
Chapter 1

I'm running as fast as I can trying not to get caught. And all I can think about is how they killed her they really killed her. Then I hear a howl and I'm all of a sudden paralyzed with fear .... I turn and see three wolves stalking towards me. And I think if I'm going to die I'll die fighting so I pick up the rock closest to and throw it hitting one the wolves square in between his eyes. So pick up more and keep throwing

———————Zane's POV————————

I stalk the badger and wait until it's guard is down then I take my chance to pounce but just as I was about to pounce I heard a scream."dad did u hear that?" I ask "yeah son I heard it" my dad said " what do u think it is?" " I don't know but I'm going to find out stay behind me" so I followed him. "Son stay right here and don't move " he said " yes father" I answered my dad ran out with his fangs extended. Then I hear growling and yelping I run and I see a girl around my age lying unconscious and my dad cornered by two werewolves one attacks him from the front and the other tries to attack from the back and I launch myself at it with my canines extended I chop down on it's neck and start to feed till every drop of blood in his body is gone. I turn to see my dad holding the girl." We have to get her back to the coven now"

We start running towards our coven. When we make back to our coven and go straight to the elders. Once we make it to my father ask me to stay by the door and wait. So I stand next to the door and listen to my dad beg the elders to turn the girl and save her life they agree but say he'll have find some one willing to take her in and my dad says "I know just the person ".