
Pleasure God's Opus

*Spawns into existence with an overpowered past* Walks in an elegant and dignified gait, takes a seat on a chair as if he was a sovereign and gazes down at you. "Hello, ladies~" I spoke in an enchanting yet overbearing tone, gazing at the ladies, who were dazed gazing up at me in a near-revering state. "And to you guys too" I mumbled in annoyance as my eyes landed on men. "Hey, can't you just remove men, except for me, from my world?" I asked _Eshwar_. (*_Eshwar_ choks on the drink he was drinking and glances away*) "Tsk, useless!" I cursed at him and glanced away, ignoring his menacing glare, that spoke volumes on his urge to erase me out of existence. "Him and I have spoken and we have come to an agreement on him telling you guys my opus, and heh, I will, of course, be the main focus, so ladies~~ You'll be seeing me soon~" I spoke to the ladies gazing up at me, while I continued to ignore the men in the crowd. Glancing to the side, my eyes fell on the men, who flinched at the ominous foreboding feeling that abruptly chruned their stomach, "You better keep your ladies safe...... since they'll be mine soon~~" I said with a smile that made men shudder while charming the women at the same time. My gaze swept over the crowd beneath, "Since the world I am to transmigrate into is overwhelmingly futuristic, there are many things to adventure about, so we have decided on, not dwelling too much on politics and other shit, but instead focus only on women and me~" I stated with an enchanting grin. *In a distinct chatter* "Oi, tell them the truth!!" _Eshwar_'s voice yelled at, from a distance..... "No wait, isn't he right? But a bit of politics should be good....." _Eshqar_'s mumbled whispers trickled my sensitive ears, but I didn't like the words that left his mouth. "Oi, we discussed not to include politics and shit like tha-" But it was already too late..... _Eshwar_'s pen wielding hand flitted across the plot filled sheets, as a subtle exclamation escaped his mouth, and at that, I could instantly tell that he was up to no good! "Oi-" "With a bit of politics!" He yelled from a distance, as a ghastly silence descended upon me and the crowd gazing up at me, while the men grinned mockingly and women tilted their heads to the side in such cuteness that I almost forgot the plight at hand. Afterall, when I narrated my opus, I stated repeatedly that I don't like politics! "You added politics?" I asked with a forced smile. "Mhm" _Eshwar_ nodded his head innocently. ".....politics?" "Yeah" "Ohyoumotherfu-" *with the distinct sounds of crashes, both of them fled from the scene* -- "Well, let's experience as many beautiful love stories as possible~" -- AN: I don’t know who the artist of the cover is, but if you want me to remove it.... you can ask me to do so (T-T). Credits to the artist. (Honest thoughts: Goddamn the art is goooood!! of course, I have edited it to link my novel to it, but DAYAM!!)

_Eshwar_ · Urban
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52 Chs

Praise the woman whom Iria referred to [R-18]

"Osi!!" She exclaimed as her figure trembled at an orgasm that wetted her baggy trousers and created a wet patch on his confined member, she remained in that state for a few seconds more before she moved to the side and gazed at abstract wet art she had created on his pants.

Then, she curiously extended her hand to stroke the bulge for a few seconds before she unbuttoned and unzipped those confines and gazed at the last restraint binding the bulge for a brief second and lowered his boxers, freeing his member which stood tall, raging to enter something that'd engulf it whole.

Ignoring the dazed Iria, Osier was a bit surprised at the length and girth of his member which was bigger than that of his previous life's, as the question the women he had made love to had asked in his previous life resurfaced in his mind, 'Would this even fit in them?'

While he questioned the possibilities, Iria took his member into her hands and stroked it gently, as if she was afraid of damaging the treasure in her hands.

'Woman, it'd take hours if you want to make me cum like that' He muttered inwardly as he gazed at the topless Iria, who leaned forward, sniffed, shivered, before she licked it.


"Is this how I should do it?" She mumbled to herself before she took it in her mouth, and "Guckh!" She jolted back after gaging at the length, then gazed at the length that made her gag with a pout before she took it into her mouth once again, as if challenging it.

"Hahaha" Noticing her actions, Osier couldn't help letting out the chuckle he tried to hold in, but Iria was to engrossed in what she doing to pay him any heed.

"Oh!?" Osier let out a surprised exclamation at Iria, who deep throated him even while gaging and covering his entire manhood in her saliva that oozed as a reflex of her gags, after adjusting herself to the new feeling, she began to bobbing her head while stroking his balls and the rest his member, which she didn't dare fit in her mouth anymore.

"Haa…." Osier huffed as he reached out for her with his right hand and supported her by the back of her head, as she bobbed her head up and down, kissing and sucking only the head of his dick from time to time, while he praised her inwardly.

'Praise the woman whom Iria referred to to learn deep throating!~' He muttered in his mind as he helped in adjusting the speed Iria bobbed her head.

A few minutes after the experience she enjoyed in the beginning began to hurt her jaw, she felt the twitch grow and heard him warn that made her pull out but she continued to stare and stroke it, and ended up unable to dodge the jizz that erupted and painted her face.

A bit shocked, she licked her lips on which the spunk trickled down, scrunched her nose while swallowing it before finally noticing the still hard girth in her right hand, which she used to continue stroking, subconsciously.

"You didn't think that it'd go down so easily, did you~" She heard a mumble before her entire view shifted from his manhood to the chandelier(ed) ceiling before she gazed down and noticed her baggy trousers being lowered by a pink haired man, whom she instantly recognised and smiled, still intoxicated.

"Osi~" She mumbled under her breath as she watched him remove and toss both of their trousers, with their undies included, she watched everything happen as if those actions didn't involve her, even while he positioned himself at her entrance and made her let out short moans.

"Ready?" He asked and saw her tilt her head in confusion, "Ready for wha-"


"Ahhkh!!" With a painful jolt that drained her of her intoxication, he entered her, while she trembled at the pain of her hymen being torn apart. Her eyes which had rolled back, teared up, as her mouth hung open at the pain.

Pulling back,









Within a few moments,

"AHNG! Hahng!! Ahng!!" She moaned wantonly as her moist narrow cave was being explored in full force, while being spread apart. Together with her love juices, her maidenhood blood also dyed his manhood, which knocked the end of her cave as if wanting to break through her cervix.





Her wanton moans and the scent of passion eroded the whole room as he pounded her, inciting all her pleasure points and bringing her to the peaks of pleasure only to throw her off with a electrifyingly orgasm that had her trembling from head to toe, while her toes curled at the tingling feeling, together with her back, neck, and fingers which crumpled the bedsheets.

The top of her head rested on the pillow with her eyes rolled back and her small tongue popped out, oozing saliva that trickled down on her face which was painted with his spunk, "I'm goinggggg crazzzzzyyyy!!!" She yelled in pleasure, experiencing orgasms one after another.

It was only minutes later that she heard a voice of the man who mentally and physically broke her, "Ugh, I'm cumming….." He exclaimed letting her know but as she was in no state of answer him, he spurted in her when a violent shiver assaulted him and parched his throat in a mere instant, and he could tell for sure it wouldn't be resolved with the mere likes of water; then he was reminded of his nature as a vampire and an understanding dawned upon him while his sharp fangs sharpened and extended out as he instinctively leaned over her figure and bit her neck.

"AAAAHHHHNNNG!!!" With a loud moan and an extreme pleasurable orgasm, Iria passed out while Osier drenched his parched throat in her blood, before he too passed out from having drunk a human's blood for the first time, experiencing Iria Stidolphe's life in his sleep.

In his sleep, he saw a familiar place which he had lived in before transmigrating. Yes, it was indeed Earth, but everything about it felt, fake, nothing except for her own view of the world was clear as everything else was moving extremely slowly, in a blur. In that life of hers, she did everything an average woman would do, except for dating of course, then one day, her friend whose face nether could he nor she could see, told her to read a fantasy romance novel, which she seemed to have taken a liking to, since the world build, the characters, male love interests, the female main character, her struggles to reach the top, everything felt new and unique, helping her to forget her dull and boring reality.

She, having read the story more than enough times, understood that the unwritten struggles of the obsessive second male lead were much more harsher than any others, and noticing how he didn't give up on the female lead even when she was being pushed away by those who had loved her previous, she came to love the second male lead, who was none other than Osier Glaziere.

In that strange illusive reality of hers, the thing that'd make everything about that reality of hers being nothing but mere illusion was the fact that Iria in that reality didn't have a name, nor did she have a face.