
please reset the booktitle VanessaNicole 20231218092329 3

Antics of Alexander and Chandler's son Denny from Blind Desires. Cover art by: the_nerd.artist Reviews and comments welcomed :)

VanessaNicole · LGBT+
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6 Chs

Where did I come from?

~ 5 year old Denny

"Daddy, where did I come from," asks my baby boy.

I look at him while taking a bite from my chicken, "I gave birth to you love," I say and his eyes widen.

I hide my smirk by taking a sip from my glass of coke.

"Did you poop me out?" he asks while poking his fork into the baby carrot.

"If I did, do you think you'd be here eating food with me?" I ask and can see his brows furrow while he's staring at his food.

He shakes his head and doesn't comment.

After a while I say, "My love, I'm sorry to say this but you came out of my pee-pee."

The fork in his hand drops clanking against the plate as he regrettably turns his head to my smiling face.

His eyes start glossing and the tears start forming, "Daddy, you wee'd me out?"

I chocked on the carrot, no pun intended and nod my head.

He stands up and walks away, "I'm packing my bags, I want to live with my grandmother."

"Child that woman didn't raise me, what makes you think she'll look after your ass?" I ask him as my eyes follow him out the room.

"At least she wouldn't say suck nonsense to me!"

I nod my head in agreement and don't comment because she kissed me goodnight after sucking my father off.