
Entrusted with a Mission at This Critical Time

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Master Long, since you chose to stay, you must have a way to deal with it, right?" Chen Hao suddenly asked.

Master Long watched the spirit appear and vanish constantly. There was no way they could calm the spirit anymore. He answered with a deep voice, "I have something that might scare it, but I cannot be sure if it will be able to kill it."

"Sure, as long as we have a way. It's too dangerous for us to be trapped here. Master Long, what do we need to do?" Master Chen continued asking.

Master Long looked at Chen Hao in surprise. "Master Chen, aren't you afraid that you might die?"

Chen Hao replied, "I am. But this spirit has been startled. If we don't settle this problem, the citizens all over Stone City will be in danger. I'm not an amazing person, but I won't allow the commoners to pay for our mistake. I think you've chosen to stay for the same reason too."

Master Long was silent for a moment and looked at Chen Hao intently.

His impression of this lad was truly changing again and again. He couldn't even tell what kind of person he was anymore.

Even though the lad might not be very skilled, he deserved to be praised for saying those words.

"Okay. Since Master Chen feels that way, I have an idea. Would you want to take the risk?" Master Long asked.

Chen Hao answered solemnly, "Master Long, please go ahead."

Master Long took out a talisman from his bag and said, "This is a talisman used to contain spirits. This dragon spirit doesn't fully exist in our realm and it's hard to control it. I won't be able to hurt it using my method. Therefore, I need you to take the risk. Use the talisman to contain the spirit so that I can attack it."

Taking the talisman from Master Long's hand, Chen Hao could instantly tell that it was an authentic one. Moreover, the drawings had been done using one's powers. It contained a great deal of energy.

"I understand. You want me to approach the spirit and then contain it using the talisman."

"Yes, that's right. That's the only way I can hurt it. Otherwise, we'll be stuck here."

Chen Hao answered, "Okay, Master Long. Let's begin."

As he spoke, Chen Hao held the talisman in his hand and walked towards the defense lines marked by the ink threads.

Master Long looked intently at Chen Hao, and his impression of him grew better. His skills aside, this lad was the most humane and caring out of all the Masters he had spoken to.

Master Long began to prepare too.

Taking out a box from his bag, he opened it and carefully retrieved a purple round ball the size of an egg from within.

Looking at the ball, a glint of woe flashed across Master Long's eyes.

This was the prized possession of Masters like him. After all these years, he only had two left. He had brought it here merely as a precaution. Little did he expect to use it here.

Although the remuneration that Manager Xue offered him was outstanding too, it couldn't be compared to such a precious item. He had lost a great deal taking on this task.

Looking at Chen Hao waiting for him, Master Long couldn't afford to stall any longer. Clenching his jaw, he took the ball out of the box. Holding the peach wood sword in his hand, he called, "Master Chen, I'm ready."

Chen Hao lunged forward, lurching out from within the cracks of the red thread.

At that moment, the hidden spirit noticed Chen Hao and instantly made its way towards him.

Chen Hao held the talisman in one hand and the jade Buddha magical artifact in the other, watching silently as the huge spirit approached him.

Finally, when the spirit was just a few meters away from him, Chen Hao struck.

He threw the jade Buddha at the spirit. An aura flashed and the artifact exploded. The spirit was hurt by the impact, causing its energy to slightly dissipate.

The spirit shrieked but didn't retreat. On the contrary, it charged at Chen Hao even more ferociously.

Chen Hao pretended to be flustered and ran away. When the spirit was almost upon him and ready to engulf him, Chen Hao struck again.

Executing the Dipper Steps, his body twisted in an unusual way and he landed by the spirit's side. At the same time, Chen Hao reached out.

Bam! The talisman was stuck onto the spirit's body.

Instantly, the talisman glowed brightly and the spirit's body froze. It was unable to move at all.

"Master Long!"

Chen Hao shouted and finished executing the Dipper Steps. Within two steps, he leaped across ten meters and hid behind a pillar.

When the spirit was rendered motionless, Master Long had only one thought.


Master Long bit his finger and wiped the blood on the ball. Although its surface appeared smooth, mysterious markings that looked like fingerprints started appearing. The markings glowed a purple light, and it grew increasingly bright.

Master Long didn't hesitate any further. Flinging his arm hard, the ball was thrown outwards.

At that moment, the spirit suddenly moved. The talisman on its body caught fire and burned to ashes—it was clear that the talisman could only contain a spirit of such caliber for a short instant.

And at that point in time, the ball landed right on its body.


The ball exploded and a frightening purple light engulfed the entire palace. It was as hot as the sun and the onlookers couldn't even see what had happened. Their eyes teared continuously and everything in front of them was a blur. They couldn't make out anything at all. Then, a sharp cry burst through the place, the volume causing their ears to ring. It messed up their minds and they didn't even know where they were standing.

After a while, they began to regain their sights. Taking another look at the scene, not only was the spirit gone, but most of the sinister energy in the palace had also vanished. Only some energy lingered.

Chen Hao was utterly shocked. What kind of tool was that? How could it be so powerful? Even though he was hiding behind the pillar, the dispersed energy burned him.

It had felt just like how a sunburn would feel. It was uncomfortable but didn't cause any harm.

Yet, to evil spirits, this energy was fatal.

Master Long was indeed top tier amongst all the masters. He truly had a lot of tools to work with.

"Is it dead? Is that thing dead?" Xue Chuang asked anxiously, forcing his eyes open despite the discomfort.

Master Long didn't answer and merely focused on observing.

"Ahh, look!"

At that moment, Bai Ru pointed at a certain direction fearfully.

Everyone turned to look and gasped in shock.

A snake's skeleton over ten meters long suddenly moved. It slowly twisted its body and looked over at them.

"Oh, no. The spirit is part-dragon and its energy cannot be eradicated. It can still move its body. Let's go!"

Master Long was flustered. He had already used his strongest weapon but still failed to kill it. He was now at his wit's ends and there was nothing he could do.

Just as Xue Chuang was about to speak, a voice was heard.

"Bai Ru, toss the deity figurine to me."

Hearing that voice, Bai Ru snapped out of her shock and she subconsciously threw the figurine towards Chen Hao.

Chen Hao leaped and caught it. Looking at Master Long, he said, "Master Long, please stall for a few more moments. I have a way to deal with it."

After speaking, Chen Hao didn't allow Master Long any time to refuse. He removed the silk covering the figurine and sat down with his legs crossed. Holding it, he concentrated fully and began to channel his divine powers to bless the figurine.

"The Heavens and the Earth, listen to my commands. Open!"