumped in Chen Hao's arms, not even daring to move.

Is this Dharmic power aura? He didn't seem that powerful. His aura seemed much weaker compared with the power of incense he obtained from the Spring Temple. Clearly, even if this Master Long had true capabilities, his Dao Attainment couldn't be that high.

"Hur hur, you two masters are experts. It's just that a freak combination of factors resulted in you two coming together. To give up on either of you would be showing disrespect to the one being given up. How about this? You two masters can check out the Stream Mountain construction site matter together. We'll follow the advice of whoever has a better solution. What do you think, Masters?" Bai Jinglong spoke in a genial and smiley manner.

Xue Longqi agreed. "The Stream Mountain construction site problem concerns Stone City's future development. The Shuanglong Group is under great pressure. It's our honor to have your help. Please be reassured that whoever's advice we choose to follow, we will compensate the other one adequately as well."

After the two in-charge expressed their attitudes, Xue Chuang and Bai Ru looked at the respective master they each invited.

Chen Hao smiled. "I'm okay with that. I wonder what your thoughts are on this, Master Long?"

Master Long smiled. "There are fewer and fewer people cultivating these days. To meet a fellow cultivator is something to be happy about too. If we check out the place together, we can also exchange our views. This trip would not be wasted then."

Bai Jinglong smiled. "You two masters are magnanimous and not hindered by trivial matters. Xiao Chuang, Xiao Ru, you two accompany the masters to the Stream Mountain construction site. Whatever requests the two masters have, be sure to fulfill to your best ability."

Xue Chuang and Bai Ru naturally agreed unanimously.

With just a few words, they came to a draw in the first round. Next, they would be seeing who had true capabilities.

Both parties stayed calm and composed, merely looking at the two masters. Whoever had a more brilliant solution would have the chance to become the person-in-charge at Shuanglong Group.

Very quickly, the group of them left the building and proceeded to Stream Mountain.

Seated with Chen Hao, Bai Ru looked worried. "Master Chen, this Master Long doesn't look easy to deal with."

Chen Hao said with a smile, "The person you are dealing with is Xue Chuang, not Master Long. Moreover, there are many different ways to cultivate. Even if Master Long has true capabilities, if what he knows isn't compatible with the Stream Mountain construction site issue, there's nothing he can do about it. Stop worrying. Let's just wait and see."

Bai Ru didn't know about the ways of cultivation, so she could only keep quiet and silently pray that Master Long wasn't truly capable.

On the other side, Xue Chuang also asked Master Long.

"Master, you said that that fellow is not simple. How exactly is he not simple? Are you confident in dealing with him?"

Master Long turned the agate beads in his fingers and said with a smile, "I'm just giving him face by saying he's not simple. He's merely a warlock. There's no need to fear him."

"Warlock?" Xue Chuang was confused.

Master Long explained, "By warlock, I mean someone who lacks in both learning and practical ability. He must have accidentally stumbled on some unorthodox methods, and with that, he tries to make a living with this and go around cheating people. Such warlocks don't know the real spells of the Dao, nor do they know how to cultivate. They make money using loopholes. If it's a simple matter, they can resolve it. But when they run into a slightly more difficult problem, they are rendered helpless. As I have said earlier, his cat isn't simple. This cat has demonic energy about it. Clearly, it had secretly eaten some weird flowers or plants, causing it to transform into a demon. It's a little hard to please."

"Demon? Cat demon? Does such a thing exist on earth?" Xue Chuang looked shocked and nearly pissed his pants.

Master Long said with a smile, "Of course. Where there is good, there is evil; where there is yin, there is yang. Without the existence of demons and evil, there wouldn't be people who cultivate like us. But this isn't the olden days, and there are very few opportunities in this world. It's very difficult to cultivate. This cat demon only managed to transform by chance—it's not even considered half a demon. I figure it's only able to do some little spells to aid this fraud. If it runs into a real cultivator, its cultivation will easily be destroyed, and the cat could also easily be killed."

Only upon hearing this was Xue Chuang's heart put to ease. Thereafter, the admiration and joy in his eyes when he gazed at Master Long intensified.

Since he even disregarded a demon, the strange matter at Stream Mountain would be a piece of cake for him.

Shuanglong Group is mine.

With everyone harboring different feelings, very soon, the cars arrived at the Stream Mountain construction site.

It was a mess here, and not a single person was around.

The cars stopped by the roadside and everyone got out of the cars.

Master Long stood at the foot of the mountain, observing the terrain and the direction of the earth vein. His eyes lit up slightly as he sighed with amazement. "This is an excellent place with a coiled dragon laying over water, an auspicious plot of land. The powers of this mountain will ensure Stone City stays prosperous for a hundred years."

Xue Chuang smiled gloatingly. "My Shuanglong Group doesn't understand Feng Shui. But Stream Mountain is surrounded by waters—it's cooling in the summers and has spectacular scenery in the winters. Once it's developed, it will surely attract much attention and have bright prospects."

Master Long nodded. "It's an auspicious plot of land. Mm, the place where the paranormal activity took place is in front, right? It's indeed surrounded by dark energy and hidden dangers. But I can't tell what's the problem on the surface. Let's go over to take a look."