
Please, someone get me out of this world of swords and magic

Betrayed and abandoned by the people who gave him life. Turned into a tool of murder without the chance to choose another path. Death and blood became nothing but a nasty routine. Tired of all, he put an end to that life. And now a new world welcomes him. Either to be its savior or its doom. Roberto Díaz Medina, the once right hand of the Mexican mafia boss is summoned to another world along with a group of teenagers to become the heroes that will defeat the demon lord. Unluckily for Roberto, the blessing of the gods was not provided to him. Instead, a curse that demands the essence of every living being is his main weapon. A weapon that comes with an evil conscience that waits patiently to take control over his body, and command an entire army of undead beings to erase every light of life in their way. Roberto will have to face many obstacles to go back home. Lethal magical beasts, mad cultists, disgusting demons, and aristocrats are just some of the obstacles Roberto will have to surpass. Whether he uses violence or words, he will try to walk through the path of virtue. But what virtue can achieve a cruel and machiavellian murderer like him? Only results will answer that question. What´s sure is that blood and lifeless bodies will kiss the ground. Hearts and minds will suffer. And new monsters will be born from the ashes of the old ones. Have the gods gone tired and decided to exterminate that world with the ultimate killer? Or is this the most clever of their strategies? Let´s see if the monster in search of humanity can justify the means of its end.

Y0Y1S · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


The ice gained life, Or should it be better to say that it stole it?

In any case. Those who were supposed to be dead walked again.

-They are everywhere!

-Regroup! Evacuate the wounded, we´ll cover you!


Dissolved bodies, severed, burned, or frozen. It didn´t matter the way they stopped breathing, all that was lost was replaced with ice and a frozen face that only knew how to express pain.



Common weapons could not pierce their hardened skin.


-D-Damn it.

Their arms weren´t able to rival against the strength of those without a life to lose.


And their hearts...


They seemed too appetizing for them.



-Don´t kill them!


The zombi stopped with my order.

-Fire arrow.

Bom! *

Centimeters before their claws could open the chest of the ninja, a flaming arrow found its way inside the frozen skull.

-Are you okay?!

-Hah* Hah* Sorry, thank you.

A friendly hand helped him to get up. When they looked around again, they remembered that the being complemented by the ice was just one of many.


The corpse returned to the ice in a puddle of black water similar to tar.

Seems like I can control them at will.

I was amazed and scared. The power of Cocytos seemed to be a handful tool when it comes to fighting a great number of enemies.

The walls, the roof, even the ground. Any place reached by the skill was giving birth to frozen corpses whose eyes shined with a stifling sky green.

If it hadn´t been for the order of not to kill, I would probably have the advantage in this battle.

-First fang; Tiger´s claw.

Fzzzzzuum! *

From the center of the room. Three horizontal blades of wind flew in a straight line and sliced all that was in their way.

I guess it was thanks to the sword, but the wind had an unusual pink tone.

Style before anything eh...

With the adrenaline flowing from my brain, I forced my body to jump between the blades to save myself from a quick death.

Crash! *

That attack was so wide that it easily turned into pieces thirty or forty zombies, and its range, although being a simple straight line, forced me to dodge and watch it crash against the wall of the opposite extreme.


Those dead ones which heads were unharmed rebuilt their bodies with ice and rushed forward once again.

-The head! Destroy the head!

Molly didn´t let that detail escape.

-Dual sword skill; Crossed slash.

Creack! *

In just one movement at great speed, the skulls of several zombies were split, and with them, their bodies lose solid form and kissed the ground in the shape of tar.

-It´s true, we can do it with the spiritual weapons!


With a new spark of hope in the air, the roars shook the ground.

That means, run.

As didactic as it could be to stay and watch all the capabilities of Molly and her ninjas, the fatigue and headache were making havoc with my body. I had taken a potion of mana to avoid these effects, but it didn´t seem to work as well as I tough.

And now the moral of my enemy was above the skies, so unless I order my zombies to make a carnage, I don´t have a way to defeat them.

I left the battle to keep its actual curse, meanwhile, I sneaked to the exit I had sealed, when I arrived I placed my ring in front of the ice.

-Álvaro, melt it.

The ring shot a black fireball. It just took some seconds to make liquid the solid.

-Reinforcements have arrived!

Creack! * Fuuuum! *

A man extremely burly wearing red flaming armor came making shreds out of my zombies.

-Protect the wounded! Make space for the priests and fire mages!

Simple orders, but clear enough.

Those knights in white heavy armor aided, the priests and people dressed in extravagant clothes or red robes raised sticks with flashy crystal orbs.

-Raising sun.


-Drake´s breath.


-Sacred spear.

Bom! * Bam! *

The fire and light joined the battlefield, the zombies disappeared and re-birthed at a prestigious speed between the sacred apocalypse falling over them.

-Aurora´s light.


-Strenght rise.

The priests healed wounds and fortified the ally bodies.

The advantaging skill I had was now being stepped over like a bug.

-Well, it was entertaining, but it´s time for me to go.

Without losing more time, I opened the hatch and started to go down.


With only my mask exposed inside the hatch, Molly tried to reach me with her absurd speed accelerated by the wind.

-Stop her!

I ordered the remaining zombies to stop her advance, all obeyed and with unexpected activity, they fused their bodies.

Krgh* Rghk*

That´s new.

The ice and flesh broke to then join together, the faces became one and the pain turned into hatred.

-A golem?!

Since I didn´t have another way to call it, I stayed with what Molly said.

-Don´t let them follow me!


Three meters high, four arms stuck to a stout torso and heavy legs, human bones covered each limb with sharp spines and in the center was a face filled with rage that hardly moved between the cracking ice.

-Attack the golem!

Flaming spells and lights wither than snow mercilessly razed the creature.

A cloud of blued dust remained after the bombing.

-Did we get it?


The cat maid erased the tiny smile of a non-reached victory.

Krrk* Creack*

-!! Out of the way!

Seconds after the warning, a freezing ray assaulted all those considered as enemies.

-Rise the barriers!

Fardan immediately ordered for defensive measures.

-Light sanctuary.

-Terrestrial hug.

-Sanctified land.

I supposed that it was thanks to my previous orders of "do not kill" and "stop them" but the ray prioritized the creation of pillars and ice walls that restricted the movement, only those who didn´t get into a barrier had their limbs slightly frozen.

Is more intelligent than I tough, Is it for the quantity of the brains?

I wanted to experiment with all the capabilities of the zombies and the skill Cocytos, but that will have to be in another moment.

Creack! * Crash! *

So many cracks got me exasperated, before going I let out one final message.

-My only enemies are the cultists! When you´re more willing to work together let me know by sending your leader to the east forest! I´m warning you that ambushes are not welcomed! You have three days!

Although I wouldn´t blame them if they prepared one, I would do the same.

I descended to the tunnel of the hatch, using magic I created five walls and immediately ran.


That powerful roar will stay recorded in my mind as a reminder of my weakness.

I need to get stronger...

A new priority was born as I remembered the name of one of my targets.

Michael... You won´t escape from me... Even if you´re a prince...

Then I remembered Victoria´s face.

-Right... I need to give her the message.


After running for a while, I finally saw the exit.

-Stop! Identify yourself!

A pair of guards waiting outside pointed their spears at me.

I increased my speed, with the knuckles of my gloves, I moved aside the metallic tips to then knock down both with a quick punch.


I dragged the bodies inside the tunnel.

-Unit six, report, Is everything all right over there?

From the shoulder of one of the guards, a crystal transmitted the voice of someone.

I looked at the skies at the same time my hands destroyed the crystal.

There weren´t any griffon riders nearby, so I ran immediately to the forest where Fei Xue was waiting for me.

On the way, I found some magic beasts, but most of them fled after spotting me while the boldest rushed at their death.


-This is the first time I absorb the essence of a magic beast, let´s see what happened.

After breaking the neck of a gorilla of pink fur and large green fangs, I pulled out my status card.

Roberto Díaz Medina.


[Essence colector]


[Visitant from another world]


[Putrefaction] [Life detection] [Thirst for vengance] [Intimidation] [Name knight (1/5)] [Cocytos] [Manifest the subjects] [Memories from beyond] [Inspection (simple)] [Create curse] [Apply curse] [Connect soul]

Passive skills:

[Fake numbers] [Recolect essence] [Asimilate essence] [Prince authority] [Body reconstruction (low)] [Mana regeneration (low)] [Subjects control (low)] [Mana control (medium)] [Sharp weapon mastery (low)] [Range weapon mastery (high)] [Sturdy weapons mastery (low)] [Danger sensibility (high)] [Last breath (1/1)]


[Succesor of the death king] [Master of the ice calamity]

Too many skills to see.

My eyes automatically focused on one specific.

-Hope it works as I expect.

I saved my card and looked at the dead beast in my hand.


A drop of information reproduced in my brain.

[Poisonous saru] [Rank C] [Unedible] [The fangs and fur can be sold or procesed]

-Simple indeed, but is also the beginning of a very useful skill.

Using the strength of my hands I plucked the four fangs out and saved them inside the pockets of my belt, then I placed the body on the ground and pulled out one of my last throwing knives.

-Money is money.

Then I proceeded to flay the chimp.

I already had experience thanks to the training of Francisco, but I have never done this with a gorilla before, although I was all an expert when it comes to rabbits or deers.

After a while, only a mass of skinless muscles was left.

-You´ll be the food of others, I´m leaving.

With the job done I went to where Fei Xue was.

I arrived at a cave with some frozen wolves of green fur and three tails.

Crunch* Creack*

The sound of meat being devoured mixed with the cracks of the burning wood.

I walked to the source of the noise only to find Fei Xue feasting upon the beast's flesh, she was sitting on a huge rock beside a bonfire that lightened its flames with the grease of the cooking meat.

-If you eat too much you´ll get fat.

-No problem, everything goes to the breasts~.

She said squeezing her own pieces of meat.

Like the gentleman I am, I avoided staring at them... for too long.

-Can´t say anything against that logic.

With a brief smile, I sat beside her while taking out the mask and the agenda.

-What happened to the griffon riders?

-Frozen, but alive, with some fire magic they will be able to defrost them before an hypothermia. Crunch*

-Well, as long as you don´t kill them that´s fine.

Watching her eat got me hungry.


[Timber wolf leg] [Etable]

With the security that I wouldn't die from a stomachache, I took and bit the meat.


It was hard, the flavor was strong and the blood hadn´t been correctly removed, but it was still better than a boots leather.

Damn freak, leaving me alone in that fucking forest with nothing but a knife... Though now that I think about it, when I lived with my father there were times where the neighbors treated us to some fried insects... They didn´t taste as bad as they looked.

Some bitter memories returned with each bite, I didn´t want to ruin the peace of this moment, so I kept eating in silence.

-... Master, Don´t you dislike the taste? I know humans are very careful when it comes to eating magic beast flesh.

I answered the question without stopping eating.

-And you´re right, but as long as it's edible, I can eat almost anything, Crunch*, mmm, Gulp* The insects can be very good rations if necessary.

-Kukuku~, Somehow I can imagine that.

-I´m sure you do, miss superior raze.

-!! T-That was a joke! As perfect as I am, being arrogant is not part of my personality!

-Mhm, yhea, whatever you say.

-I´m serious!


After finishing the meat and enjoy some jokes, we inspected the agenda in profundity.

-There´s another hideout below the cathedral of Aurora and another to the west of the capital, I don´t recognize the names of most nobles here, so they mustn't be very important, in any case, search for competent replacements will be the best for the kingdom and me, I´ll deal with Michael from the castle, if he´s truly confabulated with these people, then it won´t be hard to obstruct his way to the throne.

-Here says that the next ritual will be in two weeks below the cathedral, they might do it before given that we interrupted this one.

Fei Xue pointed at the letter that I was unable to understand.

Guess that now is a good time to ask.

-How do you know?


-The letters... I can´t understand them, Why you can?


Before she could fly away or something, I embraced her and grabbed her wrists to the sides of her body.

-Magic, rituals, language, shapes, and skills. How can you know so much about demons? Why did you make a pact with me? What do you get from all of this?


Fei Xue was shocked and nervous, her eyes avoided mine, but she didn´t resist in body.

-You love to get answers, but you don´t like to give them, Don you think is unfair?


She said nothing, but now we had visual contact.

-Look, we are literally bonded in soul, even if right now you want to keep those secrets, I´ll find them out sooner or later, is better for both if you work with me on this.

-Hmph, You didn´t bit your tongue saying that?

An answer quite... Intense.

-Ho? If you have something to say go on, spare me the indirect.

My words weren´t nice either.

Fei Xue frowned, since I wasn´t holding her strongly she got free from my grip quite easily and thrown her body over mine.

I normally would have stopped her, but there was no hostility from her eyes, and truth to be told, I was also a bit excited to continue.

-What about all your mysteries master? Sure you´re already conscious of how abnormal you are, Right?

With her body stroking against mine and her hands touching a place that hardened with stimulation, we kept our conversation while I savored the soft sensation of her ass swallowing my fingers.

-Hah*, someone from another world called me abnormal, Mmh*, it feels so absurd. Fuu* I also have secrets to keep, Hm*, you can´t blame me for hiding them when we´re basically strangers.

With the heat rising, we both considered that clothes were a bother.

A legendary body I see.

Skin as withe as the snow, a smooth and graceful body that represented the pinnacle of feminine charm, appetizing pink lips that were hiding an aggressive tongue, and stunning yellow eyes with a hunger for pleasure.

The stare at my scars was a deja vu that I preferred not to remember right now.

-The scars, Nnn~*... are the disgrace of knights, Mhm~*... but this- Hya! *

... c-can´t be considered like that...

With my fingers being moistened with her insides and my tongue exploring her skin, I tried to respond with unseating moans over my ear and the tiny jumps she had while stroking my manhood.

-I´m not from this world... chivalry and your customs are not... Uah*... that important to me.

With the inability to restrain more, Fei Xue pushed me down and slowly inserted myself inside her.

The clouds of vapor coming out of her mouth and the sweat covering her skin were the best aphrodisiacs.

The feeling of her walls squeezing and the humid sound of our hips clashing with each other sent my consciousness to a world of pleasure where I wouldn't step out any time soon.

-Hah* Let´s make a deal, you tell me what I want to know, Hah* Ah* and I do the same.

Fei Xue just placed her lips over mine, with enough luck that means "yes".

Mmm... Does this counts as infidelity?...

Yes, probably it does, so I better not talk about this when Lea and Molly are close.