
Time marches on

On the other side of town, a teenager is standing on a slab of concrete outside an old burned down building using his power to see his past, only the teenager can see this his shofar thinks he just standing on a slab of concrete watching the sunset.

"[We had little but what we had we shared at that time I didn't have a family but then we were all given up by our parents or so I had thought, we were poor but we were happy until that faithful day that everything changed, One day I snuck into the house of a rich old man It was there that found a golden watch I brought it back hoping we could sell it for food or even better shelter, I put it on so I wouldn't lose it however when I returned things took a turn for the worst]."

"[I had never seen anything like it before if I had only known what it was I would never have been so careless, one moment I'm tinkering with the watch and asking about how dinner was coming and the next I hear a strange voice then the watch began to glow and the others gathered around then there was a flash of light and everyone was gone, never had I felt so sad and lonely it was only after the shock of what had occurred that I realized a fire from the makeshift dinner had started to burn the building]."

"[When news got out that a boy with a strange mark on his body escaped death I was found by the Samaki clan or should I say my grandfather found me , for as long as I could remember I've had this mark it turns out when Samaki clan members are born they are marked with the clans symbol and the old man I stole from was my grandfather one day he told me about my mother and how she died during childbirth and how much he loved her so the day he buried her he realized no matter how much money he had it was meaningless because no amount of money could bring her back and that he has regretted not being there in her final moments]."

"[He then told me I was his successor and that from now on his butler and most trusted friend Takashi would be taking care of me, My grandfather died two days later in the hospital leaving behind only his watch]."

"Sir it's time to go it's getting late."

"Ok take me home."

Back in Hiroshima.

"Hey Kazumi I called my parents they said you could stay with us since your house burned down."

Kazumi looks at Yuki who is smiling.

"Uh, Okay um Yuki all my clothes burned in the fire so can I use your washing machine?"

"Sure, I'll go buy you some clothes."

"Wait we can go together just give me a minute."

"We don't have that much time just takes some of my dad's stuff."

Yuki pulls out an old outfit of her dads for Kazumi.

"You sure he won't mind?"

"Its fine."

Kazumi and Yuki proceed to go shopping they stop at few places until Yuki gets hungry, Kazumi spots a crêpe salesman and buys Yuki a crêpe.

"You know Kazumi despite all of this I'm glad you came to stay with me ,since the year started I haven't gotten to spend much time with you."

"Well don't worry no matter what happens we will always be friends."

Yuki mutters in a low voice.

"Yeah just friends."

Kazumi and Yuki return home and go to their rooms Yuki sits and thinks about the day and how her time with Kazumi felt like a date and that maybe she should try a little harder so Kazumi would notice her.

The next day at school.

"Class we have two new students why don't you introduce yourselves." Said the teacher.

" My name is Harutora Mikagura. "

"And I'm Hinata Kitamura."

"Since it's your first day you can sit anywhere. "

Harutora sat in the open seat next to Kazumi and Hinata sat on the other side of Harutora not knowing anyone else, Later during lunch Yuki walks to Hinata.

"Hi I'm Yuki Nakamura."

"Hello I'm Hinata Kitamura."

"Would you like to eat lunch with me."


A few minutes later some third-year students from the kendo and baseball team start hitting on Hinata and Yuki

"Go away." Said Yuki

The third years continue to bother them until Harutora and Kazumi intervene, The two upperclassmen put up a good fight but in the end they leave saying they would get them back.

Later that day on the way home Kazumi asks if they were okay.

"So you guys ok?"

"We're fine, guys like that just can't take a hint sometimes."

At that moment the third years from earlier ambush the group with the entire baseball and kendo team.

"Told you we'd be back"

"Seriously guys " Says Kazumi.

The group charges toward them Harutora is carrying his sword in a small duffle bag but he didn't want to use deadly force on high school students ,As Harutora and Kazumi make quick work of the groups they face off against the captains of each team , Kazumi and Harutora both pick up kendo swords as they begin to fight.

"let me handle the kendo captain." Said Harutora.

"Sure he's all yours"

They fight for a few minutes and even though Harutora's skill with a sword is almost on par with that of a samurai due to his training from his father his fatigue from fighting the others has made him sluggish.

"I've been training every day since I was a kid you can't beat me your not strong enough." Said Kendo Captain Shuhei

Harutora remembers an old fight he had with his with dad,[Flashback]

Young Harutora had his practice sword knocked out of his hands during practice by his father.

"I'll never beat you, you're much stronger than me."

"A man is truly strong only when he has something he wants to protect."

"What do you want to protect?"

Koharu laughs.

"You'll find out one day until then find something you want to protect and when you do you'll be stronger than I could ever be."

[Flashback end]

"[Dad I finally have something I want to protect.]"

Harutora looks at Hinata.

"[I must protect her!]"

Harutora breaks Shuhei's sword in half striking Shuhei in the chest and knocking him back Harutora then falls but holds himself up using the sword.

"How is this possible I'm much stronger than you"

An almost exhausted Harutora responds.

"no ....you're ...not."

"I won't accept this!"

Shuhei charges Harutora with his broken sword.

"Harutora move!" Says Hinata

Shuhei gets in striking range but is hit in the stomach by Harutora ,Shuhei smiles and grabs him for his strike when all of a sudden Kazumi who abandoned his fight decks Shuhei in the face knocking him out.

" Hey I had right where I wanted him"

"Sure you did" says Kazumi.

While Kazumi is distracted he is hit with a baseball with enough force to break bone.

"Kazumi!" Screams Yuki.

"Don't get up, Or I won't hold back on my next one"

Kazumi rises slowly as the air heats up around him and the leaves and rocks seem to get pushed away from him, Kazumi then runs up and punches right through the baseball bat however Sato the baseball Captain seems almost unfazed and takes a few steps back.

"That was my favorite bat."

Sato then picks up a baseball and throws a fastball toward Kazumi but he sees it coming and moves out of the way.

"I guess no one's ever told you to keep your eye on the ball."

Kasumi then notices the ball wasn't aimed at him but instead it was heading straight for Yuki, Kazumi runs and blocks the hit with his body knocking him into a tree and then falling to the ground as Yuki went to Kazumi the heat emitting from his body disappears.

" Kazumi please wake up.... Kazumi!"

Yuki now mad turns toward Sato her hair rising as if it were floating not fearing her Sato pulls out his aluminum baseball bat and walks slowly over, Yuki quietly utters some words as Sato approaches she says one final word loud enough for Sato to hear.


Sato's bat becomes hot burning his hand drops to ground his body temperature increasing until he's unconscious, Yuki then falls to the ground leaving Hinata and the half-unconscious Harutora to look after them until Yuki woke up and took Kazumi home not remembering much after Kazumi passed out.

Kazumi and Harutora had the worst of it but with a few bandages and due to their stubbornness they were up and about the next day which was good because the fireworks festival was two days away.

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