
Who Said Breaking up Was Easy?

Mira knew that what happened after this moment would change the rest of her life. Looking upon the papers he gave her, each line seemingly stabbing her heart into further pieces, was thoroughly looked upon by her before signed.

She looked up from the completely signed papers to look at his face one last time, but he betrayed nothing. Instead of seeing love in his eyes, he portrayed a stoic nothingness. It was as if nothing that was happening could or would affect him.

All these years, all the times spent together, did it mean nothing to him?

To her, each line meant that they would never see each other again. To her, each line meant that the future that he promised her, was further ripped further away. To her, each line meant that her heart would never be whole again.

Who said breaking up was easy?


"Welcome to Aerus. The weather is nice and warm, I hope you've enjoyed your flight on Royal Airlines. Please watch your step when getting off the plane and I hope you have a nice day."

Mira got her briefcase from the compartment next to her, put her sunglasses on, and walked off the plane with her head held high. It was her first time back in Aerus in years, 4 in fact, and it was just in time.

Today was the day her brother would take over the company and she was immensely proud of him. Davis Inc. would reach new heights under his watch, she was sure of it, and her dad would finally have some time off for himself and for her mother.

She walked out of the terminal and went towards the baggage claim carousel. After asking an attendant where her proper carousel was, Mira waited for her luggage to come down.

Countless numbers of luggage rolled by before she saw a familiar blue luggage with a red bow on it. She reached down and grabbed her bag before it was swept away and pulled it towards her. Just as she was about to place it onto the ground, a push came from behind her.

Time seemed to slow down for her. From the impact of the push, Mira could see the ground slowly coming closer to her eyes. She quickly released her bag and reached out with her arms, being careful to not use her wrists, to try and protect herself from the impact. But the floor never came in contact with her body. Someone had caught her. She turned her head and came into contact with vibrant blue eyes.

It was as if time had stopped at that moment.

"I'm so sorry," the owner of the eyes said frantically. "I was on my phone and wasn't watching where I was going and when I realized that I hit someone... - Again I'm sorry."

"Oh, well it's okay. Would you please let me go?"

"I'm so sorry!" he said as he quickly released her.

She stumbled at the quick release before stabilizing and fixing her clothes. After making sure that she was back in pristine condition, she looked back upon the man. He was beautiful, this she had no doubt, with vibrant blue eyes and an angular jaw. He had beautiful black hair that lay perfectly neat and styled back. His face exuded beauty while his body screamed "Adonis". The navy suit he was wearing couldn't hide the defined muscles he had underneath, it only added on to his attractiveness.

As he said, a phone lay in his left hand while a black suitcase lay strewn on the floor. It seemed he came back from a business endeavor as well.

"There was no harm done today. Thank you for catching me, even though you did push me down, but I really must go."

"Wait, no!" he said as she turned around with her stuff. "At least let me know your name. I'm Sebastian Steel."

She turned her head towards him, looked at his dimpled smile as he ran his finger behind his neck, and laughed. "I'm Mira Davis, it's nice to meet you. I'll see you around," she replied back before continuing her way forward.

Sebastian continued to watch as she made her way out of the doors, a small smile staying on his face. The glow of the afternoon light made it seem like she had a golden aura around her, enhancing her beauty. It wasn't every day you meet someone like her.

Mira had long, flowing wavy brown hair. She had emerald green eyes that seemed to light up as she talked, framed by long lashes that seemed to touch her skin. Bangs softly fell down in front of her head, framing her face and making her seem more youthful. Beautiful red lips graced her face alongside rosy red cheeks. Her height was on the petite side, but it added to her attractiveness. Everyone that came upon her would instantly want to know her and protect her; it was an aura that she had that seemed to exude from every breath she took.

He hoped to meet her again, and soon.

She hoped to never meet him again.

She couldn't take another heartbreak.

This is for the #27 Writing Prompt. I hope you all enjoy and please let me know how you found my story. Have a nice read~

MaeDaycreators' thoughts