

​Life always fucks you so hard to make you live your own boring shitty life. But it is our responsibility to get it done and change our life. Life does not change itself rather it fucks you and messes with your life until you start to enjoy that rather than complaining about that. Life gives us several problems such as failure, heart breaks, broken relationships, people leaving us, empty pockets, stress, depression, problems, real life nightmares, physical pain, mental pain, etc. in the end all we get is pain and misery. To be frank I have been through every phase of this life but I did not stop right there, I kept going until I reach a destination that I was destined to. It does not happen as it is until we work for it. ​There is a saying that I am personally attached to which says, "The rich and rats can live any life they dreamt of whereas the poor and fucked have been trying to survive and forget about living." Because life does not want us to get back up so that it can stop fucking us. Some people settle for their shitty life and even convince others to stay on that thin line of survival too. But I am not ready to settle for this shitty life I want to do something so that I can be different from this normal society of beings. ​I can feel how life fucks you up because I have been through each and every phase where life fucked me so hard thinking that I would not back up but I did. Eventually I started enjoying the pain that life has been trying to give me all the time. It is all in our head, we fear we lose, we believe we win that is it.