
Empty pockets

​Empty pockets can teach you many things in life being defendant on someone for your life. It is like living in hell which is really a fucked up thing. ​I have been in this hell of a shit for the most number of times. ​Even failures are nothing bigger when compared to empty pockets. Because empty pockets can you teach you many things compared to failures. ​It is not like a failure, it hits you so hard like a fucking hurricane and smashes you completely. ​I have seen many people who lost their dreams due to empty pockets. To be precise I am one in this kind too. Because now in this fucking modern world nothing speaks better than money. Money is the new language nowadays. ​It can make you whatever you don't want to be. Or just fuck up your life in ways you cannot even imagine. ​I have tried everything since my childhood to be independent but it was not as easy as I imagined how it would be. It was so hard in the beginning. I tried very hard to earn by myself. But earning a penny was not as easy as just getting it. You have to work hard and hard until you can get something from what you do. I have been through this phase, losing things I don't want to, sacrificing things I don't want to. ​Who is going to be better example for losing everything in life due to empty pockets except Karl? ​Karl was just a normal guy from south side who has always wanted to get to the west side or the north side but could not as the only barrier between him and his dream was just money, piece of paper. Just a fucking piece of paper that is not worth his life or any fucking life out there alive. ​Karl was not able to do anything for his well-being. Though he was good in his studies and even though he had several talents inside him but all this fucking society of douchebags need is a pile of fucking piece of paper. ​He was good in his studies until his schooling. But once when entered college all the society needed was money rather than his intelligence and his projects. ​He was good at cracking any possible code in a computer that a normal person can think of. And can hack into any possible computers that are around the world. He was one of the best hackers on the south side but he was not able to get any help from anyone around him. He was in a platonic relationship with a girl called Addison Morgan which gave him a lot of pain but also gave him a life. ​Karl was like having a 4.8 GPA which was one of the highest on the south side but he was not ready to get out of there leaving his friends and girlfriend behind. Though he wanted to go there badly but was not ready to go there alone leaving everyone behind. South side rules right, yes we do that the fucked up doesn't want to leave the other fucked ups behind. ​Karl finally got into the final year of high school but was not ready to get to the west side without leaving his curb behind. ​Though his professors asked him to get to the west side but he was not interested. But still the professors were not ready to waste Karl's intelligence. So they asked him to go there but Karl was not ready to. Still he gave some brochures for Karl to pursue his career but due to his empty pockets he was not able to get there. ​However Addison heard this and saw those brochures in his room, so she decided to get him what he badly wanted in his life. But the application fee was around 400 dollars which Karl did not have and that is why he did not apply for that. ​Addison tried hard for a week, she even risked her life by selling drugs and vandalizing stuff without Karl even knowing about anything that Addison was trying to do. Finally she got the money, Addison even plagiarized several essays from the internet for Karl's admission to several colleges on the west side. ​Finally Karl got an interview from the Boston University which he did not know that he was applying for. However he knew that Addison would be the only one who is going to do this for him. Still he was not ready to get there even though he had a scholarship. But the representative from Boston University just asked him to reconsider his offer giving him a day time. ​Eventually Addison made him apply for that Boston University and got him into it. Though he had a scholarship still he had to pay for his necessities in that country but he was not ready to ask to his family. Rather he decided to work there and make his own money. ​He got into a restaurant and worked as a dishwasher in his free time from the university. But still he had to study for his college as his grades were going down as he was not finding any time to study due to his work. This was not a big problem in the beginning but as days passed he was not able to concentrate on his studies rather his grades started declining leaving him at the heights of his nerves. ​He was one of the toppers in his high school but things were different there. Though he had into one of the biggest universities and had intelligence like one of the greatest minds in the country. ​He could not say this to his family or Addison but to work harder until getting fucked up. However Karl was good at what he does but with empty pockets his life was just fucked up. Still he was trying hard but things were still harder on the west side. Due to this shitty life he finally turned out to be an alcoholic and a womaniser with his life going down to hell and further. ​He was alone and separated himself from the south side. He had not picked up calls from his family or Addison. Still Addison tried calling him and every time it was getting re directed to Karl's voicemail which he did not respond too. ​He was alone with a shit load of problems around him and on his head it was just his fucked up life going around again and again. He could not concentrate on his studies anymore and his grades were down. But that is when he fell in love with a professor who he thought was a student. He starts flirting with her without knowing that she is a professor, eventually he came to know that Courtney was a professor but still he was into her. Courtney was happy about this too. ​Though Karl's life was fucked to the core but still Courtney and Addison were the only hope in his shitty life. Still his grades were down though Courtney helped him with his English grades his grades were sucked in the other subjects mainly with his physics major which he needed the most for his future but were not able to cope up with his studies. ​With his pain in his head the relationship between Karl and Courtney was rumoured out eventually the whole school came to know this. According to the code of conduct of his university this was prohibited and so he was out from the scholarship provided by the college and was suspended. However Courtney took the blame on her voluntarily so Karl can continue in the college but his room was taken from him and he had nowhere else to go. He got in with a drug peddler eventually for money and a place to live. Now Karl was changed into an alcoholic, womaniser and a drug peddler which tied the cops onto his back. Slowly these things started to spread by a word of mouth in the university making him one of the most dangerous guys in the college and because of that the professors and the management were always on his back trying to fire him as soon as a complaint rises against him. ​And the whole college was always on his back at him even for a small thing. That is when he was late for his exam just for a minute or two but was prohibited from writing the exam. This took him on his nerves. He was so fucked up because without this exam he must study there for another year and he was preparing for this day and night. The college thought that he will be out of the league if they do this but what they had in mind did not happen. Rather he was high on drugs and alcohol as he got them all in handy. He does not know what to do without his consciousness with the drugs taking control over him with the fucking anger in his head Karl broke all the windows of each and every car in the parking. Though the securities saw him doing this he managed to escape them. But soon after escaping them he was blacked out due to alcohol poisoning and was admitted to hospital by an unknown 911 caller. ​A week later Karl got his consciousness and opened his eyes to see himself on a hospital bed with drips being injected into himself with his hands being cuffed to the hospital bed. Surprisingly there was Addison sitting right next to his bed however she was passed as she did not get enough sleep for the past week looking after Karl. ​Karl got up slowly without waking up Addison but could not. He started shouting like it was the last day of his life. He was completely berserk. So the cops came in and asked him to remain calm but still he was shouting like hell. However Addison managed to make him calm while the doctors injected Valium to make him clean as he was resisting every other drug even Oxy was rejected by him as he was always on his drugs. He became calm but still couldn't sleep and resisted to the drugs. That is when Addison told everything that had happened over the past week after he fell unconscious and out of his mind. ​That evening Karl was arrested for vandalising private property and was taken to jail by the cops. The court demanded a ten grand proposition for letting him out on probation or getting him in a correction facility for three months. As he was not having that huge sum of money he was sent to prison. Though he is good now without alcohol and drug he was out of the league by his university with a big black mark on his application. Hence he cannot apply for any other of the best universities or internships. His dreams will be just dreams. Everything that happened in his life was due to empty pockets and living in a shitty neighbourhood without much to live. Addison broke up with him too because of his anger issues. Now Karl just opened an Alcohol addiction and narcotics addiction facilities for others like him and became an AA and NA sponsor for his fellow south siders. But still he was not able to chase his dreams so he just got into a normal nine to five shitty job in a motorcycle company. ​Life fucks you wherever you are or whatever you do. It is your fucking responsibility to decide whether for getting fucked up by life or fucking the life right up. ​It is in your hands motherfuckers to live up to the full extent of your life or just live the life. So win to get out from the empty pockets and shitty life. ​Because a good life is waiting for you on the other side win to see it or lose to get fucked up by everything around you for life.