
please reset the booktitle UnknownPervert 20231218092329 42

Qin Yu, who has traveled to the future Gaowu era, found that he was carrying the computer's copy and paste function, which could not only copy the roots and talents of others but also the strength of the other party. "Ding...The host copies other computer physical attributes: strength +100, speed +10m/s, and gains the ability: hell flame!" "Ding...Host Duplicate Holy Rank Physique: Body of God of War (all attributes are improved after each battle injury recovery!)" "Ding...Host replication ability: time-reversal!" A teenager from Aquastar, as he replicated, again and again, his strength became stronger and stronger. It wasn't until a certain day that Qin Yu turned over a great emperor that the cosmic power clan was shocked to wake up, how powerful this young man from the galaxy is!

UnknownPervert · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Virtual Game World

this power law You can attach the power of mind to the weapon to explode more powerful combat power!

"But looking at the introduction, this martial art seems to have a more advanced version, maybe there are also ground or even heaven!"

Qin Yu thought to himself, after all, this Martial skills can be completely upgraded. This kind of martial skill is no longer considered a kind of combat skill, but it can be practiced according to the martial arts technique.

"I don't know if I can only practice step by step after obtaining these martial skills!? "

Qin Yu frowned slightly!

After all, he does not believe that such a good thing will fall on his head if he obtains the martial arts and martial arts!

"There is still one hundred thousand yuan. It seems that it is time to upgrade my virtual combat instrument. ! "

Qin Yu suddenly looking like a dormant warehouse that looked like a huge instrument placed in their own side!

Qin Yu went to fight alongside virtual instruments, directly open the lid of the virtual instrument to fight!

" But, online novels The stuff inside actually appeared in reality, and things that could simulate reality 100% were really made!"

Qin Yu walked into this virtual combat instrument with excitement! The

virtual combat instrument is a virtual game. The access device of the world. Add QQ3041446938 to remind you, and you can customize the novel you want to read.

In this era, instruments such as those in Sword Art Online that allow consciousness to enter the game have long been manufactured with the

highest degree of simulation and even reached 100%!

It is exactly the same as in reality, and can feel hunger.

I can feel the pain too!

Therefore, the Terran Alliance vigorously popularizes virtual universe access devices.

After all, this is the best auxiliary equipment for training and fighting. You don't need to worry about being killed. At the same time, it has unlimited physical strength!

There are also unlimited resources as assistance!

In the virtual game world, the martial arts level of the human race can be said to have made great progress!

"Dididi... has detected the owner of this virtual universe access device, is it connected to the virtual universe?"

Qin Yu heard a humanized electronic sound just as he lay in!


Qin Yu said directly!

Although I have seen Qin Yu before entering the virtual universe access device many times in my memory, Qin Yu is still very excited if he enters by himself!


However, as Qin Yu's words fell, a terrifying roar instantly sounded through Qin Yu's entire brain. Adding QQ3041446938 can remind you to update, and at the same time you can personally customize the novel you want to

read. The next moment Qin Yu feels that his consciousness is out of his body instantly, and directly rushes into a data tunnel!

When Qin Yu opened his eyes again, he found that he had already arrived in a room, and this room was Qin Yu's personal warehouse!

"Welcome Mr. Qin Yu to enter the virtual game world again!!"

A female voice appeared in Qin Yu's mind, and then a virtual girl slowly fell in front of Qin Yu!

And she is the guiding wizard of the virtual game world!

"Rescan my body, and at the same time, help me upgrade the permissions of my virtual game world to the top level!"

Qin Yu said directly to the wizard.

"Received, start scanning Mr. Qin Yu's body, and start to upgrade the authority!"

Following Qin Yu's words, the guiding elf quickly moved into action.

Every time the user's strength is improved, their body must be rescanned when they re-enter, so that the data can be updated.

After all, the body of this world is made by the general data station. If you do not update the data, even if you are a god in the real world, you will not be able to exert your previous power in this world!

And the momentum of upgrading permissions is equivalent to buying VIP, only the top permissions can use all the functions of all virtual game worlds!

This includes updating the body data and all the right to use all weapons.

And match opponents first and so on!

And his price is ten thousand stars a month!

That is to say, Qin Yu's star coin instantly lost 10,000!

"If everyone has the top level permissions, how much money should this virtual game world make!"

Qin Yu couldn't help but wonder!

Soon all Qin Yu's body data was scanned!

"Dear Mr. Qin Yu, you are now a distinguished VIP. Do you understand the VIP permissions?!" The

wizard's words sounded again.

"No need, go directly to the battle zone!!"

Qin Yu didn't waste time over the authority of these roars!

At the same time, listening to the words of the guide elf, it seemed that he was back to when he recharged the fl membership 100,000 years ago.

Without waiting for Qin Yu to think, his body disappeared into the warehouse in an instant!

The reappearance has come to a huge arena!

A huge virtual screen appeared in front of Qin Yu with several options.

"Quick battle! Customize opponents! Add robots!......"

Qin Yu directly clicked on Quick Fight!

You should know that when Qin Yu used it before, there was only one quick battle that could be used. Now all options can be used after becoming the top level authority!

"It seems that krypton gold can really make people stronger!"

Qin Yu said helplessly.

"Dididi! According to Mr. Qin Yu, your current strength has matched you to the corresponding opponent!"

And just a moment later, the guiding spirit in the sky issued a prompt again!

You know, it took at least a few minutes to line up before!

"Hello! Your opponent's information is:

Realm: Samsung Martial

Arts: The military's first set of kill fists (lower rank)

record: 541 wins / 684 defeats"

and after the guidance sound of the wizard ends. In front of Qin Yu, a young man of about twenty-seven and eighteen years old appeared instantly!