
Pleasure God's Opus

*Spawns into existence with an overpowered past* Walks in an elegant and dignified gait, takes a seat on a chair as if he was a sovereign and gazes down at you. "Hello, ladies~" I spoke in an enchanting yet overbearing tone, gazing at the ladies, who were dazed gazing up at me in a near-revering state. "And to you guys too" I mumbled in annoyance as my eyes landed on men. "Hey, can't you just remove men, except for me, from my world?" I asked _Eshwar_. (*_Eshwar_ choks on the drink he was drinking and glances away*) "Tsk, useless!" I cursed at him and glanced away, ignoring his menacing glare, that spoke volumes on his urge to erase me out of existence. "Him and I have spoken and we have come to an agreement on him telling you guys my opus, and heh, I will, of course, be the main focus, so ladies~~ You'll be seeing me soon~" I spoke to the ladies gazing up at me, while I continued to ignore the men in the crowd. Glancing to the side, my eyes fell on the men, who flinched at the ominous foreboding feeling that abruptly chruned their stomach, "You better keep your ladies safe...... since they'll be mine soon~~" I said with a smile that made men shudder while charming the women at the same time. My gaze swept over the crowd beneath, "Since the world I am to transmigrate into is overwhelmingly futuristic, there are many things to adventure about, so we have decided on, not dwelling too much on politics and other shit, but instead focus only on women and me~" I stated with an enchanting grin. *In a distinct chatter* "Oi, tell them the truth!!" _Eshwar_'s voice yelled at, from a distance..... "No wait, isn't he right? But a bit of politics should be good....." _Eshqar_'s mumbled whispers trickled my sensitive ears, but I didn't like the words that left his mouth. "Oi, we discussed not to include politics and shit like tha-" But it was already too late..... _Eshwar_'s pen wielding hand flitted across the plot filled sheets, as a subtle exclamation escaped his mouth, and at that, I could instantly tell that he was up to no good! "Oi-" "With a bit of politics!" He yelled from a distance, as a ghastly silence descended upon me and the crowd gazing up at me, while the men grinned mockingly and women tilted their heads to the side in such cuteness that I almost forgot the plight at hand. Afterall, when I narrated my opus, I stated repeatedly that I don't like politics! "You added politics?" I asked with a forced smile. "Mhm" _Eshwar_ nodded his head innocently. ".....politics?" "Yeah" "Ohyoumotherfu-" *with the distinct sounds of crashes, both of them fled from the scene* -- "Well, let's experience as many beautiful love stories as possible~" -- AN: I don’t know who the artist of the cover is, but if you want me to remove it.... you can ask me to do so (T-T). Credits to the artist. (Honest thoughts: Goddamn the art is goooood!! of course, I have edited it to link my novel to it, but DAYAM!!)

_Eshwar_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Satisfaction rate [R-18]

[AN: I have been busy with a few events for the past two days, so do pardon me, and do let me know how you are liking the story this far, so that I get fired-up and upload more chapters!!]


And after her presumed transmigration and rebirth, she roamed around Osier Glaziere for the most of her life, her emotions bloomed over the emotions she harboured for him when he was just her 'bias' from a fantasy novel, she was extremely ecstatic when she heard of her engagement with him, but at the same time, she was extremely heartbroken at the thoughts of her life progressing according to the novel she had read, and was fear stricken at thought of her future unfolding similar to the one in novel's.


Unbeknownst to her, her adoration for Osier had already altered the future she was aware of, but her fear of parting clouded her consciousness and made her over look her own actions, and in a way that except for her knowledge, every body around them, both Osier's and Iria's families were aware of Osier's growing obsession with her, hence both families pure heartedly adored the pair, while Iria herself was unaware of everything around her and had only been drowning herself in her fears of imminent parting with him.

Even as the Glaziere household was framed and was pushed to the brink of ruination, she supported the family with everything she could, she even asked for her own family for her, but it seemed as though there were forces bigger than what she knew that her family was rendered helpless in that situation, hence the Glaziere family was ruined and somehow her father, the Stidolphe family head, pulled some strings and managed to save Osier's life, who instead had began to resent the Stidolphe family for leaving their hands when their family was at their worst, without knowing of the actual truth.

Noticing his resentment for her family which continued to grow like poison, Iria who just couldn't bare to see him in that state and assuming the darkening future of the family she had come to adore, just a day before joining to the [Ipardmerth, Academy Of Sins], she called out for him and voiced her wish to break up, while stuttering the whole way through, her heart clenching pain and unwillingness was unveiled through her voice as she uttered the words she choice to voice, and when she saw him lower his head, her heart trembled, but didn't utter anything to interfere with his thoughts, while she chanted in her that he wouldn't agree to the break up she proposed even if he took the decision for her.

From that moment forth, she began to grow a bit suspicious about him in the back of her mind, assuming that he hadn't ever actually loved her, hence he was smiling, but when she noticed how he didn't resist her when she boldly kissed him, her heart eased a little, only by a little, as she said to herself that maybe, just maybe he did love her.

Unbeknownst to her, the reason Osier lowered his head was to think of ways to take her away from her family and keep her for himself, but before he could do anything, Dan took over and things had come where they were now.


After hours that flashed by in mere minutes, Osier woke up first from the sleep. On his bare chest laid a naked, silver haired beautiful young lady with a beautifully content smile on her face, for a second she seemed so adorable that he didn't want to move her aside, but he still gently laid her to the side and walked towards the connected bathroom to take a bath and finish everything necessary.

After an hour, he walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel covering his lower half till his thighs, and noticed the silver haired beauty sitting on the bed, hugging the fluffy blanket as she faced him with her face flushed scarlet.

"Good morning, sugar~" He said softly as he walked towards her with a gentle smile, claimed the bed, neared her and captured her lips for a kiss as his hand reached her nape and pulled her up as he stood on his knees on the bed.

[Iria Stidolphe's satisfaction rate increased by 1]

'!?' Osier's eyes slightly widened at the notification that popped up in front of him before an understanding dawned upon him.

"Haa….." With a sigh, Osier broke the kiss and stared into Iria's eyes which expressed their disappointment, "You must be tired…." He mumbled with a soft smile as he stroked her left cheek with his thumb and made her lay down on the bed as he hugged and buried her head in his firm chest as he adjusted the blankets over her, keeping her warm.

[Iria Stidolphe's satisfaction rate increased by 1]

'Good' Osier commented inwardly.

"Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" He gently asked as he planted soft kisses on her head as she hugged him tightly and let out a muffled hum.

"'It' feels a bit sore, my jaws hurt, my waist feels sore..... I don't think there is anything else." She mumbled.

"Want me to wash you?"

".... You will?"

"If you let me"

"...you'll only 'wash' me?"

"Hahaha…." With a soft chuckle, he leaned down and, "Of course not~" He said in a whisper and felt her body heat up as she tightened her hug around him, in embarrassment.

[Iria Stidolphe's satisfaction rate increased by 1]

Noticing that, Osier picked her naked figure up into a princess carry as walked on the bed, jumped off, before he strode towards the bathroom, ignoring Iria, who covered herself when the blanket slid off of her figure, but didn't resist his advances as he continued to carry her, while she burned in a frivolous blush.

Minutes later.

Laying on his chest, in a bathtub filled with hot water, Iria gazed up at Osier, who was looking straight blankly, "Osier…." She called out.

"Mhm?" He looked down her in a profound gaze that dazed her for a split second before she snapped out of it and asked the question that had been bugging her.

"Is there something you are hiding from me?"

"Oh? What makes you think that?"

"….. I have known you since childhood, Osi, it would be weird if I don't get these thoughts after witnessing you and your…..'actions' since yesterday night….." Iria mumbled, blushing.

"Hmm~ do you want me to tell you?"

"….. If you can, yes…."

"Even if it is something you can't bear the consequences of?"

"Did something happen to you!?"


She jolted awake off of him and abruptly turned to face him, unveiling her naked figure for all its glory and his eyes to feast on. Under his incentive eyes, she gulped, leaned over to hold his face and forced him to stare into her eyes, as she sat on his laps and placed her feet at his sides, as if wanting to trap him in her sight.

"That was your first thought? When I asked 'you' whether 'you' are willing to bear the consequences?" Osier asked with an amused smile on his face.


He wrapped his hands around her waist and pushed himself forward to make it easier for her to wrap her legs around his waist, "And even if something did happen, does it really matter? Aren't I right in front of you? Holding you?" He said as he pulled her closer, killing the distance between them as her breasts pressed against his firm chest, hiding her pink areola.

"I-it does matter!"

"And you wanted to break up with me yesterday, when you are this worried even though you are in my arms and I'm in yours?"

"I-I, I….." It was only now that she avoided eye contact, as she was caught guilty.

"You?" He whispered in a sultry voice as he leaned towards her and neared her lips with his head tilted slightly.

"Hm…." Her heart skipped a beat as she breathed out almost all the air in her lungs when his lips touched hers, forgetting all the worries at hand as they shared a passionate kiss, while his member soon stood tall under the water filling the bathtub as his hands groped her perky rear, teased her and made her involuntarily raise as she kissed down on his lips which were now facing up for her sweet tasting lips.

Softly he made her sit after positioning his member at her entrance, "Mhmn… mmm…." She breathed hastily at her thumping heart as she slowly sat down on his laps, trembling, while he entered her.

It was only when he touched the end of her cave, that she broke the kiss, albeit involuntarily, her neck arched with her teeth gritted at being parted once again as she forgot to breathe for a moment.

"Haa…." She let out a delighted huff, feeling the faintly familiar feeling of being full from yesterday night, but this time she was completely sober and could relish the feeling for all its glory, but without too much of the stinging pain of being intruded for the first time.

[Iria Stidolphe's satisfaction rate increased by 5]