
Pleasure God's Opus

*Spawns into existence with an overpowered past* Walks in an elegant and dignified gait, takes a seat on a chair as if he was a sovereign and gazes down at you. "Hello, ladies~" I spoke in an enchanting yet overbearing tone, gazing at the ladies, who were dazed gazing up at me in a near-revering state. "And to you guys too" I mumbled in annoyance as my eyes landed on men. "Hey, can't you just remove men, except for me, from my world?" I asked _Eshwar_. (*_Eshwar_ choks on the drink he was drinking and glances away*) "Tsk, useless!" I cursed at him and glanced away, ignoring his menacing glare, that spoke volumes on his urge to erase me out of existence. "Him and I have spoken and we have come to an agreement on him telling you guys my opus, and heh, I will, of course, be the main focus, so ladies~~ You'll be seeing me soon~" I spoke to the ladies gazing up at me, while I continued to ignore the men in the crowd. Glancing to the side, my eyes fell on the men, who flinched at the ominous foreboding feeling that abruptly chruned their stomach, "You better keep your ladies safe...... since they'll be mine soon~~" I said with a smile that made men shudder while charming the women at the same time. My gaze swept over the crowd beneath, "Since the world I am to transmigrate into is overwhelmingly futuristic, there are many things to adventure about, so we have decided on, not dwelling too much on politics and other shit, but instead focus only on women and me~" I stated with an enchanting grin. *In a distinct chatter* "Oi, tell them the truth!!" _Eshwar_'s voice yelled at, from a distance..... "No wait, isn't he right? But a bit of politics should be good....." _Eshqar_'s mumbled whispers trickled my sensitive ears, but I didn't like the words that left his mouth. "Oi, we discussed not to include politics and shit like tha-" But it was already too late..... _Eshwar_'s pen wielding hand flitted across the plot filled sheets, as a subtle exclamation escaped his mouth, and at that, I could instantly tell that he was up to no good! "Oi-" "With a bit of politics!" He yelled from a distance, as a ghastly silence descended upon me and the crowd gazing up at me, while the men grinned mockingly and women tilted their heads to the side in such cuteness that I almost forgot the plight at hand. Afterall, when I narrated my opus, I stated repeatedly that I don't like politics! "You added politics?" I asked with a forced smile. "Mhm" _Eshwar_ nodded his head innocently. ".....politics?" "Yeah" "Ohyoumotherfu-" *with the distinct sounds of crashes, both of them fled from the scene* -- "Well, let's experience as many beautiful love stories as possible~" -- AN: I don’t know who the artist of the cover is, but if you want me to remove it.... you can ask me to do so (T-T). Credits to the artist. (Honest thoughts: Goddamn the art is goooood!! of course, I have edited it to link my novel to it, but DAYAM!!)

_Eshwar_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
52 Chs


The world outside made the pink haired handsome young man stand dazed as he gazed up at the crystal clear skies that unveiled the other worlds which were veiled by thin dotted lights within, while the silver moon shone brilliantly, lighting the world he stood in; as he continued to gaze up, his eyes got adjusted to the dark in a mere instant as all of his abilities received a humongous boost, as he was a vampire, a bat of the nights.

With his heightened vision, he peered at the things other than the worlds that drew his attention, and there he saw a thin pillar stretching out into the void, and at what seemed to be the peak of the tower, there existed a mist that seemed to have come out straight from the very depths of the abyss; into that mist the tower disappeared, making it seem as if it was the end of the tower, but many, if not every existence in this strange star, a separate cluster of worlds that roamed free and off any universes, claimed that the tower had no end whatsoever!

Even though it was a sight he had seen in the memoir of the OG Osier Glaziere, he couldn't help but be mesmerised at the view that shattered the whole of his common sense.

And according to the memoir he held, this cluster of planets had a total of 7 planets, a humongous ring that held them within, and at the centre of these all was a tower that stretched both sides on a patch of land that was filled with monstrous trees and monsters of kinds unknown, this specific chunk of land that's exposed to the space is called 'The Land Of Death.'

The star that was nothing more than a cluster of sinned planets was called [Ivleunnil].

Under that mesmerising beauty that shattered his common sense once and for all, the now Osier Glaziere, stood dazed, while Iria gently laid her head on his shoulder and, "Isn't it just mesmerising no matter how times one sees it?" Iria mumbled with a smile.

"…. Is that so? Maybe it indeed is so, since it looks new to me….is it because you are with me?" Osier mumbled after he regained his bearings, since to the OG Osier Glaziere, this sight was nothing new nor was it mesmerising since he hadn't been in a world without them.

[Iria Stidolphe's satisfaction rate increased by 1]

[Iria Stidolphe's suspicion about master has decreased by 5]

'Ho? You can even read these things? Is it because she has become one of my opus?' Osier muttered inwardly, satisfied with his system.

"You sly fox…." Iria mumbled, her face burning in a frivolous blush.

"Let's go" Osier mumbled and let Iria take the lead, as she dragged him towards the car that was parked on the side of the road, that stretched in front of the bar behind them.

On the sides of the road were trees which leaned and created a dark canopy for the road in between, if not for the artistically structured streetlights, nothing, not even the road, would have been visible in that near pitch black darkness.

As everything on [Ivleunnil] was used to the dark, nature which was adapt to the darkness here flourished without a hindrance, as the races there also encouraged the growth of azures with the controlled growth of technology.

The greens back on Earth was coloured azure on the star [Ivleunnil] from the lack of sunlight, hence almost everything that's supposed to be green was dyed azure, but there were things that still grew out dyed in green, as if to persist its nature but those things were tend to be poisonous here, yet these greens were also extremely medicinal if refined properly.

Listening to the fluttering sounds of the crispy leaves, and at the rustles of the glass blades, Osier walked towards the targa coloured in emerald green with a velvety finish, and merely upon getting close the car unlocked it as a message was sent to the Neuro-SIM of the car's owner, and of course the identity of the key holder is also sent, but Osier's Neuro-SIM was private thanks to his system.[AN: I had forgotten to mention it on his status window, but it has now been updated]

Such a privilege would bring him either a woe or a fortune.

Opening the door for Iria like a gentleman, Osier made way towards the driver's seat as it was two seat(er). With a quick glance, Osier familiarised himself with the car's tech as to not appear awkward, and from the OG Osier's memories he found it quite easy to familiarise himself with the interior he had never been in.

"Then, shall we leave, my lady~" He asked in a tease, and flashed a bright smile at her, making the woman blush and cover her face at how cheesy he sounded and how much she liked him speaking that way.

"We shall then" She mumbled a second later as she avoided eye contact.


Osier then started the car and drove it while Iria added Stidolphe household's location from her Neuro-SIM that granted access to an holographic phone, as it did to everybody.


In a brightly lit room, a studious man with silver hair and lazy silver eyes, sat scribbling on a holographic interface with his pristine white coloured pen. The brightly lit, rich and aristocratic room had a highly advanced yet modest aesthetic to it, but there was this lazy and comfy vibe to the room that made one want to fall asleep.

The man's demeanour felt familiar and if gazed at the silver hair of his for a few seconds longer, then a glistening resemblance with Iria Stidolphe would flash in the minds of those familiar with the family.


[Lane's targa has been mobilized]

Was what the pop up notification notified the man, who quickly clicked on it as the matter concerned his first daughter.

[Key holder: [Private]]

[Companion: [Iria Stidolphe]]

'Private? What's an high ranking official doing with my daughter? Did she find a man to use to break up with that boy? Even so, this is a bit too much…..don't tell me that she actually found a man for herself in that bar to move on from the boy?' He pondered over things that he himself found a bit too much to believe, but the [Private] Neuro-SIM was just that high of a privilege that only [Climbers] who have climbed above a specific floor in the [Tower] could obtain; and even for [Climbers], it was an extremely rare find, like finding a needle in an haystack, and it wasn't only a rare find, but the privilege can only be obtained in floors above fifty, hence his, Vesper Stidolphe's mind short circuited for an instant as he chose to check the location the car was being driven to.

'They are driving to our home? Is the man just dropping her home? But isn't Butler Lee there for the job? Just what is going on?' Vesper racked his lazy mind, before finding thinking a bit too bothersome as he clicked on a button on the interactive interface and triggered an emergency.

[There is a [Private] coming to our house with Iria, prepare for every possible situation and dispatch squad 5 to the location of Iria's targa to analyse the situation] He commanded and by the next immediate instance, the lazy household was put on high alert as a [Count] ranked squad of robo-scouts were dispatched.

Within a few seconds, a live feed on an emerald green coloured targa popped up in front of Vesper, who had to watch a sack-like something sitting on the driver's seat, squirming slightly. There wasn't a head of a face visible to analyse what was going on in there, but a few seconds later, he saw a palm slightly slide down on the sack, and then, what he could make out to be an extremely comfortable t-shirt was seen being pushed up as the hand slid into the t-shirt that resembled the kind his daughter always wears.

"That's….. Iria?" Vesper mumbled, gazing at the scene in the self driving targa.

He then shifted the feed to another scout and was left a bit dumbfounded when he saw his daughter passionately kissing a pink haired young man, whom he could immediately identify to be….


He gazed up at the intruder, which he knew would be none other than his wife as no body had the galls to dare intrude Vesper's personal study.

A raven black haired young woman with greenish blue eyes rushed into the room with a bang; her complexion was light purplish blue, her hair was braided, while her soft and mature face was dyed in frivolous white tinted blush, and she was donned in a royal blue coloured gown; on the left side of her neck, behind her slightly elongated left ear was a gold traced tattoo of a fairy's left pair of wings.

She was Liana Alvine, or Liana Stidolphe; she was a fae, a race with the sin of [Envy], Vesper Stidolphe's wife, and the Duchess of the Stidolphe Dukedom.

As she had the access to watch the feed he was being shown, she too had been watching what was going on, hence, "Honey!! W-what are you doing, watching Iria make out with Osi!!!" She exclaimed upon arrival.