
please reset the booktitle Shelia_Grant 20231218092329 54

What if there was a zombie apocalypse? What if the day would repeat itself? What if you where stranded on a island? What if...? A story following 3 teenagers who will have to find a solution for every "What if...?" situation. And if they don't, they die.

Shelia_Grant · Horror
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12 Chs

What if the Day Repeated Itself? (Roman)

The trio woken up in the small white room they immediately recognized from before.

"Not again," Agnes said as she sat up, with her back against the wall.

The screen lit up and the lady appeared.

"What if the day repeated itself? You have no idea for how long. Will it ever stop repeating? Oh. And just to make things fair, you will each be in your own time loop. It can last from repeating once to well, the end number is not that important. And each one of you will have different length of your loop, but I am not telling you the exact numbers."

The screen turned off and the three of them fell asleep yet again.

Roman woken up by the sound of the alarm. The nostalgic music, that woken him up every day when he was at home.

"Was it all a dream?" He said to himself as he looked around. Everything was as he remembered. Not a single thing out of place.

"I guess it really was all a dream."

He went downstairs and greeted his mom, who was making pancakes.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked cheerfully.

Roman shook his head, "No, I had this weird dream. It was so crazy."

She looked concerned, "Would you like to talk about it?"

He nodded and then began explaining everything. From them stealing an ancient artifact to them getting trapped in the coffins.

"Wow, sounds scary. Well, I'm glad it's all over. Here, have some pancakes," she gave him a plate, started with them.

Roman bited into the pancakes. "Delicious. Thanks Mom."

When he finished the breakfast, he got ready for school. He looked himself in the mirror once and then went out the front door.

He lived close to school so he just walked there.

"Why, do I have to be the youngest one? Oliver and Agnes already finished high-school, but not me," he thought to himself and sighed.

The school day was boring as always. Finally the last bell rung and Roman was on his way home, when he tried calling first Oliver, and then Agnes, but to his surprise nither answered.

"Mom, I'm home!"

Roman's mom was cooking in the kitchen. "Welcome home."

Roman walked upstairs and threw his school bag on the floor.

"Lunch is ready," his mom called, and Roman quickly ran down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Is Dad not home yet?" he asked.

"No, not yet," she replied and handed him the plate with food.

Roman quickly eat everything up and went upstairs to watch a movie, he planned on watching for the longest time, but never had the time to.

"Roman?" asked man's voice.

Roman quickly paused the video. His dad was standing in the doorways.

"Hi, Dad." he said, and smiled.

"Look, what I brought you!" his dad handed him a bag.


He opened it and saw a comic series, he was telling his dad about for the longest time.

"Thank you, Dad! You're the best!" he said and hugged him.

His dad then left the room and Roman picked up the comics, and sat on his bed.

Hours went by, and before he could finish the last one, he saw how late it is and quickly got up. He took a shower, cleaned his teeth and went to bed. It didn't take long, when he finally fallen asleep.

Roman's alarm woken him up. He quickly got up from his bed, and walked downstairs, greeted his mom, who was making pancakes.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked cheerfully.

"Pancakes, again?" he aked happily.

"What do you mean, 'again'?" she asked confused.

She then handed him a plate, filled with pancakes, and when he bit into them, he recognized the taste.

They were same pancakes, he had yesterday.

"No, it couldn't be," he said in shock of realization.

"No, no, no."

His mom looked concerned, "Are you writing a test today, you forgot about?" she asked.

In the movies he watched, in the books and comics he read, fake people were always difrent from the real ones. Like a freckle out of place. Way too kind and caring. But it wasn't this way here.

Everyone and everything around him was a perfect replica.

"No. I feel bad. I wanna stay at home today." he said and ran upstairs.

He searched his whole room, but there wasn't a sign of comics, he remembers reading.

He then opened his computer. The movie he was watching yesterday, wasn't marked as such. He then looked at the date. The day really repeated itself.

"Fuck!" he screamed as he slowly started crying and sobbing.

His mom got concerned when she heard him crying, as so walked up to his room and knocked on the door.

"Go away!" he screamed in distress.

"Roman? If there is something wrong, we can talk about it."

"Go away! You aren't my mom! This whole thing is such a bullshit!"

She opened the door. "I am your mom. And you could be a little more respectful. I can not help you if you don't talk with me," she said with an angry tone.

"You wanna fucking know? Fine. I'll tell you. I am stuck in this PSYCHO game made by god knows who! And worst of all I'm not even with Agnes and Roman! But obviously YOU WON'T BELIVE ME, BECAUSE YOU AREN'T REAL!" he screamed on the top of his lungs.

The he saw her typing on her phone.

"What are you doing?" he said with a terrified face.

"It's for your own good, Roman."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"What do you mean!" he repeated himself.

"One day you'll understand that what I'm doing for you is good," she said as she slowly backed away.

Roman stared into his reflection in the mirror. After a few minutes he heard the police sirens and then walking and talking from the kitchen.

His face was pale from fear, when a bunch of policemen stormed into his room and pushed him to the ground, knocking him out unconscious.

He woken up by the sound of the alarm. The moment he realized the day repeated itself again, he wanted to scream, but stoped himself.

If the day is going to keep repeating no matter what he does, he might as well do something with it.

"I am stuck in a time loop, so what should I do?" he asked himself.

He thought the comic series he didn't finish, but then remembered that his dad didn't brough him that yet. He then picked up his phone and mindlessly scrolled through it until his mother called for lunch.

He ignored the call as he didn't want to tuch anything made here. But after some time he realized he was too hungry too go on like this. Defeated, he went downstairs.

"Is everything okay, Roman?" his mom asked.

"I just," he paused for a moment, "feel sick. But it's alright, I'll just sleep it off."

He then ate the lunch and went back upstairs. He finished watching the movie, he started that day, when his dad walked into his room.

"Roman?" he asked.

"Hi, Dad."

"Look, what I brought you!" his dad handed him a bag.

"Thanks," Roman took it and turned around. Then his dad left the room.

Roman finished reading the comic and then went to sleep.