
please reset the booktitle TheShameless 20231218092329 2

In a world full of mystical powers and unbelievable feats, a sociopath from Earth reincarnate. Will he integrate in the society? Does he's sociopathic tendencies stay in he's way? ------- Read the first five chapter, and after that you will have a rough idea of the book! English is not my native language! This book contains taboo topics! ------- The covert is not mine! (If you wanna to be taked down tell me!)

TheShameless · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Deciding not to respond, Lucien turned his head to the stranger, but at the same time he kept an eye on the battle. Right beside him, was a blonde teenager, that was probably taller than him.

"Don't need to be so cautious, also like I said, it will end soon, so you don't need to keep an eye on them."

"That doesn't mean that you can't learn from them"

"Edmund is not even serious, you can't learn something useful from this fight!"

"Your trash is other's treasure"

"Argh… you are so boring, man. Can't you be more energetic or something…"

"Who knows…"


A huge dust explosion covered the entire battle area, not letting anyone see what was happening, even though they enchanted their eyes. Somehow, the dust wall was like an impenetrable curtain for them, it was something that normally wouldn't happen, thus intriguing them even more.

"This is interesting, Edmund, finally start taking the fight more seriously…"

Long light rays, start spreading through the dust and in the final, when it dispersed, everyone seen a deadly burned No.59

'He looks pretty similar to an overcooked chicken…. Ahem, I wanted to say, poor child, he must suffer terrible from the burns!'

'Letting my empathy aside, he's burns are mostly grade two and in some places grade three, I really wonder how much time it would take to heal him in this world.'

Golden particles, after golden start heading towards No.59, who was running how fast he could from them. Blood was pouring from he's body and as well, he's burned skin was falling every time he moved, so it was no surprise when the battle area was now extremely grotesque. Pretty, a lot of people stopped watching and some even throw up, thus contributing even more to an unpleasant view.

"I was right about you!"


"You are more powerful than an average person, excepting us just eleven students still watch the fight right now"

'Damn it! I should have thrown up!'

"I just have some experience"

"Ehh… that's disappointing, now I need to find someone else to fight with me!"

'Phew, bullet dodged!'




No.59 was screaming how much he could, under the pressure of a giant golden hand, that was crushing him slowly. Everyone was covering their ears or resonate with he's suffering, well, excepting Lucien who was just annoyed and wanted to stop the battle right now.

"Mr. Edmund won the battle!"

And as soon the announcement was ended No.59 disappeared without a trace, thus giving Lucien some speculation.

"A short pause will be taken by the jury, please do not leave the coliseum!"

"Is not like we can, eve…"

And before the blonde guy could complete he's proposition, another way of annoying voices invaded Lucien's ears. As expected, all the discussion were about the battle. A part of them praised Edmund's control over he's holy energy, and the other one was complaining about he's brutality, but as well the academy's response in such a situation.

'This is really getting annoying, and not just that, but my antisocial lifestyle is backstabbing me in the worst moment!'


With a powerful clang, two walls start extending from one end of the battle area toward the other one, thus forming a plus, that divided the arena into four equal parts. Also at the same time the blood and the burned skin of No.59 was swallowed by the floor, thus giving Lucien the confirmation that indeed someone controlled the entire coliseum.

"The pause is over!"

"Student No.61 up to student No.68 are requested on the battle area!"

"It seems that is my turn to go, but before that, wish me good luck!"

"Don't die!"

"We need to work on that!"

And before Lucien could complain, the guy just jumped on the battle area, surly he'll be a headache in the future.

'And that's how I got adopted by an extrovert… ahem, back to my train of thoughts, from what I could see the holy energy have spec…'


'Damn it! If I found the announcer, I strangle him but not befo…'


'I can't even think ten seconds in peace, cuz someone is interrupting me! Just wait until I found you and…'

Putting he's displeasure aside, Lucien started to watch on the battles, starting with he's adopter. He was just playing and blocking from time to time the attacks of he's opponent. With no doubt, Lucien know already the winner, and so he moved his head toward the lower-left corner. The battle was pretty intense, they're power level was similar, so every mistake made by any of them could decide the entire battle. Moving to the other lower corner, Lucien found the same situation, bored by the situation Lucien moved to the last upper corner, where he found an interesting battle. The first one was extremely powerful and slow, as for the other one, it was the exact opposite, fast and weak. Truly interesting, would strength triumph or speed and agility?

"No.67 won the battle!"

'So my adopter is No.67, good to know, now I won't need to awkwardly guess he's name, this truly is a blessing!'

Looking a little bit after No.67, Lucien saw him going towards one of the entrances.

'It seems that he have some work to do, hmm… or maybe… nah, I'm too paranoid, but perhaps…'

"No.65 won!"

'Damn you! I would really…'

The two remaining battles were pretty boring for Lucien, but at last he learned some tricks from the speedster and discovered a better way of saving he's cursed energy, even though he didn't know exactly he's limit.

"Student No.69 up to No.76 are requested on the battle area!"

Hearing the announcement, Lucien tacked his hand from he's jeans pocket, together with a black card.

<Student ID>

<Lucien Evans>


'Hopefully I'm No.73, and I will not end in an awkward situation.'

Finally, he was in front of he's opponent, a tall teenager with a bored look on his face.

'Is he's eyes naturally? Edmund could be an albino, but you are different…'

"Ewww, what are you, some weird?"

'It seems that he has sharp vision, does his red eyes have other porpois…'


'Ahh…it's finally the time to eliberate the accumulated annoyance and violent impulses on my guinea pig… ahem, I mean opponent!'

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