
Pleasure Cultivation : Journey Of The Charmer Of The Heavens

Xuan Yu, renowned as the Charmer of the Heavens, was once an immortal being of unparalleled allure and power. His beguiling nature led him into scandalous liaisons with the most forbidden women in the whole Myriad Heavens World : the daughter of the Celestial Monarch, the wife of the formidable Sword Saint, and many others. These exploits culminated in his capture and imprisonment by the aggrieved powerful beings he had offended. Imprisoned and stripped of his former glory, Xuan Yu's fate took a miraculous turn when a mysterious and beautiful middle-aged woman bestowed upon him the gift of a new life. Emerging from the shadows of his past, Xuan Yu is resolute in his quest for reunion and power. With newfound determination, he sets out on an epic journey to reclaim his strength, surpass his former self, and navigate the intricate web of celestial politics. His path is fraught with challenges, battles, and introspective trials, each testing his resilience and wit. Along the way, Xuan Yu forms deep bonds and rekindles relationships, vowing to protect and cherish his old and new wives. As he confronts past transgressions and new adversaries, Xuan Yu's journey is a thrilling tale of redemption, love, and the unyielding pursuit of happiness and power. Join Xuan Yu on his extraordinary odyssey to rise above the heavens and redefine his destiny.

ImmortalProsperity · Eastern
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27 Chs

Chapter 2: The Divine Doctor

Chapter 2: The Divine Doctor

"Wake up, wake up, wake up," a melodious voice implored with urgency. A stunning woman, her figure both graceful and seductive, was desperately trying to rouse a strikingly handsome, otherworldly man who lay unconscious in the middle of an ancient forest. Despite her efforts, he remained unresponsive. She tried shaking him, calling his name, but nothing seemed to work.

Determined, she attempted to lift him, surprised to find that he was surprisingly light. What she didn't realize was that nature itself was aiding her, the air and the forest was subtly supporting her effort to lift the man. Unbeknownst to her, the nature seemed to recognize the importance of this mysterious figure.

Carrying him with ease, she made her way through the dense foliage until she reached a grand entrance gate inscribed with bold golden letters: "Dao Harmony Palace." As she passed through the gates, every guard and disciple she encountered bowed deeply, a testament to her high status within the palace. Even though curiosity flickered in their eyes at the sight of the man she carried, they dared not voice their questions. They knew better than to offend this gentle yet authoritative woman.

This was Ming Yue, the revered Grandmaster of the Medicinal Hall, a genius whose skills in healing were unmatched. It was said that as long as a patient had a single breath left, Ming Yue could restore them to perfect health. Her reputation as the divine doctor was well-earned, her knowledge of medicine and healing arts second to none.

Ming Yue carried the unconscious Xuan Yu through the palace grounds until she arrived at a special area marked by three towering mountain peaks, each adorned with numerous pagodas. She moved purposefully toward a teleportation formation and, with a nod to the bowing operator, said, "Central Peak."

In a flash of light, she found herself standing on the teleportation platform of Central Peak, facing an entrance marked with a sign: "Medicinal Hall " Without hesitation, she proceeded, eventually stopping before a large mansion-like building. A plaque above the door read, "Grandmaster's Residence."

She entered the residence and carefully placed Xuan Yu on a luxurious bed, his features peaceful in unconsciousness. Ming Yue studied him for a moment, her eyes filled with curiosity and concern. Who was this man, and what had befallen him? She had found him in such a dire state, yet his aura suggested a power far beyond that of ordinary beings.

Satisfied that he was in a secure place, she turned and left the room, closing the door softly behind her. She would need to prepare her most potent remedies and call upon her vast knowledge to revive him. For now, he needed rest, and she had much work to do.


Xuan Yu drifted in a void, a realm of endless darkness and silence. Slowly, fragments of memories began to surface, images of a beautiful garden, a timeless prison, and the celestial beauty of Mei Lin and his other dao companion. His heart ached with longing and regret. He remembered the woman's promise and the blinding darkness that had taken him from the Garden of Remorse.

Gradually, he became aware of a soothing warmth enveloping him, a gentle presence that seemed to coax him back to consciousness. He stirred, his mind struggling to bridge the gap between the void and reality.

When he finally opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar room, the bed beneath him luxuriously soft. The air was filled with the subtle scent of medicinal herbs, calming and invigorating at once. His gaze wandered around the room, taking in the elegant decor and the meticulous order of the space. This was no ordinary place.

Just then, the door opened, and Ming Yue entered, carrying a tray laden with various vials and instruments. She paused upon seeing him awake, a gentle smile spreading across her face.

"Ah, you're awake," she said softly, setting the tray down on a nearby table. "How do you feel?"

Xuan Yu struggled to sit up, his body still weak but gradually regaining strength. "Where am I?" he asked, his voice hoarse.

"You're in the Dao Harmony Palace, within the Grandmaster's Residence of the Medicinal Hall," Ming Yue replied, moving to assist him. "I found you unconscious in the forest and brought you here."

"Dao Harmony Palace…" Xuan Yu repeated, his mind slowly piecing together the fragments of his past and present. He looked at Ming Yue, gratitude and curiosity mingling in his eyes. "Thank you for helping me. My name is Xuan Yu."

Ming Yue nodded, her expression warm. "You're welcome. I'm Ming Yue, the grandmaster of the Medicinal Hall. You were in quite a state when I found you. Can you tell me what happened?"

Xuan Yu hesitated, memories of his imprisonment and the celestial wrath he had incurred flooding back. He decided to reveal only part of the truth for now. "I… was in a place I couldn't leave for a long time. I don't remember much after that."

Ming Yue studied him, sensing that there was much he was not saying. She chose not to press further, understanding that trust would take time. "Rest now," she said gently. "Your body needs to recover fully. When you're ready, we can talk more."

As she left the room, Xuan Yu lay back against the pillows, his mind racing. He needed to regain his strength, understand this new world, and decide his next steps. The pendant around his neck pulsed softly, a reminder of the mysterious gift and the unknown journey that lay ahead.

For now, he would rest and recover. The future held many uncertainties, but Xuan Yu was determined to face them with the strength and resilience that had carried him through centuries of isolation and loss. His journey was far from over, and he intended to make every moment count.

Before he knew it, his eyes closed themselves and he went in a deep sleep.

Whilst he was asleep, the entire Dao Harmony Palace especially the Medicine Hall was in chaos.