
If You Can, Don't Pay Up

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Chen Hao felt goosebumps rise all over him. He felt even colder than the first time he met Liu Yue'e.

Damn. What strong resentment. If she were to meet with sudden death, she'll definitely turn into a ferocious ghost.

Other than terror, Chen Hao also felt curiosity.

What news could possibly make Bai Ru—who was bent on competing with Xue Chuang—suddenly give up the fight? And for her to feel so resentful.

Bai Ru gazed at Chen Hao. "Master Chen, you probably wouldn't have imagined that I actually have a fourteen-year-old illegitimate younger brother. Also, 80% of my father's shares in the Shuanglong Group are under my brother's name. Hur hur, isn't this funny? I had been studying hard since junior high and had given up all my hobbies and dreams and my good friends because I wanted to make my father proud, to prove to him that I won't disappoint him. But I wasn't even clear about the reason my father was disappointed. What he was disappointed in, was the fact that I wasn't a boy, that I wasn't his real successor. Hur hur, I suddenly understand why after I entered senior high, my father stopped sighing. Turns out it was not because I was the top student of the entire school, but because he got a son then, someone who could carry on his family name in the genuine sense."

Bai Ru said those last few words with gritted teeth, the unsuppressed rage and hatred evident in her actions.

Chen Hao was speechless.

This is the goddamn drama of a rich and powerful family. So dramatic.

But it wasn't surprising. After all, for a man with status, power, and wealth but no son, there would be no one to inherit the fruit of his hard work over a lifetime. A man with a traditional mindset would make a choice he deemed to be correct.

Chen Hao said, "So? Are you planning to start your own business, or plot to get back everything that belongs to you, President Bai?"

Bai Ru glanced at Chen Hao. "Master Chen, you must be joking. Although I'm angry, as a daughter, I won't do something to defy my father. Since he has made his choice, I should have my own plans. After all, I still have my mother. I can't disappoint her."

Chen Hao's mouth twitched. With your resentment that's stronger than a spirit's, I'd be dumb to believe your words.

"Alright, President Bai, I admire your ambition. But what has this got to do with me? I'm not an economist and know nothing about doing business. You have found the wrong person."

Bai Ru said with certainty, "You're the right person for the job. Compared to an economist, you're of greater help to me."

Chen Hao smiled. "Alright, if that's really what you think and you're not planning on giving up, I can agree to cooperate. You can do whatever you wish to do. Be it looking at the Feng Shui, checking the environment, or something else, that's my forte. So long as the price is right, I'll help you right away. I guarantee you a fair price. As for others, there's no need to speak further. After all, we live in a society bound by law. We're all civilized and aboveboard people. Right?"

Bai Ru laughed. "Why? Did you think I'm seeking your help to harm someone, Master Chen?"

Chen Hao said, "I didn't say that. Also, I won't harm anyone. If someone seeks my help to harm another person, a person as timid as me will definitely get the help of a police officer."

Bai Ru's mouth twitched slightly.

Chen Hao continued, "Alright, I'm done eating and have something on. I won't chat with you any longer. President Bai, you can go to work on your noble business. If anything's the matter, you can text me on WeChat. There's no need for us to meet in person. You're the woman of many capable young men's dreams in Stone City. If you meet me too frequently, others would get jealous. That would be troublesome."

Chen Hao then got up to leave.

Bai Ru didn't move. She said, "Master Chen, I came with business."

Chen Hao halted in his footsteps and asked in shock, "President Bai, that's amazingly quick. You just decided and now you have business? Shouldn't you consider it carefully? Be careful of making a loss."

Bai Ru smiled. "Master Chen, you're aware too. The South Street of Zhou Village."

Chen Hao's gaze flickered. "You mean that street where the corpse-dismemberment case took place? Why? You wish to invest in that, President Bai?"

Bai Ru nodded. "The commercial environment in Stone City is excellent at the moment. I'm certain that the development of Stream Mountain will help the advancement of Stone City as well. Out of all the various businesses, the property business is one of the most profitable ones. The South Street of Zhou Village has a pretty good location. Yet, it was affected by the corpse-dismemberment case and haunting. Even though the other properties in the surrounding areas have risen greatly, the property prices on this street have remained stagnant. Without you, Master Chen, I wouldn't dare invest in this area as well. Moreover, you have been there, so I'd like to ask if there's a problem there."

Chen Hao fell silent for a moment, then said to Bai Ru, "200,000 yuan."

Bai Ru's face dimmed.

Daylight robbery!

Although this fellow had just received a remuneration of three million yuan, the problem at Stream Mountain wasn't a minor one, so three million yuan was a very reasonable price.

As for the South Street of Zhou Village, it was only an ordinary street and only one person had died, resulting in a minor commotion. There wasn't a need to do anything, except say a few words, and he dared to ask for 200,000 yuan? Do you have a golden mouth or something? Why don't you go and rob a bank?

Without waiting for Bai Ru to speak, Chen Hao continued, "Don't think this is too expensive. In return for these 200,000 yuan that you're paying me, I'm not just going to explain to you the situation of the dead people, but I'll also give you an idea. I guarantee you won't suffer a loss on this deal."

Bai Ru's gaze flickered. "Please speak, Master."

Chen Hao said with a smile, "Firstly, there is indeed a ghost in the underground sewer. But it's not that woman whose corpse was dismembered, but that of an old man. The old man was a cleaner in Stone City many years ago, but because of some special reasons, this ghost likely won't appear again. So there wouldn't be a problem if you wish to develop the place."

Upon hearing his words, Bai Ru's expression eased. So long as there isn't a problem, it's fine.

Chen Hao continued, "Secondly, the rumors of the haunting are both a limitation and an opportunity. These days, regardless of the fact that it was greatly affected and the reviews of the streets being terrible, there really are very few people that are scared of ghosts. Many young people even had the guts to apply ancient methods in order to see ghosts. That's why you can make use of this legend and develop the place. You can create a unique culture, such as a horror movie theater, haunted house, and other various mysterious cultures. This way, the legend will become true very quickly, bringing in plenty of money. What do you say?"

Bai Ru's eyes lit up.

She was surprised that other than his capabilities as a master, this Master Chen also had acute business acumen. Although he put it quite simply, Bai Ru had thought of three to four ideas by the time he was done speaking.

It could be said that so long as she bought this street, she could construct a mysterious culture street unique to Stone City. When that happened, not only would she rake in lots of money, but she would also achieve great fame. This was a career tailored for the present her!

"Alright, you're indeed a great master with extraordinary insight and marvelous ideas. But Master Chen, I don't think I've accepted your offer. Yet you've told me everything? Aren't you afraid I won't pay up?" Bai Ru asked with a grin.

Chen Hao smiled as well. "You said it yourself. If you don't pay up, your surname won't be Bai."

He then carried his black cat and left elegantly.

Bai Ru was exasperated.

Can't this scoundrel take a joke? How can he take this chance to rub it in my face? Do you really disdain me so much?

Since I've fallen out with my father, it's not a big deal for me to change my surname from Bai to something else. How about I take your Chen surname?