
Evil goddess

{ Pov change }

(Off in another dimension right after Conner got transported a woman that looked to be in her early 20's with long white and black hair could be seen sitting on top of a throne laughing her ass off while holding a glass of wine.)

hahahaaa that idiot really thought I'd give him power's for getting run over by a truck.

How dumb do you have to be to think that?

Well anyhow, it doesn't matter he may have died because of me. But that does not matter anymore. I sent him to the harshest and most fearsome fantasy world under my control.

He will die like all the rest of the irregulars and get his mind erased in the cycle of rebirth, "So have fun Conner in your new hell that you will never be able to escape!"

(While the goddess was stuck in her morbid fantasies of all her victims she just happened to miss that an energy of unknown origin and power slipped through the cracks of her world.)

{ Pov change }

After pressing the button he felt a sharp pain to his head and collapsed right away


Conner After waking up again in this world realized that it was now night but he didn't give a fuck he was too excited he immediately said "status!"

[Name: Conner Maddox ]

[Age: 16 ]

[Level: 4 (51/900)]

[stats: Strength 9

Endurance 7

Intelligence 9 ]

He hovered over the icons and three boxes popped up

[ Strength: The measurement of how much physical force you're able to excerpt and or deal. ]


[ Endurance: The amount of force or impact your able to take before sustaining injures. ]


[ Intelligence: The measurement of the individuals thinking capacity and comprehension. ]

"Yes yes yes I got a system with this I'll be able to become a god in this world and conquer the hearts and holes of every woman I come across!"

(After a couple of minutes of Conner telling the world that it was his bitch! He composed himself and said...)

Quests menu...?

and the corresponding screen appeared with 3 quests on them.

[ "Get some clothes on!" ]

[ Description: ( "You have no clothes!" If you don't want people in this world to think you're a pedophile you better get, and or make some.)

Time Limit: Until sunrise or 6 and a half hours.

Rewards: 15 exp, A map of the nearest town, and a rusty dagger.

[ Penalty: "Lose self-respect and get hunt down by local heretics assuming you to be an escaped sacrifice!" ]

After reading the first quest Conner's smile faded a bit.

[ Learn this world's language! ]

[ Description: ( The people of this country speak a different language and will naturally assume you are retarded if you can't speak the commonly recognized language 99.68% of them speak.)

Time Limit: 1 week

Rewards: 50 exp, This worlds dictionary, and elementary school magic book ]

[ Penalty: Count's brat daughter will assume you're a spy from a foreign country and will torture and cut off your ball sack. ]

Conner was starting to worry but read on...

[ Pass the Pre Exam into a magic or any other fighting occupation school. ]

[ Description: ( This generation's entrance examinations to get into an esteemed school will commence soon.)

Time Limit: 7 and half months

Reward: Based on the schools rank ]

[ Penalty: Have to wait 5 years for the next examination. ( High chance you will die between then and now.) ]

Ok so maybe this world isn't perfect but isn't this a little too crazy for regular quests?

I guess first I need to find something to wear... Conner decided to search around the forest until he noticed a faint fire in the distance.

On coming closer to the supposed fire he heard the sounds of some muffled screams... but that didn't stop him from getting closer to take a look...

once he was around 100+ feet away he saw what seemed to be a bandit camp with around 6 men in ragged clothes and armor and two naked chicks that were getting raped by them...

Hmmm, interesting I think I can make use of this situation.

Taking slow and while having almost inaudible steps. He made it to their tents and started his search for any pieces of clothing or other useful items.

He found nothing, and that's when he saw his saving grace.

4 and a half feet from the nearest bandit, there was a piece of pink cloth on the ground.

Waying his options he decided to sneak up behind them trying to be as unnoticeable as possible and grabbed the tossed pair of panties after thinking about it for a second Conner put them on, and just as he assumed a message box appeared.

[ Quest: "Get some clothes on!" Has been completed ]

[ Rewards: 15 exp, map of the nearest town, and rusty dagger ]

[ Claim ]

Conner pressed the claim button and received his awards.

They really do appear in your hands out of nowhere he exclaimed as he tightened his grip on his dagger.

He then turned away and started to walk, but when he heard the woman's muffled cries he thought back to his little sister and mother in his past life.

What would you want me to do... go in there and die. No so... I shouldn't... go

but every time he tried to take a step to leave he couldn't and so he stopped trying. Turning around Conner made up his mind as he wielded his dagger he crept up behind the first bandit.

while Conner was making his advances and getting ready to stab the closet bandit.

The bandit turned around out of nowhere and noticed him.

Who the hell are you? Why are you naked? No wait are you wearing panties?

By the time the bandit finished talking all 6 bandits had their eyes on him and weapons pointed too.

speak!!! said the biggest one...

Conner was frozen still. Well fuck I'm screwed

Not getting any answers the bandits started to push forward making advances on him.

{ Pov change }

"waking up the inheritance was mad at the fact that an annoying alarm was going off!"

[ Alert host in danger! ]...[ Alert host in danger! ]...[ Alert host in danger! ]...ect

I think it was a bad idea to pick this guy as my partner. He seems pretty... well dumb so how does he have a 9 in intelligence?

I mean look at him he's wearing panties and is getting chased around by 6 dudes...

god, I can already see he's going to be a pain in my imaginary ass. Well, let's see what I can do oh yeah there's the option for custom quests!" clicking on it a creation table popped up... When it did, time in the outside world stopped. He was surprised at first but when thinking about it, it made a lot of sense how else was he supposed to make a quest if it was based on a very time-accurate task.

After finishing up the quest he smirked then hit the [ Accept Quest ] button. If he fucks this up it just wasn't meant to be he said as he decided to go back to sleep.

{ Pov change }

goddess, system... someone save me I'm almost tired out and they haven't even broken a sweat!" dang it, I knew I should have joined track...

Thats when the sound of lighting went off and it started to pour down raining.

but then when all hope was lost a message popped up

[ New Quest Available ]

Conner screamed open [ Quest Menu ]...

[ Great and Ugly Escape ]

[ Description: ( You have decided like some idiot to take on a small bandit party that's higher level than you. Now escape with your life intact.)

Time Limit: ? depends on how dumb your decisions are...

Rewards: 200 exp, a pair of leather peasant clothes, and a poorly made steel sword.

[ Penalty: Death! or more exactly dragged to their camp and get dissected as they cook and eat your flesh... ]

Great, but I kinda need that stuff right now. what to do...? what to do...?

That's when Connor saw it a moving light in the distance that's my chance, with whatever will and energy he had left he dashed at that light to escape his crises hoping to survive at all costs.

Running toward the light in the distance Conner noticed that the light was coming from a carriage the problem was that he was on a very steep cliff, if he is too slow the carriage will go by and he won't get help if he's too fast he might slip and die.

But it only took Conner an instant to make his choice a might and will die are to different levels of risk and so he started sliding and jumping down the cliff and surprisingly he made it down with only scraps and nothing broken.

Even though he was in major pain and bleeding all over he was persistent and ran while stumbling until he made it in front of the muddy road.

Barely in time for the carriage, but it was going pretty fast and didn't look like it was planning to stop that's when he yelled

"Stop there are bandits chasing after me pls help!!!"

Surprisingly it did stop and a butler with grey hair a monocle and a cane walked out. He looked me up and down and drew from his cane a sword and said "Move Heretic!"

Conner realizing he couldn't understand him and the butler was pointing a sword in his direction yelling he started to freak out.

That's when the sound of the Bandits showing up arrived and with the smushing of mud the butler looking over causing some yelling back and forth between the butler and the bandits.

While Conner was watching he notice the butler suddenly swung the blade of his sword in a semi-circle movement that's when Conner noticed something amazing the raindrops stopped falling around the butler and condensed together to form many ice shards.

"It's Magic!" Conner yelled in excitement

The bandits noticing this looked on in terror, the biggest one of them seeming to be the leader quickly bowed his head while in tears saying "pls spare my life"

That's when the butler said, "shut up filth!"

As his last words arrived the ice shards had already burst the heads of the bandits leaving a bloody mess in the wake.

Conner looked on with amazement then horror as the headless bloody bodies of the bandits dropped to the ground.

That's when the head of a young miss popped out of the carriage and yelled "What is taking you so long Shugo!"

The butler looking over said, "Wait one minute miss while I dispose of the last vermin."

Though a few seconds before the blue screen had popped up in front of him telling him he had completed the quest.

[ Quest: "Great and Ugly Escape" Has been completed ]

[ Rewards: 200 exp, a pair of leather peasant clothes, and a poorly made steel sword ]

[ Claim ]

Seeing the box Conner instantly clicked the claim button and the clothes appeared on him and the sword in his hand.

As he turned his head he noticed the butler dashing to him with his sword seeing this his heart almost stopped

He was Yelling "Pls Stop!"

To the butler, he heard the man yelling "Daru karec!"

Noticing the young man's odd behavior he suddenly stopped and called the miss over when she was in front of him she looked him up and down then started talking to the Shugo.

They after a few minutes turned their heads towards conner and handed him a piece of paper.

Conner looking at the paper had no clue what it was then while looking back at them seeing the butler showed a cutting finger motion which Conner understood from his anime knowledge and dripped his fingers blood on the paper.

That's when the girl said "You can hear me now right"

Hearing her Conner said "Yes"

She nodded then said, "Well now you are my property, get on the front of the carriage and be quiet."

Hearing this Conner Yelled "I'm your property? what do you mean?"

With a glare, she responded, "Idiot peasant you entered a slave contract for 3 generations with my family."

"Because we couldn't understand you we had to use the more expensive magic creature one too as it has a built-in communication spell."

Hope you enjoyed the chapter

yourGodcreators' thoughts