
Pleasure(Robert Baratheon SI)

Waking up in the body of Robert Baratheon in his wedding with Cersei....now how to survive this shitty world that is Westeros?

Sambingereader · Book&Literature
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Chapter 1

Eric was still shocked at today's event, he went from crossing the road and getting hit by a car to waking up as King Robert Fucking Baratheon of all things. And on his wedding day to boot.

After a lot of ceremonies and festivities he was finally in his chamber with his new wife Cersei Lannister. She was beautiful and it seems had her book appearance as she did not look like the game of thrones actress. It took some time for Elric to come to terms with his new reality. Thankfully he had all of robert's memories though any trace of Robert mind or soul has completely disappeared.

Entering the chamber with Cersei he looked around. There was the bed, a table with wines and cups. He decided to go sit on the bed.

He looked at Cersei who was already naked as the so called bedding ceremony earlier had took off their clothes. She was stunning and god did he want to fuck her but it will have to wait.

"Come sit beside me Cersei."

She looked at him then sat beside him on the bed.

"What is it my king?"

" I just wanted to talk, you are no whore nor some low class woman. You are to be a Queen and I do not want your memory of our first time together be me taking you like a brute. For even if I do look like one I am not."

"I would never think of you as a brute my king and what is it you want to talk about?" she asked.

"I want to know everything or at the very least things you are comfortable with sharing with me. I want to know what is it you like? What do you hate doing? Some funny story about your childhood or how was it living at the Rock? Anything you want to tell me really. And in turn I will answer every question you have of me"

So she talked, she talked of her childhood days with her mother and Jaimie. She talked of how huge Castlerly rock is and how beautiful a city lannisport is. Of the sea and her likes and dislikes. From favourite food to drinks and even clothes and jewelries she loves.

"I feels like I got to know you a lot more my Queen. So it is time for you to ask me anything."

"You are different from what the rumours say. They say you are a drunkard but you have not drink that much today. They say you are a lecher and whoremonger and yet I am naked in front of you and you are not doing anything. Was all the rumors false or are you just acting differently?" eyebrow arched up she looked at him with curiosity in her eyes and it trailed down his body for a moment before she looked at his eyes again.

"Sadly most of those rumours are true. I was a young man who loved to drink and fuck. But now that I am king and I have had time to dwell on what exactly it means to be a king I decided I needed to change my ways. That I needed to be better. And it all starts with you, I swore to myself the moment I put the wedding cloak on you that I would never be with any other women but you. I intend to keep that promise to myself till my dying breath. After all with a beautiful wife like you, why would I want to look elsewhere?" He looked at her seriously then "but know this, I am a jealous man. Any man who looked at you with lust might suddenly die by a so called accident. Anyone who touches you might lose a hand. Anyone who even get caught trying to get in your bed will get publicly executed."Looking at her seriously he says " I expect you to be faithful, stray and whoever the man is will die!"

Cersei shivered at his declaration, suddenly scared for Jaimie. But at the same time she was surprised that this man who is a famous womanizer just said he is going to be only faithful to her."

"You will be my wife and the mother of my children Cersei. I will confide in you and ask you for advice on all things. There is many people I can't trust in court. I need someone I can trust fully, someone who has my best interest at heart. That someone will be you Cersei. You will not just be a broodmare for me, not some pretty wife that I will show around like a trophy. You will help me rule this realm, you will attend every small council meeting with me. My hand Jon Arryn might get the idea that he is running things around here so we will have to have a united front against him if he becomes too greedy with power in the future." He looked at her expectantly. "Do you understand Cersei, I will not be able to do everything alone, I will need your help. You have been raised to be Queen but I have never been raised to be a king. I am in over my head Cersei and i will need you every step of the way."

Cersei was again shocked with what he just said. He is willing to offer her so much power and he will listen to her counsel. This marriage was already to a good start it seems. Could it be the king is already in the palm of her hands? With him wanting to listen to her advice in the future no doubt it will makes her the ruler in the shadows. While the king rules over the kingdoms , she will rule over him. The thought turn her cunt wet with anticipation and she caught him looking at her with lust. Without thinking she leans in and kisses him. Her hands and his hands roaming over each others bodies. She needs this man to fall for her and she will give him the night of his life so that he will always want to come back to her.

Stopping the kiss, Robert told her to lay on the bed. She laid down as ordered while he spread her legs and started rubbing her and putting his fingers in. She gasped and shivered with pleasure. The way he was rubbing her and fingering at the same time had her moan in delight. He stopped and he did something unexpected, he started licking her and it brought her orgasm after a mere few minutes.

"What was that?" she asked gasping for breath.

He chuckled, "I need to pleasure my Queen first and foremost before pleasuring myself. It is the proper way to make love to a woman after all"

" What you did with your tongue….where did you learn that?" it is only after she asked the question that she realized it was a stupid one, of course he knows how to pleasure women.He has slept with countless before me after all. Well I can only be glad he is experienced I guess.

His hands started to roam over her body then he settled on her breasts, he started massaging them and playing with her nipples making them hard in the process. He layed kisses on her breast and started sucking on each of them, then started kissing her collarbone then neck. He bites her neck to leave a mark there and then looked at her beautiful face. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen" then he kissed her. Full of passion and lust, his tongue exploring her mouth and hers his. Then without warning he slipped his cock into her.

She gasp again and broke the kiss, his size was bigger than Jaimie and he was entering her slowly and gently. After finally being deep in her, he looked at her. "You ok?"

"Yes continue" she said. She felt full and lusty.

He began to move. In out in out, slowly at first then he increase his speed. All the while he was fucking her, he kept kissing her and nibbling at her neck, her ears. He whispered into her ear "Cersei god Cersei!! Fuck"

His voice was raspy and full of need and lust for her. The way he said her name made her body shiver. And this time as he came in her , spilling his seed she came too. Body shaking violently as she moaned in delight, in her pleasure she screamed Robert's name out loud. Then her high was over and she catch her breath and laid on the bed. Robert had already moved from atop her and laid by her side.

He wrap and arm around her and she laid on his thick muscular chest .She was really tired.

"My dear dear wife, I think from now on I am going to sleep with you every night on the same bed. Hugging you to sleep? Yes that would be the highlight of my day even. So can I do that Cersei, I promised we will only have sex whenever you want, I won't force it on you but I still just want to atleast sleep next to you every night…" he asked her hesitantly.

Thinking deeply about that, she did not have the heart to say no. He respected her and it seems he really is trying to make an effort for their marriage to work. She though of Jaimie then and she did know what to do.

"Your brother Jaimie will go back to Casterly rock soon. I have talked it out with Tywin and Jon. He will go back to being the heir of the old lion."

That broke her out of her stupor, "What?" she asked.

"You heard me the first time, did you really think I would let the man who took your maidenhood to stay around? Around my wife? Did you think I would let myself be cuckholded? Huh?" he asked looking at her with amusement and smile on his face.

"What? What are you talking about?" Cersei was in disbelief, how did he knows? Did he tell anyone else? Did father knows already? What will happen to Jaimie?

"No need to fret so much. I don't care who you slept with before marrying you, heck I myself am not a virgin so why should I care if you are one or not? But what I care about is that you keep to your oath and wedding vows. I have and will not tell anyone about what I know because I did not care about your past lover. He will be gone soon enough and will be wed shortly afterwards too. Again I don't care that you slept with your brother, the Targaryens did it and my grandmother was Targaryens so I can't judge you."

"You are not going to tell anyone?" she asked a little disbelievingly.

"Yes and all I ask in return is your loyalty to me. I am not so fool to think that we suddenly are going to fall in love with each other like in some stories. You probably will take time to get over him heck if you ever get over him. But I don't really mind, the sex between us was great just now and if we have to satisfy ourself with just each other and no one else then that is a good deal.Won't you say?"

"I…you are right…the sex was indeed great and even though I am saddened by the fact Jaimie is leaving, I will still do what I have to do. I will still need to be Queen and I will need to birth your children. I do not know if I will ever love you but you seems like you want this to work so I will try my best."

"You don't need to force yourself, we can be friends you know? Heck if we are going to spend our life together then we should at least be on good terms. As a show of faith I am still going to sleep right next to you tonight. You might want to suffocate me with a pillow at night, I knows your secret it is only logical that in a fit of anger you might try to kill me. But look I still choose to give you a chance and my trust. Do with it what you want. Kill me? Let me live? Or run away with your beloved brother to essos and abandon everything, being Queen and all the power it contains. If love is what you want I could even help you get on a boat with him and even fake your deaths or something. So what is it Cersei?

Love or power? Love or days after days and weeks after weeks of me making you moans in pleasure. I shall make you my lioness roar and that is a promise!

She looked at this man again with surprise. This night had been full of surprises and now again he asked a good question.

If he was telling the truth she could perhaps run away with Jaimie but being the Queen is what she always inspired to be. Did she truly love Jaimie? She did not think so no, what she loved about Jaimie was that he was her perfect relection. That he had a cock when she did not. Cersei realized belatedly that she really was not in love with Jaimie. For what person who claims to love another would manipulate and ruin his future? He became a kingsguard solely because of her urging. Did not get married to Lysa Tully and abandon his duty as heir to Casterly Rock. All because she wanted him near her at the red keep. Because she felt whole when he is inside her. But now she realised that if she had to sacrifice her other part to stay Queen and have the powers she always dreamed of then she would do so in a heartbeat. She could do worst than Robert. He was handsome too just like Jaimie. And he was better in bed than Jaimie had ever been, where Jaimie had experience only with her. Robert it seems had a vast knowledge on how to please a woman so at the very least her future with him is going to be enjoyable she mused.

"I will stay as your Queen Robert and I am ever thankful that you did not looked at me in disgust when you find out about me and my brother. I will stay faithful to you and give you strong children and I will always be there if you need an ear to listen to your problems." She smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Let us sleep then or do you want to go another round?" he raised an eyebrow at her and motioned to his now hard cock. "Ride me Cersei and knows that you are my dear is the only woman that will ever be on top of me." He smirks

"What a great honour your majesty" she drawls with a smirk. She put his size inside of her again and started going up and down and grinding herself on his dick. She moaned again and a few hours later she was laying on top of him tired. Her insides were full of his seeds. Perhaps she thought she might be already pregnant….